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    posted a message on How to display Damage in a floating text?

    @Jinxxx123: Go

    I would say go play NOTD once and open that map and see how they do it on there, I know when their units crit the number shows over their heads.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Siege Breaker damage - how to modify

    I'm working on customizing units for my map and I've run into a problem with Siege Breaker damage. I want to edit their damage. I figured out how to edit their damage vs targets like light/armored/etc but the problem is there are like 7 Arclite damage mods and I don't know which ones I need to change for it to properly apply to the tank. Do I need to edit all of them? Just one? I know I have to edit the friendly fire separately as well, I just need help with which of the Arclite damage effects I need to adjust.

    There are


    Friendly Damage (I know this is for friendly fire)
    Enemy Damage (editing this one didn't change the value on the unit)
    Dummy (this one seems to change the damage but not on the unit?)
    Directed (does this mean when you target a specific unit manually?)
    Blast Set

    Which ones do I need to modify so that it does proper damage across the board to enemy units and have it display properly? Thanks in advance.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Problem with huge amounts of 'extra' data Like 'attack Copy 4/5/etc'

    I've been trying to make a custom Photon Cannon by duplicating it in the data editor to figure out how to make it work, now I have stuff like 'Photon Cannon attack Copy 4' and was wondering if there was a place to reset all the modifications I've made to the unit data so I can start over (or preferably just remove the copies by hand so later when the map gets more refined I can just remove the few mistakes)? I have triggers in place that I'd like to not have to start a new map with and for future reference I'd like to know how to remove these. I've already deleted the duplicated Item but I can't figure out where to go to get ride of these copies?

    I know the copied items are green and I have been able to reset a few of them by selecting them and clicking "reset linked object to parent" but I don't know what that is doing and am not sure if when I highlight it and the blue ones if I'm messing something up.

    Thanks in advance and sorry if this is posted somewhere I couldn't find it .

    Posted in: Data
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