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    posted a message on Making a Mod for Patches.

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    Thank you guys. I will definitely check SimplyCool up but now im wondering.. how can u change the upgrade costs for example? trying to even find the value field but cant find it.


    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Making a Mod for Patches.

    Hey everyone. Just registered to this site after reading posts for a while and decided i want to do something while i have all this time at my hands. Been fixing small stuff in Sc2 editor just for fun and trying and testing stuff out how they outbalance other stuff in a normal melee game.

    I got into this game quite late unfortunately and started wondering how it was playing this game in the beta or newly released game and decided i want to try it out.

    I have gotten some info on google about the units effects/armor/dmg/dps etc etc but now im wondering if i could get some help. Is it possible to make a "mod file" and then apply it to different maps so i dont have to change everything again when i feel like trying it on another map?

    Is it possible to change everything in a unit so for example a zealot will cost 125minerals and take 10sec to warp in or make from gate or the protoss upgrades cost 150/150 straight from the forge?

    Would anyone be interested into maybe link me to a mod file that already done this? Im not afraid of the work, im just curious if its been done before and if its do-able, and if anyone could help me i would be so glad.


    PS : one more question though :P if i get some ppl to help, is it possible to share the work so if i've started on protoss army and another one has worked on terran units can we share it so we have a complete modfile to just publish?


    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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