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    posted a message on How to Make the AI build bases and train units in non-melee

    To help the AI build bases and train units effectively in non-melee formats, here are some strategies to consider:


    1. Adjust AI Scripting: Ensure that your AI scripts allow for both base-building and unit production. The AI may prioritize building structures over training units due to how the scripts are set up. You can modify the scripts to create a balance between the two tasks.

    2. Create Dedicated Triggers for Unit Production: Set up separate triggers specifically for unit training. If the AI is only constructing buildings and not creating units, verify that the unit production triggers are firing correctly and not being overridden by other commands.

    3. Resource Management: Check that the AI is managing its resources effectively. In non-melee formats, the AI might not have enough resources to build units. Ensure it has access to necessary resources and consider adjusting the AI’s resource-gathering behavior.

    4. Prioritize Unit Production: Modify the AI’s priorities to give unit production a higher importance. This adjustment can help ensure that after a certain number of structures are built, the AI shifts its focus back to training units.

    5. Debugging AI Behavior: Utilize debugging tools to monitor the AI's actions in real time. This can help you understand why it might be getting stuck on building structures and not transitioning to unit production.

    For additional tips on managing AI behaviors, consider checking the resources available at dubaiwebdesign.com. This can provide further insights into scripting and optimizing AI functionality in your game.

    Posted in: AI Development
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    posted a message on How do I make my own Starcraft 2 map?

    To create your own Starcraft 2 map, follow these steps:


    1. Open Starcraft 2 Editor: Launch the game, and from the main menu, go to the "Editor". This is Blizzard's official map editor for Starcraft 2, also known as the Galaxy Editor.

    2. Create a New Map: In the editor, click File > New. You'll be prompted to select the map's size and the type of terrain (e.g., desert, jungle). Adjust the parameters according to your preferences.

    3. Place Terrain and Units: Use the toolbar on the left side of the editor to modify the terrain. You can raise or lower terrain, place water, and add cliffs. After setting up the basic layout, go to the unit placement tool to add buildings, units, and resources (like minerals and vespene gas).

    4. Add Triggers: Triggers are events that happen during gameplay, such as unit spawns, special effects, or victory conditions. To add triggers, go to the "Triggers" tab and create conditions for various game actions.

    5. Adjust Gameplay Settings: You can tweak the gameplay mechanics, including victory conditions, through the Data Editor. Here you can also modify unit properties, abilities, and more.

    6. Test Your Map: Once your map is set up, go to File > Test Document. This will load the map as a playable Starcraft 2 game so you can see how everything functions.

    7. Publish Your Map: When you're happy with your creation, you can publish it to Battle.net by going to File > Publish. You'll need to provide a name, description, and some basic settings for how players will interact with the map.

    For more detailed tutorials and help, you can find guides in the Starcraft 2 Map Editor community or forums. Good luck with your map creation!


    Posted in: Off-Topic
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