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    posted a message on SC2 forums peraban for offering advice...

    By the way, Blizzard games are in general really worth it money wise. Paying only $60 dollar for a game that provides hundreds (even thousands for some people) hours of game is what I consider extremly cheap. You won't see that anywhere else!

    Making a game costs a lot (50 people * $30k a year * 5 year = $7.5 millions just for the people, add the server fees, the buildings, the taxes, ...). They have to find ways to get money if you want the game to be good. Also, their policy is pretty good as they only charge for non-essential services like name changes. So you will be able to play 100% of the game without paying additional fees. If you want to get extra goodies you will have the option to pay.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on [N.B] Please, use the Search Function

    What would be nice is to make a Frequently Asked Question sticky with the answers of common questions and links to more complete answers.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on 2MB or 2.5MB trigger restriction
    Quote from Pandaros_Brewmaster: Go

    i stick to some simple rules now, like destroying any dialogs i create and stay away from periodic events.

    This is good practise but won't affect in any way the 2meg limit :)

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on World of Warcraft Model (M2) Exporter for M3

    Can you compare the features it has with Nin exporter?

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on Modification of Blizzard's official maps?

    Why wouldn't that be?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Sea the card game

    Clord just added images on the card. This looks a lot better now :)

    Posted in: Map Review
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    posted a message on CatalogFieldValueSet Program

    I can't really see what kind of program you want to make around it.

    You just do Set or Get giving the xml path. What's tricky is to find the path as you have to open the xml files, but other than that the function does well its job.

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
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    posted a message on Whut.... :(

    Your topic has been deleted because we had had many problems with sen people trying to advertise on mapster as soon as they could (they even sent pm to all the authors!). Anyway let me explain why what you did is wrong and how you can improve (please don't take it bad, I'm really trying to help here).

    I know you want to build a great community and need people. I had the same problem few months ago with mapster. Making shameless advertising on other websites is just NOT the way to do it. First, it will annoy the moderators, but it will make you look bad from the users.

    Let's see your advertising post:


    logo www.staredit.net is the premiere StarCraft 1 mapping community, and aims to be the same for StarCraft II. Currently we're a little smaller than mapster but we have a great community and a great site. We aren't sponsored by any larger entity such as Curse, and some of the best StarCraft 1 mappers call staredit.net home, such as Tuxedo-Templar, UnholyUrine, Kaias, and more. Several of these have moved to SC2 mapping, and we are already producing some good maps.

    Basically, you don't have to leave mapster but come check us out, and maybe hang out at our map nights and join in with some forum games, help people that need help, get help if you need it, and more!

    I know you want to make sen look good, but telling that you are "a little smaller" than mapster makes you look stupid. You have 200 threads in your map development forum when there are 4500 on mapster. Also I don't know Tuxedo-Templar, UnholyUrine, Kaias but saying that they are some of the best mappers is really presumptuous.

    You say that you are already producing good maps. Fuck for sake speak about them! What are those maps? Make a thread about them on mapster and say that it's from sen. This way people will see what you do, and will want to go on your website.

    I have nothing against linking other websites (really!). But do it the right way please :)

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Map design feedback

    Project Workplace would be the best place to ask :)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Run TD - Solo

    I played RunTD with 3 other people but mis-clicked and did not share income. So basically I played the map solo. I found a very optimized way to build the towers so they form a good path and can hit the monsters many time.

    My strat was to build the path with the basic towers, and once the path was done I sold the towers on key point and did the 1400 tower.

    I managed to get to the last level but this lagged too much, couldn't build towers on time, so I lose.

    Strange waves

    There is a reaper wave that can go on the walls ... so they bugged and got stuck on a point. Leave them there or they will kill your towers + probe :)

    One of the last wave was baneling, when they die they explode and kill the towers near. Be fast (if you don't lag too much) and make another towers ontop!

    Posted in: Map Review
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    posted a message on Custom Map Tournament - THE Card Game

    Show off game

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Custom Map Tournament - THE Card Game

    xilionp: You can get the others in the unsaved folder.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Custom Map Tournament - THE Card Game


    All please get on the mapster IRC and send me a pm with your team name

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Custom Map Tournament - THE Card Game

    Ok added you both.

    Posted in: General Chat
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