Picking up an initiative by Mozared and JayborinoPlays, I will be hosting a project every month for the community to focus it's attention and feedback towards (Thread found here: https://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/player-zone/map-review/131020-monthly-community-project-testing-continued/#posts). Anyone interested in having their project hosted should PM me, do not inquire here.
Wrath of the Tal-Darim (Mission 5 of the Noir Automata Campaign)
Project Page: (The entire campaign) https://www.sc2mapster.com/projects/noir-automata
Direct Links: None, must be downloaded.
Download links:
Mission Launcher: https://www.sc2mapster.com/projects/noir-automata/files/2422202
Mod: https://www.sc2mapster.com/projects/noir-automata/files/2393114
Map: https://www.sc2mapster.com/projects/noir-automata/files/2418829
Battle.net: None
Game Type: Single Player Campaign
Game Info
Set 2 years after the final event of Legacy of the Void.
The three race now living peacefully.
But it all change when the Purifiers reprogram the Spear of Adun and attack the protoss capital, killing all the Twilight Council members and declare war on all living intelligent being.
The three race turn to Heirarch Artanis to stop the Purifiers. But when the world need him the most Heirarch Artanis vanish.
The survivors of the war join together under the Alliance Command Council [ACC] and fight back the purifiers one battle field at a time.
Leave feedback for the project here. Negative feedback is welcome, as well as positive feedback. Refrain from flaming. Attempt to offer solutions to problems you find. You know, good feedback -The goal of this thread.
Here you go, good luck.
Wow, that is an impressive Pilot mission.
Having them Voiced over is always a great and welcome feature.
The difficulty is debatable, some might say easy some might say hard, but imo it is just right.
Also, nice touch with many custom models, you think you could provide a link to the download page? or perhaps they are exclusive for your campaign?
The terrain is superb, many times I was awed and "ohh I didn't know we could do that with the editor".
I could tell there is lots of love and time for this custom campaign.
Conratz on a very impressive pilot map.
Bay Ar - Twin Blade.
The model is still W.I.P, but man that look great.
Uploaded Mission 04 : The Gauntlet.
Update Mission Launcher.
Waiting for approval.
Nice doodads placement there.
You use 'same cliff' command and then manually lower the terrain I assume?
Glad that you found it enjoyable sc2ggamer.
Thank you very much for such kind and encouraging words.
Can't tell you how much it means for me.
Ahh I see, sure.
So you want a Tank, a ranged attacker and a spell caster?
Well, there are many awesome models by sc2mapster author. As long as proper credits is given.
How about checking them out? Here are a few [in no particular order].
What abilities do you have in mind?
What heroes and what abilities do you have in mind?
If you have the time, try to check out the videos here down bellow.
It might give you ideas of what heroes and what abilities are fairly possible to be implement for sc2.
It might give you ideas of what heroes and what abilities are fairly possible to be implement for sc2.
Could you post screenshots of your units data/stats.
Or better yet upload your map, i could test play it.
Liking the urban jungle and city block look.