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    posted a message on Publishing to all regions

    I would like to publish a map in all regions but am currently limited only to NA. If possible, I'd prefer to publish to other regions without relying on other people. If I buy another copy of the game, can i activate it for EU, for example? Can I do this on a single machine to "unlock" regions when publishing in the editor? Has anyone else done this successfully?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Triggers in a Mod

    @Talon0815: Go

    I'm trying to follow the method of adding the lib+id+gt_ etc via text editor. I setup a new Library inside a mod, copied/pasted my Trigger code (getting all sorts of warnings), then I viewed the script and I copied out all the script into an external text editor and replaced all those occurrences. My script looks good now as far as I can tell.

    Now my problem is that I can't figure out how to re-import this as a Trigger library. On the Mac side, it looks like the built-in script editor is basically broken (doesn't let you edit stuff). On the Windows side, when I paste my code back in, it pastes about half of it then it freezes up (Not Responding). I have a lot of Triggers, but this seems strange. Any ideas?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on PEEPMODE: New maps, new features, new video!

    @mnadeau1992: Go

    Unfortunately, it's not possible to contain multiple terrains since maps are limited to 256x256. Recent interviews with Blizzard confirms this is not going to change any time soon.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Placing images on the ground

    Is it possible to take a DDS file and place it on terrain using triggers during runtime? For example, imagine custom decals that appear on the ground next to a command structure. I know I can place Actors at a Point, but how can I get a simple 2d image to be displayed on the ground? Alpha blending is very important too!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Common Sense 101 (Triggering Edition)

    @TacoManStan: Go

    Okay good insight on the For loops with Breaks. I am doing that sometimes in my code...maybe I should switch those to While loops for performance.

    What is the best way to profile one's code? By profile I mean figure out what parts of the code are slower than the rest? There are all sorts of profiling tools for common languages like C, Java, etc, but I'm not sure if there are any tools available to SC2 modders? I mean, let's just get right to the bottom of this and figure out what takes longer to run and when...

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Xel'naga trigger help.

    @BasharTeg: Go

    As far as I know, the Trigger Police are incorrect when they say "don't use nested For loops". Blizzard fixed those a while ago, so no need to continue to fear the For loop.

    @TazacSC: Go

    I was new to Triggers about 4 months ago and now I'm getting pretty comfortable. How did I get there? (1) Research existing threads on this site (2) Hack around in the editor (make lots of little maps to test ideas) (3) Don't give up. I spent about 100 hours in the Trigger editor before I felt like I "knew what I was doing". SC2 modding is for folks who enjoy "poking around" as opposed to having a well documented API.

    I feel like I've given you enough info in my post to get you started on your research...have fun!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Modding existing GSL map

    Bit of a noob question here. I'm trying to start with a GSL map and add some modifications to it (specifially Bel'Shir Beach). I have started a custom game using this map in bnet, so of course it had to download it. However, it appears to be locked as I can't seem to find the SC2Map file, nor can I seem to open this through the editor when I search for it in the Map/Mod by Name feature. Is there any way I can get my hands on the SC2Map files of the GSL maps??

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Solved] big, flashy buttons.

    @Xtremedesyr: Go

    Sounds like you should research some existing threads on this site...search the forums a bit. Hint: Save as DDS, import; to make rollovers work you need to combine them based on image type (such as "End Cap").

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Blizzard should add...
    • Secure banks
    • Ability to rank players globally
    • Dynamic array sizes
    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Xel'naga trigger help.

    @TazacSC: Go

    Untested: Do a Unit Count within a region around the point where the Xel'Naga tower is (circle with radius is probably what you want). Then loop through all players and set Shared Alliance Aspect (visibility) of player 0 to each player based on unit count.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Common Sense 101 (Triggering Edition)

    @DogmaiSEA: Go

    Overall great write-up of Best Practices.

    Suggest you add a section about variable, function, and action naming conventions. For example, for variables I tend to use camelCased C-like conventions based on type, such as:

    • intMyInteger
    • txtMyText
    • imgMyImage
    • etc

    Based on what I've read and the fact that I've used nested For loops many times with good performance, I suggest you remove the section about using While loops over For loops. You're simply suggesting a more difficult path afaik.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on PEEPMODE: New maps, new features, new video!

    Sony sucks.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Observer UI as a Dialog Item

    @Molsterr: Go

    Link to thread?

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Triggers in a Mod

    @Talon0815: Go

    Okay that's interesting thanks for info. Right now the easiest solution for me seems to copy/paste entire trigger set into each new map. It takes longer to open/save/close file than to copy/paste the triggers actually so it's pretty manageable as long as I'm not doing it every day. Re-linking all my vars in library would take hours and hours and I'm not comfortable editing the code directly at this point, but if I start a new project, I'll be sure to begin that way.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Triggers in a Mod

    @xKenneth: Go

    The problem with libraries is that anytime you make an update to a library, you have to export and then re-import into every other map.

    I can't actually even get this method to work - my scripts keep failing to compile in various places when I include as a library. I can, however, always copy trigger code in entirety to other maps. I'm using the same code in the same order in both situations.

    In any case, an ideal solution would be truly *one* place where I update code and then it's automatically "distributed" to all the maps it's applied to....just like how Mods work. To me, the difference between a Library and a Mod would be about half an hour of my time.

    Posted in: Triggers
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