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    posted a message on How can I make the geyser(s) give more gas when depleted?

    @maverck: Go

    That looks like it may work Maverck but i think you need to check to see what the current ammount of gas left in that Extractor is

    maybe a condition that says if gas = 0 then change it

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on I keep failing and i am getting fusterated :(

    @b0ne123: Go

    He doesnt need 2 triggers for this...... and hes gonna have to make more as it is for his other player spawns

    get rid of the inner if and go straight from killing the entering unit to spawning the scv's nothing else is required

    and i would suggest using ...... remove unit rather then kill unit when .... destroying a unit for purposes like this

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on So is there any point is continuing my Map's Development?

    Right on,

    In the end blizzard will make adjustments to how players find games. The truth though is that so many people are making maps that its hard to get recognized. If its anything like wc3 alot of the enthusism will die out for alot of people trying to make a popular map. But the Hard Core mappers will keep up. If your not really a hard core mapper and not really into the development as a fun way to spend your time Id suggest you, not start your own project unless you really enjoy working on one.

    Dota took years on wc3 to actually get to the point that it is at on wc3.

    Take a look at most the other games in wc3, most of it is simple mini games nothing too complicated.
    So imo its not much differnt from wc3 i made alot of wc3 maps but they never got played lol. although I could host my game and name it in the join screen as "help me test my map" and id ussually get a few people to help me test stuff. Unfortunately this isnt currently possible so its hard to find testers online. But like I said they will be making changes to it. As it stands now im sure they are getting sick of the whining coming from this website alone.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on I keep failing and i am getting fusterated :(

    Sorry for it looking like gobbly guck dont have a very good way of displaying coded text and making comments too it.
    if you read though i made some notes on some parts of your code.... The if then statement you use should be removed because you dont need any of the conditions it it.

    Unit - (Triggering unit) Enters Hydra

    Local Variables:

    (Owner of (Triggering unit)) == 1
    *Check For Unit Type here as well Inless you want any unit that enters this region to die and spawn scv's you should check triggering units unit type**

    - Unit - Create 5 Hydralisk for player 1 at (Center of Spawn Team 1) using default facing (No Options)

    - Unit - Kill (Triggering unit)

    - General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
    (Owner of (Created unit)) == 1 * REMOVE THIS REDUNDANT and this should be Last Created Unit .... Created unit implies somehting else that and you already know you made these units for player 1 so why check it again?

    ((Created unit) is alive) == false * REMOVE THIS Unessacary and my fail due to the unit not dying fast enough *
    ((Created unit) is in Center) == false THIS CONDITION DOESNT MAKE MUCH SENSE
    Unit - Create 4 SCV for player 1 at Start Location 001 using default facing (No Options)
    * is this a preplaced region or an actuall start location I would suggest this should be an actual region *

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on I'm getting double spawns

    Your current trigger looks like its possible to have your civilian que up two waves at once.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Problem with kill counter


    First Create Global var call "PlayerKills" make it an integer type and then set it to be an array with max of 15

    Second Create a Trigger called "Kill Tracker"

    Events - Any Unit dies

    Conditions - Owner of (killing Unit) != Owner of (Triggering Unit)

    Actions - Set Variable (PlayerKills[Owner of (killing unit)] = (PlayerKills[Owner of (killing unit)] + 1))

    Then you can just use the players number to get his kill value out of that array

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Spider mines to attack cloaked help

    First make a list of all the Behaviors and Effects Linked to the "Spider Mine"

    Next step is to go through every single one of them and look for "flags" and "requirements"

    what your saying is that it is detecting the units but its not attacking them...... which tells me the targets arnt valid for the actual attack/ ability

    can you tell us if the command the spider mine uses to suicide is actually a "weapon" or "abiltiy"

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Pitch black maps

    it requires setting the lighting on the map and modifying it i suggest you spend some time learning how to modify the lighting on the map

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on How do you apply weapon upgrade via trigger?

    you may need to disable tech tree requirements ...

    It would be easier to directly modify the units weapon through Set Catalog Field Value

    If you really wanna do the upgrades then i suggest placing a building with your custom upgrades and try actually training the upgrades and the building to verify they work before trying to level the upgrades through triggers

    BTW it would be easy enough to order that placed unit to train the upgrades it has available.... but thats more for testing .

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on No point in creating more maps - popularity sort

    Quit whining OMFG

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Randomly Choose Trigger and Run It?

    I would do this like so
    Var Int = Random Number 1-3

    -if Int = 1 then run trigger 1
    -if Int = 2 then run trigger 2
    -if Int = 3 then run trigger 3

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Proof that the Popularity system is not the main issue..

    I personally like to sit down with my favorite smoke and play a couple games of nexus wars to kill time while im not working on my own maps.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Proof that the Popularity system is not the main issue..

    Maybe its just me, but shouldnt people just enjoy making their maps and not worry about how popular thier maps are.

    Quit your bitching please, most of your maps are probably less fun / more complicated then Nexus Wars

    ..... so what do you expect

    people play custom games to relax. If they want a real game they play a real game.

    I mean seriously there are 1000's of people making custom maps. Do you really think people want to play your map that bad. Think again.

    Should really come to the map making with a view that chances are nobody is gonna play your map except you and your friends. Granted Blizz has already stated that they will be revamping the whole custom games list / search features. Be patient and enjoy your creatations.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Weapon range measurement


    The range on weapons sure doesnt seem to be the same distance that triggers return distance wise between two points.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Dynamically Adding Abilities

    Im actually going to be attempting this using weapons not abilitys on comp controlled units so i dont need to add the command card entries but
    the command card properties are all in one big array .... if you were to piece together the values for this array at run time im pretty sure you could get it to work such as

    Player selects 4 abilities from 20 then create required data strings/arrays for command card data fields
    then insert them

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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