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    posted a message on Burrowed Roach - Acquires a Target?

    Hi folks.. need help. I'm using "Unit - Any Unit acquires a target" trigger to try and achieve the following...

    - When any unit gets within X distance from a spawned burrowed roach, the roach will unburrow and ambush the target.

    I can get a regular roach to acquire targets and burrow when they detect targets, but not the other way around. Is it possible for a burrowed roach to "acquire targets" and if so, how? I've played around with "Unit - Any Unit Enters a distance of X from Unit," but can't seem to get the square to fit in the round hole to make it work.

    Much appreciate any suggestions or thoughts.. thx.

    Update - "Unit - Any Unit Enters a distance of X from Unit" will work, but has to be a Unit that is already in the map at start-up. I would like for this trigger to detect units that have been spawned. I've seen this work in Desert Strike and looking for a similar event/action regarding burrowed roaches.

    Update 2 - The trigger route as totally a bust. Thx Ahli634 for pointing me towards enabling Auto Cast. The issue I had getting Auto Cast to work was turning it on... under Stats Tab, Flags, Auto Cast Initially On. Much more efficient way of doing this than going the trigger route.

    Posted in: Triggers
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