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    posted a message on [ Murderous ] -- Team Recruitment (Videos Inc.)

    @Leruster: Go

    With all due respect, this isn't a hollywood production. This isn't even an attempt to get people to play our game. This is a short clip of a pre-alpha stage of a game we're creating (I made this video in 2 hours). Sometimes, less is more. By keeping it brief, we highlight the great qualities of the game without making any of its temporary flaws obvious. It is meant to make people curious, not to inform them about every nook and cranny in our incomplete project. Perhaps, when our game is ready to be played, we will take your advice and create a high-quality promotional video for players.

    And in the future, I will keep in mind that some assholes will be comparing our video editing skills (which are very irrelevant to what we're presenting) to those of Pixar.

    Seriously, though? If you care more about the presentation than the content, and can't sit through an introduction without getting bored, you're not the audience we're trying to attract with this video in the first place. We're looking for data editors & terrainers who can see this project's potential.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on [ Murderous ] -- Team Recruitment (Videos Inc.)

    You already know who I am :D

    I'm very interested in helping with the terrains (I've already screwed around a lot with terrains in the editor). Other than that, I'm interested in helping conceptually, as in, presenting new ideas and helping with beta tests. Oh, and I'm decent at video editing / cinematics.

    And I have a shitload of time.

    And we're already friends on skype. lols

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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