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    posted a message on Unexploring

    @xKenneth: Go

    That's interesting...would I need to do this for every single structure unit type that I want to hide (which is all of them)? Or is there a more automated way to make this effect all unit structures?

    Also, the visibility of players is based on a dropdown menu that can be changed anytime by a player. So whatever buildings are on the map at any given time (could be completely arbitrary), they all need to be covered during runtime via a trigger that is launched after someone changes their selection in the dropdown menu.

    Essentially what I need is a function that "forgets/hides all structures on the map for Player X" at an arbitrary time during runtime so that I can then just share vision with another player, thus bringing back only the structures they "know about".

    I'm trying to simulate what happens when you're observing a replay and you can select different players to observe. This function "forgets" buildings and I want to have the same effect.

    Just messed around with Send Actor Message to Unit and setting Visibility to False actually still doesn't get around this - when I make them visibile again, they show up in the minimap where they were before...darn!

    Thanks much!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Bank noob question

    I have a "save bank" and "load bank" action. The only Bank actions in the save are Store string (storing a StarCode string) and Bank - Save bank. I can save and then load within a game fine. I can get values to change between saves/loads.

    My problem is that if I try to load the string before saving it in a given game instance, it will return a blank string. I can open the SC2Bank file and see my value there as saved from the last game just fine, but the game is simply refusing to read the file. Once I save the bank explicitly, I can then load to my heart's content for the rest of the game.

    So...why is that I need to store a string and save a bank file in a game instance before I can reload that data?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Unexploring

    @xKenneth: Go

    That does not do what I need it to do, which is forget building locations. See attached implementation of your suggestion. Type "share" and "hide". I even implemented the necessary Wait .1 seconds that I found needed to take place between Unsharing vision and Unexploring to "forget" fog of war of other player.

    Any other ideas?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Un-researching

    @xKenneth: Go

    Looks like you're just replacing an existing unit with a new one. Let me clarify the problem: The problem is that every unit created *after* downgrading still has the shield in its wireframe. So I could keep replacing them all day and they would all have the wrong wireframe. The issue is not with the unit, it's with something deeper.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Replacing Black Mask once discovered.

    @DrakenStark: Go

    I'll double down on the necro: I am having trouble with "forgetting" the location of buildings. When Player 1 turns off Shared Vision with Player 2, Player 2 can still see a snapshot of all the structures that Player 1 owned before he turned off shared vision. Unexploring and Black Mask seem to have no effect on this. How can I make it such that Player 2 has "forgotten" the locations of buildings?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Unexploring

    @xKenneth: Go

    Enabling Black Mask visibility doesn't have any effect on remembering where a structure was. In fact it doesn't seem to have any effect at all in my situation. Any other ideas?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Un-researching

    @DogmaiSEA: Go

    All out of Oreos or something?!

    @Alzarath: Go

    That would be ideal if I could do it with 1 trigger out of the box without having to alter Data. Any specific suggestions for accomplishing that?

    @Siretu: Go

    I'm a Data Editor newb so I'm assuming I need to create an Effect...other than that....I'm totally lost. Unfortunately all my time is consumed with Trigger editing these days and this is such a minor bug I probably won't spend much time on it, but if anyone else knows the solution, I'd be most appreciative.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Use the observer UI

    Looks like Rodrigo has figured this out based on current state of iCJug maps. I PM'd him but he has not responded (not sure how active he is on this site). Does anyone else know how to enable the observer UI in a normal game? Guessing it's sc2layout files but not sure where to look. Thanks.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Un-researching

    I have encountered something I find a bit strange. When upgrading Marine Combat Shield to 1 using triggers, then reducing it to 0, you end up with the correct non-shielded marines as far as units themselves, but the wireframe in the UI (green thing to the left of the portrait) still has the shield upgrade. Anyone know how to switch this back to non-shielded?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Hiring mapmakers for a project

    @Dresnia: Go

    Um, third party observation: If someone is offering to pay for something, how can that person *possibly* be stealing it? You can negotiate price without resorting to ridiculous accusations.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Unexploring

    Let's say I have Shared Vision set to On from Player 1 to Player 2. I then turn Player 1's Shared Vision to Off toward Player 2. Player 2 can still see Player 1's buildings and revealed area (although behind fog of war) since Player 2 hasn't "forgotten" it. How can I make it such that Player 2 "forgets" everything that Player 1 was able to see? I thought that "Visibility - Change visibility to Unexplored within (Entire Map)" would work, but it's not working...Player 2 can still see a snapshot of Player 1's buildings from the last time Player 1 had Shared Vision set to On toward Player 2.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Copying code between maps

    I'm posting this in the Triggers section because that's all I've really worked with so far. Right now I have developed a bunch of code that I can apply to different maps by (1) importing my custom DDS images, layout files, style files, etc (2) Making map/player config changes (3) Creating some special objects/effects in Data Editor (4) Copying trigger code from other map (5) Adjusting any code that hooks into map points/units (6!) Fixing all the broken lines of trigger code

    This process is taking me about 2 hours per map because step 4 (copying trigger code) results in a bunch of broken/red lines that I then have to go in and fix manually. I've tried re-ordering the code to minimize this, but ultimately I'm not sure why some lines are not copying correctly.

    Am I going about this the wrong way? What's the best way for copying/pasting entire sets of code (folders of folders of actions/triggers, about 100 in all) to another "fresh" Blizzard melee map?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on PeepMode "Observer Pranks"

    Please see http://forums.sc2mapster.com/player-zone/map-feedback/21475-peepmode-ultra-spectator-maps-vid/#p1

    After implementing some banking functionality (next up on my list), I plan on creating a system whereby observers of melee matches can buy/execute "pranks" or cause semi-distracting effects during a match. This may be turned off by vote if it is not desired by the group. I've brainstormed a few ideas for pranks:

    • Spawning several doodads in a local area for a limited time (wandering pack of animals in the middle of your base)
    • Creating a patch of weather effects (such as rain) for a limited time
    • "Birdstrike" - spawn a bunch of flying doodads (need to be careful about not creating too many or else vision of units below will be blocked)
    • Placing actors on the ground for a limited time (such as a pile of cash)
    • Having sounds play for an individual player to taunt them
    • Shaking both player's cameras for 5 seconds
    • Setting off fireworks at a location for a limited time

    My goal is not to "disrupt" the match or to tick anyone off, but to add a fun activity for observers to do while watching the match. It would cost Chips to execute a prank and there would be a substantial cooldown between pranks so there wouldn't be too many of them. It would probably get old quickly if there were constant pranks going on.


    (1) Do observer "pranks" sound like a fun game mechanic? Or is this a bad idea?

    (2) What other ideas do you have for "pranks" that don't cause too much disruption to the game? They should not affect game mechanics, but instead be purely visual/auditory.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Trigger Exercise #4 - Bank me!

    @nevjmac: Go

    Just my quick 2 cents: using banks to store global ranking (top players) seems out of the question to me. That was never the intent of bank files, even if we want them to function in that fashion (believe me, I would love to be able to do global ranking). Several problems come to mind, the first of which is limited space in bank files compared to unknown number of players to track. Second is management/propagation of distributed global list (essentially you'd never be looking at the "whole picture"). I'm just about to get into banking on my maps so these comments are completely separate from any technical problems you might encounter...these are just based on my understanding of how banking currently works.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Screen Saver...

    @CaliberMengsk: Go

    Great idea! The only issue I can think is that with screen savers (if you use them instead of just having your screen turn off), you generally don't want to be running your graphics card to the max, but then again some folks like to do that. Personally, I just have my system sleep to conserve power...screen savers are sort of a thing of the past to me so this map won't apply to people like me, even if I think it's a cool idea. If I want to watch some SC2 in the background, I'll load up an observer map like 1v1 Obs or PeepMode, which follows the action for me automatically and has real live players, so the scenes are more interesting as well.

    Idea: I don't think this is possible, but it would be awesome to be able to have different locations/tilesets within the same screenaver. Or if you built a map with a few different locations, you could cycle among them to make it more interesting scenery.

    Looks like you're using a very similar camera treatment used on PeepMode faceoffs:

    Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/YmZ64QqD5d0?fs=1

    Works well!

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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