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    posted a message on Ability that pushes away units in front of the hero

    @DuckyTheDuck: Go

    The distance actually depends on the unit's mass.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Disable error messages on published maps?

    Hmmm. I didn't realize that this isn't actually a trigger error. I thought it would hide the error window. Can you try it anyway?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Disable error messages on published maps?

    Map -> Map Options -> Hide Trigger Errors

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Wait till upgrade is finished?

    You have to use the event "Unit Research Progress".

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on RPG hero questions

    1) You could use regions and when a hero enters the region check whether the level is high enough.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on End a match when 2 players on a team are dead

    @Wampsie: Go

    Create a new variable of type "Unit" and make it an array. When the heros are created you store them in the array for the according player number. You might want to read some tutorials about basic triggering first.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Making units selectable only by controlling player

    Unfortunately I think there is no elegant solution for this. It depends on why you want the units to be unselectable for other players. If it is really essential for your map I can think about a solution using dummy units. For this you create 2 versions of a unit: a visible, but unselectable unit and a transparent dummy controller unit that is invisible to other players. All orders you give to the controller unit has to be transferred to the main unit with triggers. And the controller has to be moved to the location of main unit and update health/shields/energy to fake the selection of the main unit.

    This is probably too much work and I cannot guarantee that it will run smoothly so I recommend using the solution presented by FuzzYD.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Outputting value from selected pulldown list on a button submit

    Your list items have indexes and with the function "Selected List Item" you can retrieve the index of the selected list item. You need an integer array to store the race for all players. Now you have to create a new trigger that runs when the selection of your list box is changed and then you set the race variable for the triggering player to "Selected List Item". The first race you add to the list will have the index 0 so when the race variable of the player is 0 you create the according units for the player. The second race is defined by the value 1 and the third race by the value 2, ... etc.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Spell Crash

    @PhoenixBird02: Go

    It should be possible to select a different region and then download the game in another language. Apart from the language this shouldn't make any difference.

    Posted in: Data
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