Wallpaper, Bnet Improvement, Civilization, Death Baneling

Wallpaper Vote

The Wallpaper Contest is now over and there are 30 submissions. The vote is going to be split in 3 batchs of 10 submissions. You will have 2 days to vote for each batch.

No Battle.net Improvement at Release

They say they will fix annoying bugs such as afk host for launch. However rework of the custom map listing is not planned for release.

Quote from Xordiah:

We have been monitoring the feedback around the map publishing features and the custom game functionality and we are aware of the need for improvement, especially for finding custom games and promoting your maps. The most pressing issues are going to be addressed by launch or in the first patch after release. Things like the abandoned lobby issue for example will be one of the issues that are going to be solved for launch.

We really appreciate all the great feedback we have recieved from you over the past weeks and months, which helped us find issues and think of ways to improve the system. The custom game and map publishing features will keep evolving to include more and better ways of searching, sorting, to include more testing options and a better UI.

Civilization Wars by God_Deathwing

This map concept is really nice. It's a board game in real time. You basically move your forces between points and capture other points by making big troups. This is definitively a clever use of the Galaxy Editor.

Death Baneling by Upcios

The version 1.1 of the Death Baneling has landed. This is a really polished game with custom sounds, textures and interface! Avoid banelings and stay alive for the many different rounds!



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