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    posted a message on [Help] Tool to fix localization


    As you know, there are a lot localization issues with the different clients (enUS, enGB ...). I've been thinking of a little program that would fix these issues but I don't really have the time to do it now. Here is what it is supposed to do:

    • Ask the user the locale he wants the map to be set into (enGB, enUS ...)
    • Open the map with a MPQ Editor
    • Open the file ComponentList.SC2Components
    • Search the line <component type="text" locale="enGB">GameText</component>
    • Extract the map locale (enGB here)
    • Replace it by the one asked by the user (enUS for example) and save the file
    • Rename the folder enGB.SC2Data into enUS.SC2Data
    • Close the map MPQ

    It's a pretty easy process to script. In order to help you deal with the MPQ stuff Ladik has done 2 things to help you:

    If you are a programmer and would like to spend some hours on it, that would be SO useful!


    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Map version control (Subversion)
    Quote from Forge_User_20974461: Go

    all the .svn directories get screwed.

    What are the error messages?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Contest] Clock
    Quote from zachet: Go

    I assume it is okay to not use ' Real Life Time ' however make it follow a faster time period long as it reflects a real clock...

    Yes of course :)

    I've done a little map in one hour to make a basic example. If you are lost with the triggers you can easily copy & paste them.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Contest] Clock

    Post the map here :)

    Posted in: Project Workplace
  • 0

    posted a message on [Contest] Clock


    The contest is now over!

    Thanks a lot for all those who participated, all your maps are really impressive! You should all get your rewards shortly (within 1-2 days max).

    There has been a total of 267 votes (150 + 117), here are the results normalized (factor for the 10-19 = 150/117 = 1.2820...)

    • 1 - DarkRevenantX - (50 votes): 1 Beta Key + 1-year Curse Premium
    • 2 - shaotang - (34 votes): 1-year Curse Premium
    • 3 - Squeegeez - (29 votes): 6-month Curse Premium
    • 4 - SCMapper - (28 votes): 6-month Curse Premium

    All the following: 1-month Curse Premium

    • 5 - Sholdak - (21 votes)
    • 6 - Slarti - (20 votes)
    • 7 - Bifuu - (19 votes)
    • 8 - Forsoki - (16 votes)
    • 9 - Listonos - (14 votes)
    • 9 - Skizot - (14 votes)
    • 11 - Sl1v3r - (9 votes)
    • 12 - TheSecretArts - (8 votes)
    • 12 - decltype - (8 votes)
    • 14 - Magesblood - (6 votes)
    • 14 - Docablo - (6 votes)
    • 16 - SirLyrrad (5 votes)
    • 16 - Khalan3 (5 votes)
    • 18 - ThisIsSpoofed (3 votes)
    • ?? - Kanaru (submitted too late)

    Vote now (Outdated)

    The contest is a great success, there are 18 entries! You can elect multiple entries so don't be afraid to do so :) The winner will be the entry with the highest vote count.

    Since there are a lot more entries than expected, the votes are going to stay open for 3 days, ie it will end on tuesday night.

    Because of technical difficulties (we can't have more 10 choices on a poll), we did 2 polls. In order to make things fair between the 2 threads, results will be normalized. Let say the second poll have less votes, all the entries of the second poll will be multiplied by (total votes of poll 1) / (total votes of poll 2). This way if there are 2 times more votes on poll 1, the poll 2 entries will be multiplied by 2.

    Clock Contest

    What best to create a good community than working on the same things! Here is the chance to dig into the endless possibilities of the Galaxy Editor.

    What to do?

    This contest is about clocks! You know those things that give the current time. There are plenty of different ways to do it. The goal of the contest is to pick one and use the best features of the editor to make it live!

    It can either be 2D or 3D, using the terrain or units, any special effects you want ... The funniest and the most beautiful realisations will win! Even if you are not a pro at Galaxy Editor come and take your chance, it's open to everyone!

    Here are some example of clocks that you may take inspiration from:

    http://fooo.fr/~vjeux/curse/sc2/assets/5.2/clock1.png http://fooo.fr/~vjeux/curse/sc2/assets/5.2/clock2.png http://fooo.fr/~vjeux/curse/sc2/assets/5.2/clock3.png http://fooo.fr/~vjeux/curse/sc2/assets/5.2/clock4.png http://fooo.fr/~vjeux/curse/sc2/assets/5.2/clock5.png http://fooo.fr/~vjeux/curse/sc2/assets/5.2/clock6.png


    You have 6 days to complete this contest, and then during one day a poll will be launched for you to vote and elect the winners!

    • End of the submissions: Saturday 8 May - Midnight PDT (Los Angeles) [Sunday 9 May - 9 AM GMT (Paris)]
    • End of the votes: 24 hours later


    The main goal of the contest is the fun, however it's better when there's something to win :) We have one beta key and a lot of Curse Premium to give.

    • First: 1 Starcraft II Beta Key + 1-year Curse Premium
    • Second: 1-year Curse Premium
    • Third: 6-month Curse Premium
    • Everyone else: 1-month Curse Premium


    Good luck and happy mapping!

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on native void TriggerSkippableBegin

    Here's the function in the GUI.

    Allow Trigger To Be Skipped
        Options: Action, Native
        Return Type: (None)
            Players = (All players) <Player Group>
            Required Count = All <Integer>
            On Skip = No Trigger <Trigger>
            Check = Check Conditions <Trigger Check Conditions Option>
            Wait = Don't Wait <Wait Option>
        Grammar Text: Allow this trigger to be skipped by Players, requiring at least Count, and run Trigger if skipped (Check/Ignore Conditions, Wait/Don't Wait until it finishes)
        Hint Text: (None)
        Custom Script Code
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Impossible Scenarios

    Screenshots, Videos, Description? :P

    I haven't played that kind of maps on sc1, I'm bit reluctant to test it without some more infos :) Thanks

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on native void TriggerSkippableBegin

    Maybe it's the fact that people can press escape to skip a cinematic.

    • playergroup allowedToSkip -> all the players than can do it
    • int requiredCount -> number of player minimum required to skip it
    • trigger onSkip -> action to do when that number is reached

    That's a guess but seems coherent.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Trigger] Dynamic Tower Sell


    Could you give us a sample map using that system?

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Disable supply depot lower/raise sounds

    It's an Actor thing

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Resident Overmind


    This is really impressive what you did with the lightning, ambiance and cameras, we feel in immersion! You just won a news :)

    Thanks, please go on with your project, can't wait to see more!

    Posted in: Project Workplace
  • 0

    posted a message on M3 Exporter

    Really nice!

    Btw, Blizzard is going to release a tool to do the same thing in the future. No ETA yet though.

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
  • 0

    posted a message on RnR Racing - Development Diary

    That looks really great!

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on How to collaborate on the same map?

    A map is basically a zip file. What would only be necessary to join forces would be to "unzip" the map and use any repository system (svn, git, ....) with those files and create the map back.

    We are thinking of ways to integrate this on mapster.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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