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    posted a message on [Solved-ish] Using Damage Response to Trigger Stacking Shield Regen Buff

    Damage response refused to trigger the effect for whatever reason. I changed it to a passive with periodic effect pointing to the Set, and it works perfectly against the validators.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Selecting "Any Unit"?

    I'm newer to the SC2 Editor, but in SC1's map editor, there was an "Any unit" selection.


    What I want to do is select all units owned by a given player, then do some logical checks with that list of units. "Any unit" would work perfectly with other functions already built-in to the trigger editor, but I can't find such a function.


    Do I instead need to create a unit group that includes all units owned by the player, and have unit spawn by the player add to that record?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Solved-ish] Using Damage Response to Trigger Stacking Shield Regen Buff

    In reply to DrSuperEvil:

     Will do that suggestion. I'm validating the unit with the damage response.
    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved-ish] Using Damage Response to Trigger Stacking Shield Regen Buff

    I'm trying to implement a passive that increases shield regen through three separate buffs if shields are below 90, 60, and 30% (same buff effect, different names).


    What I've done so far is create 3 always-on passive buffs for each level with a damage response that validates against "Shields < 90%" (and 60, 30). The validator is a Compare that checks if the Target unit is less than 90% shields. The response then "handles" an effect that triggers the Active buff that does the shield regen increase. The active buffs themselves last 5 seconds, but should constantly refresh as more damage gets triggered and the validator gets fulfilled.


    Only thing is, the effect is never handled by any of the passives (evidenced by the active buffs never showing up on the unit), which leads me to believe the validator is constantly failing.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Showing Cooldown of Death Response

    Couldn't figure out how to keep everything hooked up and add that. Ended up just adding a disabling behavior and letting the cooldown be shown through that (when there's no debuff, it's up).

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Showing Cooldown of Death Response

    I'm confused on what you're saying to do. The existing MU plugs into other things attached to the ability (it also does a knockback and deals damage to units knocked back). I'm not sure what to modify.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Showing Cooldown of Death Response

    I have a unit that is restored to 100% health when it is killed, with a 60 second cooldown. I've got a button that explains the effect and I'd like to show the current cooldown remaining on that button. "Time Use" is the part of Death Response being used to store the cooldown.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Abilities Not Scaling with Upgrades

    Added all associated units to each section, and it didn't fix it.


    Now, I think I found out the issue. For sake of ease of later editing, I split the Abilities into categories based on their classification. By that I mean, I have starting heroes (split by role), later buyable heroes (split by race), and a catch-all regular units for all else (not split at all). However, these abilities are affected by the same upgrade as weapon damage. I do not have the same Abilities > Upgrade connection in the tree that those upgrades do.


    The only problem is I don't know how to "hook up" that connection.


    EDIT: Turned out it was a case of needing to be "hooked in" with the corresponding basic upgrade using triggers. Fixed.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Abilities Not Scaling with Upgrades

    No. Would that 'fix' it, per se?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Abilities Not Scaling with Upgrades

    My map has 100 upgrade levels for abilities, with each level supposed to add 20% to the damage amount for each ability.


    I currently have the upgrade data set to multiply the existing damage Amount by 1.2. However, in game the scaling does not seem to apply.


    Secondarily, I have data-referencing tooltips that are supposed to show the damage numbers. Those do not update in game. I do not know if they are related.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Enforcing Maximum Number of a Building Type

    Thanks for the full answer. It helped a ton.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Enforcing Maximum Number of a Building Type

    Okay, call me stupid, but I can't find which box matches up to that. Do I need to create a particular requirement before getting to the box, because no box I've looked at in the Requirements section has the words Less Than.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Using Energy as a building cost instead of other resources

    As the title. I have a builder that uses energy as its resource, rather than minerals, vespene, etc. How do I adjust the energy costs for this builder?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Enforcing Maximum Number of a Building Type

    I'm working on a map with builder units. For balance reasons, I want to restrict how many of each building can be built for each player. How do I do that?


    For example:

    Bunker (3 max)

    Missile Turret (5 max)

    Posted in: Data
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