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    posted a message on Stopping camera suddenly

    If I use the action "Follow Unit Group with Camera" and then have a trigger that "Unfollows" all units on the map, it takes a second before camera control is restored to the user. It seems like it has to finish its first Follow command. Is there a way to immediately return the control to the player?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Disabling /dance

    @DuckyTheDuck: Go

    Worked perfectly! Thank you!

    You can even still send Actor Messages to units to invoke the dance and cheers if you want to do that arbitrarily, which is wonderful. This just disables the use of "/dance" and "/cheer" by players controlling their own units.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on ending game when all players left?

    @strhsxx: Go

    Use "End Game for Player" action.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on ending game when all players left?

    The first sentence of my post will still apply no matter what your approach, so I suggest you start with that and work your way toward the solution.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on ending game when all players left?

    @strhsxx: Go

    I have a trigger with event "Player Left Game" and inside I have all the necessary logic to check game state and determine if there is a need to change state. It sounds like you need to mark each player as "active" or not. I actually keep an array of records and each record refers to a player. One of the record properties is "boolInactive" and I set it to True when a player leaves the game. I can then check if there are any active players still on a team and, if not, take the appropriate action.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Enlarging minimap

    When I try to override the MinimapPanel.SC2Layout in any way, I get "Attempted to add a desc child with the same name as an existing child: MinimapPanel". I also get an error message along the lines of "Frames of type: MinimapPanel are restricted to Blizzard's use only" or something like that if I try to create a variation of the minimap using a separate layout file where I change the name of "MinimapPanelTemplate" to "MinimapPanelTemplate2" and invoke that into a dialog item.

    My ultimate goal is to enlarge the minimap (or have an option to do enlarge it), and I assumed layout files were the solution. Is it even possible to enlarge the minimap? If so, how?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Minimap camera indicators

    Is it possible to show camera indicators of other players on the minimap? I'm referring to the trapezoidal outlines that indicate what is currently being viewed by a given player.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on How do I count the number of players in a game?

    I have confirmed this. In my "Initialize Players" action, I loop from 1 to 14 (max number of players in my map) and check to see if Status of Player is not Left The Game AND Status of Player is not Unused. I'm not 100% sure that fixes it, but so far I've not seen the problem since making that change.

    FYI this means you can never rely on "Active Players" built-in group. I keep player data in arrays of records and have a lot of loops because I want things to be in order, but if you don't care about order then just create a corrected Player Group that represents the "truly active" players and assign players into this group at the beginning of the game using a similar method that my Initialize Players action uses.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Question about hotkey

    @nimbusqwe: Go

    Create a Trigger with Events Key Pressed and assign whatever hotkey/modifiers you want in that event. Then in the Actions section, open your dialog.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Disabling /dance

    @DuckyTheDuck: Go

    I did that and now the units just pause for the same period of time instead of doing the animation. I need the units to completely ignore the "/dance" command, not just pause instead of dancing. Is there a way to do this through Editor or am I stuck learning an external model editor?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Disabling /dance

    @SnyderGuy: Go

    Can you be more specific? I went into the data editor and I'm not finding the dance animation anywhere in Units or Models. I don't have much Data experience. Thanks.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on I'm stumped: weird problem with Buttons and Bnet lag

    Another suggestion: use Timers as cooldowns when buttons are clicked and in the trigger attached to the button, add a Condition to ensure the Timer has expired.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Disabling /dance

    If you are allied with someone and have Shared Control set to On, you can select their units and if you type "/dance" or "/cheer" and those units have those animations available, they will stop what they are doing and do that animation before proceeding. Is there a way to turn off this ability without turning off Shared Control? I'm fine with a solution that disables these animations altogether, including for your own units.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on De-creeping trees

    When creep covers trees, they change their visual appearance to reflect creep coverage. When the creep is removed via "Remove Creep" method, the trees do not turn back to normal green. Is there a way to get them to return to their original state?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Trigger Error]Dialog Buttons, Images and Tooltips

    @bulletbutter: Go

    That error is telling you that the system cannot find a valid checkbox which you are trying to check/uncheck. You need to make sure that all your dialog items exist before calling on them.

    Posted in: Triggers
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