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    posted a message on Missile Barrier Ability

    Check how Defense Drone is done. Create a buff that executes Search Area effect periodically. This search area should apply (make sure to check "missile" in filters") another effect that will add a slowing buff to each missile around. I'm not sure if setting movement speed to 0 will work on missiles, so you can always set time scale to 0.01, effect will be the same. Now only add this buff to your unit when shield is active.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Adding Exp to a unit

    @Darttagman: Go

    No need to initialize variable for it, something like this should do:

    Unit Gains Exp
            Unit - Any Unit dies
        Local Variables
            (Owner of (Triggering unit)) == 2
            Unit - Set Nexus [18.50, 16.50] Experience to ((Nexus [18.50, 16.50] Experience (Current)) + 1.0)
    Set Unit Property
        Unit: Nexus [18.50, 16.50]
        Property: Experience
        Value: Arithmetic (Real)
            Value 1: Unit Property
                Unit: Nexus [18.50, 16.50]
                Property: Experience
                Current: Current
            Operator: +
            Value 2: 1.0
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Adding Exp to a unit

    So check what unit experience is, add 1 to that value and set it then.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Rocks behavior, recieve damage only when a+clicked

    Check what flags rocks have set and set the same for your Xel'naga Tower.
    My guess would be "Destructible".

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] Stripping Down a Unit to Be a Doodad

    Find a field "Unit->UI:Minimap radius" and set it to 0.

    For the first part. Why don't you just spawn a doodad and create relevant pathing blocker unit beneath them?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on MSG From Blizzard.

    Thank you DogmaiSEA for giving us this possibility. Maybe something good will come out of it.

    Feature: Statistics for authors

    Priority: 1

    Use: I know that statistics are usually boring, but for me personally they can be really useful. In addition to global data like: Total Number of Players, Total Number of Unique Players, Total Map Starts, Average Time Played, Average Time Played without games lasting less than 2 minutes, etc. (whatever comes to your mind could be here - the more the better), I would also love the possibility to have my own statistics controlled by triggers. Just set of counters that I can increase or decrease by specific trigger, from which I could check for example, on which part of my map players give up often, where do they die the most etc. If for example 80% players would die 10 times on a second boss this would give me an idea that maybe I should change something. These data could be accessible from "Manage Published" option in editor.

    Other or additional idea would be to create one server-side bank per map where I could store interesting (for me) values. This could also be controlled by triggers and accessible from "Manage Published".

    Feature: Bug Report

    Priority: 2

    Use: Similar how reviews are handled, but only for bugs. Many people report bugs in the reviews section already and it is good, but I feel that this isn't right place for it and often bugs influence the score itself. Maybe it would be good idea to split these things up. Also, great addition would be to allow author to respond for these bug reports in usual bug tracker fashion, checking one of the options: Fixed, Not Fixed, Not a bug - its a feature, Future Development; as well post some comment in response to each report.

    Feature: Map size increase to at least 512x512

    Priority: 3

    Use: Seriously... what the hell? Why this is such big deal? The only response from Blizzard I found on the internet a while ago was "We currently have no plans to increase map size". Really? Why?

    Let me tell you something. We are artists. We need inspiration and possibilities. You are great on the field of inspiration. Remember this little asset of soccer ball you've put into the editor? When I saw it, I was 100% sure that this will inspire someone, even I tried something myself. Look now, one of most popular maps - Star Strikers! Just because this one little asset.

    Imagine a painter that sees beautiful house and wants to paint it. He feels inspired, he wants to do something meaningful in his life. And what? No no no no, his painting frame (canvas?) is too small. What a shame, Van Gogh was never born.
    Remember when you asked the community which Dark Templar model you should use? Small blade or big scythe? Remember community answer? Yes! BOTH!

    We need possibilities to create great maps, don't take them away from us.
    If there was anything that I've learned in my programming life, that would be to leave stuff as a option as often as you can. Don't know which is better? Leave as an option. Don't know how something should be displayed? Leave as an option. Don't know which control method use? Leave as an option. I know that this may not be applicable everywhere, like leaving marine damage as an option for tournament maps probably won't be an good idea, but we are talking about editor. Stuff that create stuff. Don't put these stupid and artificial bounds on us.

    What are you afraid of? Performance? If map won't be playable this is not your problem, it's author's problem.

    Btw. I've checked. In SC:BW slow overlord needs 9 minutes 42 seconds (yes, I've spent 10 minutes staring into slow flying overlord) to get from Top-Left to Bottom-Right of the map. In SC2, same slow overlord needs only 6:10, so the map is even smaller!!!


    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Editing a Classic Broodwar map (Need help)

    I'm not sure if that was what meant. Please check the attachement.


    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on I can not work out this simple trigger

    Hmm, I don't know if there is an event firing when players want to surrender,
    so simplest solution would be something like this:

            Timer - Every 5.0 seconds of Game Time
        Local Variables
            (Player 1 wants to surrender) == True
            Unit Group - Pick each unit in (Any units in (Entire map) owned by player 1
            matching Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount) and do (Actions)
                    Unit - Kill (Picked unit)
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on My Queens won't stay home to watch the Youglings!

    Hmm, I can't explain why you fail. Check example map I've attached.

    For the queen thing - I don't know. I would suggest using triggers, try actions like "Issue Order".

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on My Queens won't stay home to watch the Youglings!

    @Arbetrayer: Go

    Not sure about the first question, if you could give some more details on that...
    For the second one, check "Unit: Select Alias" under "Units" tab.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Move unit instantly trigger help

    It is because you have trigger:
    Unit Enters Region ->
    Move (Triggering Unit) to Point

    Your items are also units and they also "enter" specified region.
    Add some condition like Triggering Unit == hero or something like that.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on (Solved) Weapon disabled - Good looking solution? (Pictures)


    I'm not sure what is the problem.
    Check attached map. You will see that after 10 seconds marine weapon will switch.

    Modified Tabs are: Units; Behaviors; Upgrades; Validators; Requirements;

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Make an effect slow over time?
    Quote from Kueken531: Go

    maticpl's last notion is noteworthy, though: Behavior stacks usually stack multiplicatively, which might not be what you want (10% slow stacking would be 10%, 21%, 33%, 46%...), however if you use the Unified fields (which were added in a recent patch) instead of the usual modification fields, it should stack additively again.

    Hey, I didn't knew about these fields, thanks!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Make an effect slow over time?


    Your idea seems fine.
    Other thing you might try is having one "controler" behavior that would add stacks of slowing behavior by means of
    Effect: Effect - Periodic and remove all stacks at Effect: Effect - Final.
    I'm not sure how will it scale tho.


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Weapon disabled - Good looking solution? (Pictures)


    Of course it is.
    Easiest way would be to create two behaviors that will add two different weapons to your unit.
    Then, make two validators for these behaviors - one returning false when upgrade is researched
    and one returning false when upgrade is NOT researched.
    Put these validators in behaviors' Behavior: Validator (Disable) field.

    Now, if you apply both behaviors to your unit it will add desired weapon depending on state of the upgrade.


    Posted in: Data
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