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    posted a message on Buildings With Custom Choice of Units.

     - how to make a trigger that will set the difficulty of the computer player to easy, hard, elite & etc?

    Download please mod: " TEST change bot level "
    You can write in chat:

    By analogy, in triggers come up with more yourself.

    In the Event field, select:
    - by chat message
    - by combination of buttons

    In the Action
    - set bot difficulty
    - can be done to all bots if you play 2v2

    An error occurs when using. No idea how to get rid of it. But it works!

    - Also something else I wanted to know was how do I use triggers (not map editor tools) but triggers to make buildings be able to build a specific unit of my choice

    Your triggers for build "AI" or "AI Advanced". You can try to search for functions by description. I'm bad at this. It's best to go to Discord.
    or Force AI to build certain units at a certain order or AI Development

    Hope you get more help.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on SC2 - Map Editor: help with triggers

    In reply to tsiryu00:



    There are three options to make a periodic event:
    1. in Event: timer - every xx seconds of game
    2. in Event: timer expired (start repeating timer earlier)
    3. in Event: empty. Run trigger and use Wait with xx seconds.
    If later you need to change the periodicity time (variable), then it is better to use options 2 and 3 (for example: you will add attributes to the lobby with a choice of time options).
    It's better to use option 2.

    Your mod in Google Disk

    I tried to use the comments and correctly format the code.
    I hope you understand.


    By the way:

    This forum has been dormant for a long time.

    The form is used mainly to search for information (someone has already done something before).

    Better to use Discord.

    Official site channel SC2Mapster


    Best Wishes.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on A bit of help with some triggers

    Dear Camilaa45334!
    The task is actually average, but there are a lot of features. Depending on where you plan to develop the topic.
    I hope the translator will convey my idea well, because I am a native speaker of another language.

    You need to track in Events: Any Unit dies
    In Actions, make a check through If: the one who kills the unit is equal to Dehaka, Then

    - !be sure to record the number of kills in a variable in order to process it later.


    - you can directly make changes from the trigger to the data of the unit (immediately change the life), but I did it through my functions, since I needed to change the lives of any unit on the map. You can do without it (functions). This is also why I have a unit race index, since I did not take into account a specific unit, but any.


    - I have comments in Russian, unfortunately


    You may also need:
    - change the size of the unit (there is an example, do not forget that the unit has 3 parameters - width, length, height, and you need to divide the indicator by 0.3333)
    - change the radius of the unit (this is important, since the unit can become very large)
    - change its movement speed (it will seem that a large unit moves slowly, in fact, this animation adjusts to the size of the unit) (similar to life)
    - attack power, including for different types of unit (there is an example, you will need a benavior in Date)
    - attack speed (there is an example)
    - armor (there is an example)
    - amount of maximum energy (similar to life)
    - the amount of maximum life (there is an example)
    - attack range if needed
    - either add any types of attack and so on


    I sent you an example file. You will have to parse it in detail and translate the comments. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1u5J0DEGEJWrNEOOfZFqizcvvjkf_mt5u/view?usp=sharing
    Also, this site is a little empty xD
    True, the site has an excellent database of topics. Now most people sit in Discord https://discord.gg/6bJEUN6P from this site. You can find me there too.
    Although I mostly belong to another Discord server (Russian).

    I hope this example will help you understand your question a little!

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Change game speed in a MOD file?

    I'll just leave it here.
    For memory.

    mod Change Game Speed in Lobby

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Player Comparison Condition?

    In reply to youngral_999:

    Well, how can you not see it anywhere?
    Here's an example:
    Created a local variable _player as an integer. There is a listing of players from 1 to 12 and a comparison with the player's race.

    You can also use a switch.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Worker count trigger?

    In reply to kabel_gossen:
    I'm sorry! - no use "length", use please "widht"

    Create Dialog Item (Label)
    Widht: 150 - try using 180/200

    Height: 18 - try using 40/80/100 [Text is too tall...] - I think, it's problem

    , so it turns out in the size of the last dialog. Otherwise, I have no idea what the problem is...

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on how to change behavior buff via trigger action catalog-set-value?

    For example, I created my behavior. It is necessary to be careful about what to enter into the field path.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Worker count trigger?

    For some reason I get this error message whenever a worker enters the game: TextError: Text [Workers:12] is too tall for a single line. Exceeds by [3]

    You created dialog. Next you created item in dialog, where you show your text: "Workers + Convert Integer to Text".

    My guess is that this message does not fit in length in the item. Try increasing the length of item.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on How to set a maximum amount of resources players can have?

    In reply to kabel_gossen:

     easy https://drive.google.com/open?id=12cKh2i9vERO3izQKvP2GtgCSSqasFJpq
     only I have attributes and comments in Russian - you will understand, I hope ))

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on How do I change the loading screen of an extension mod?

    In reply to sc2ggamer:

    I do not know if you solved this problem
    but here is my solution - it's works on the second start of any maps with a mod

    (if relevant)


    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on ScreenLoading Image in Mod


    Please tell me if you know how to do it:

    I want to replace the boot screen (ScreenLoading) in Mod.

    My search in this site didn't return any results.


    How is it done in the Map:

    Map - Map LoadingScreen - Custom - Image

    But, in Mod I can't find such this menu

    And I'm trying to use GameUI


    For example

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
        <!--this creates a full-screenloading image-->
        <Frame type="GameUI" name="GameUI" file="GameUI">
            <Frame type="Frame" name="UIContainer">
                <Frame type="Frame" name="ScreenLoading">
                    <Frame type="ScreenLoading" name="ScreenLoading">
                        <Frame type="Image" name="BackgroundImage">
                            <Anchor side="Top" relative="$parent" pos="Min" offset="0"/>
                            <Anchor side="Bottom" relative="$parent" pos="Max" offset="0"/>
                            <Anchor side="Left" relative="$parent" pos="Min" offset="0"/>
                            <Anchor side="Right" relative="$parent" pos="Max" offset="0"/>
                            <Texture val="Assets/Textures/ScreenLoading3.dds"/>
                            <Width val="1920"/>
                            <Height val="1080"/>
                        <Frame type="Image" name="LoadingImage">
                            <Anchor side="Top" relative="$parent" pos="Min" offset="0"/>
                            <Anchor side="Bottom" relative="$parent" pos="Max" offset="0"/>
                            <Anchor side="Left" relative="$parent" pos="Min" offset="0"/>
                            <Anchor side="Right" relative="$parent" pos="Max" offset="0"/>
                            <Texture val="Assets/Textures/ScreenLoading3.dds"/>
                            <Width val="1920"/>
                            <Height val="1080"/>

    You can see I tried to use several options, but, it doesn't gives results.

    I use file "GameUIOverride.SC2Layout" in the Import (F7) and this file is attached in Data - Game UI Data - Default SC2 UI Settings - (BASIC) UI: Custom Layout Files.

    File "Loadingscreen.tga" is also in Import (F7).


    Posted in: UI Development
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