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    posted a message on Hiding ally selection indicator

    If two players are allied and Player A selects one of Player B's units, Player B will see a dashed selection halo/circle around the unit that matches the color of Player A. Is it possible to hide these indicators? In attached screenshot, I am referring to the outermost red dashed circle.

    Also, would it be possible to disable this for Player A, but not for Player B?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Select multiple units + not allowed to control them

    @stevehammon: Go

    Genius! Thank you!

    I actually didn't want to disable everything...Minimap and Ping I want to keep...not sure about Modifiers (doesn't seem to affect Ctrl or Alt selections if that's what Blizzard means by "modifiers"). What I needed to disable was: Buttons, Hotkeys, and Smart Click.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Select multiple units + not allowed to control them

    @stevehammon: Go

    Yeah it's probably not feasible to get into the guts of the system to do event canceling and things like that - you'd have to re-program the game client in some instances. I'm pretty sure it's not possible to change a player's status (to spectator) once in-game. Seems like being able to update certain player attributes/properties is broken actually.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on TImer ina dialog

    I wouldn't use Timer windows...they are garbage. Just like the built-in "Leaderboards". Trash. Replace them with Dialogs and Dialog Items and use periodic triggers (pref just one master periodic trigger for performance reasons) and check Duration of timer and set Dialog Item text based on remaining time of timer.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Select multiple units + not allowed to control them

    @stevehammon: Go

    I am trying to simulate how things work in a replay or spectator situation. Go ahead and open a replay from a pro gamer and select multiple units. Click on a control tab to select all those units. This allows you to learn from how they are assigning their groups and to see army composition. Casters do this all the time. Now go into a normal game and try to see the control groups of your ally and/or see what units he has inside by clicking them. Simply doesn't work.

    This feature came as a request from a user. Since this is provided as standard functionality in replays and for spectators, I strongly disagree that it's a "huge change to the core gameplay".

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Select multiple units + not allowed to control them

    @stevehammon: Go

    Let me clarify: I need this on a per-player basis. It's an observer situation. One player is watching another player and should be able to share control groups and select multiple units but *not* be allowed to control that other player's units.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Looking 2 Hire Someone For Something Romantic

    This is an awesome way to propose. Don't let the nay-sayers knock you down. Great story for the rest of your life. Although if you did the modding yourself, you'd get uber-points. If we're talking over $1k here, PM me. If not, you're probably not going to get anything of great quality. If it's just a scripted walk-thru on a map it'll take probably 20-40 hours to develop. If it's a full-blown game with custom assets it could take thousands of hours (and thousands of dollars worth of developers' time).

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Functional TPS camera for multiple players?

    @Cabalistlbb: Go

    I'd suggest getting familiar with the list of Camera functions in the Editor. Go to create a new Action and then select Camera from the left list to filter on just the Camera functions. I end up using Apply Camera Property and Pan a lot. Most of the camera controls will take a player (integer) as one of its parameters, so you can control individual player experiences that way.

    If you provide more detail about what you're trying to do, perhaps I can be more specific.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on lobby options problem

    @playlessNamer: Go

    As far as I know, there is no way to do what you want. Lobby options are pretty limited...and frustrating.

    It would be nice if you could create Player Attributes and then assign specific players to see them. The only options currently are Host, Self, All, and None :(

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Trigger Troubles

    @deleted_7920358: Go

    Oh I see, you're not assigning all available minerals on each loop, you're carrying the leftovers over to the next loop. I guess I thought you wanted to distribute all minerals each loop, which you could do following my algorithm. If the current code is what you want, awesome.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Trigger Troubles

    @deleted_7920358: Go

    Sorry I misspoke...meant "modulo" function. Use google - 'tis our friend. Looks like SouLCarveRR hooked you up anyway :) I'm actually not sure his code will work for you either (doesn't seem to match up with what you want exactly), but perhaps that's my misunderstanding.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Publishing to SEA

    @FuzzYD: Go

    Although the SEA/NA client can connect to both regions, you still need valid accounts on both. So, unfortunately, you can't publish on NA until you purchase an account or find someone else to publish your maps.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Trigger Troubles

    @deleted_7920358: Go

    Doesn't look like the math in that code corresponds to your written statement of how it should work.

    First, I'd do an integer arithmethic function: intBaseMoneyPerPlayer = (MoneyPerTeam / TeamMembers) and add that to each player's minerals

    Second, I'd take the remainder of the last function (using modulus) and then select unique random players to give 1 each to.

    If you don't like the random approach, then you'd need flags on each player to record who got an "extra piece" last cycle (or "extra piece" sum) and to favor those who did not get an extra piece last time (or lower numbers in case of sum). In any case, you'll still have to pick a player arbitrarily in some cases, and distribution theory says both methods will work out to "about the same" after a large sample set.

    Happy coding :)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Publishing to SEA

    @FuzzYD: Go

    If you have the disk space, just install all the clients for any region on your local machine (make sure you install in different directories or they will obviously overwrite each other). I have SEA, NA, and EU all running on the same machine and I can publish to all 3 regions by running the 3 separate Editor programs. You can also use the SEA client to connect to NA region, so I end up having 5 shortcuts on my desktop: NA Editor, EU Editor, SEA Editor, SEA/NA Client, EU Client. I had to purchase accounts for all these regions but now I can publish and play on any region from one machine without registry hacks.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Select multiple units + not allowed to control them

    I would like to have an ally be able to select multiple units, but not be allowed to control them. The only way I can find to allow multiple unit selection is to enable Shared Control (Alliance Aspect) from Player A to Player B, but that of course allows Player B to control those units. Is there some way to:

    (1) enable multiple unit selection without also giving shared control?


    (2) cancel an order from Player B so it never reaches Player A's unit?

    Posted in: Triggers
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