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    posted a message on **Paid Positions** - Data Editor

    Current Project is looking for a talented Data Editor
    We are looking for a talented Data Editor for full Hero creation. One of our current Data Editors has had real life issues come up and are looking to fill that position. This includes Abilities and Actor work. We have about 15 Heroes that need to be created and are paying around $100 USD per Hero. We are looking for roughly a one week turn around per Hero. Standards and Design documents will be provided. Contact me here on sc2mapster via PM for more details. Please provide any portfolio items you have done in the past.


    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on **Paid Positions** - Data Editors

    Current Project is looking for talented Data Editors
    We are looking for talented Data Editors for full Hero creation. This includes Abilities and Actor work. We have about 15 Heroes that need to be created and are paying around $100 USD per Hero. We are looking for roughly a one week turn around per Hero. Standards and Design documents will be provided. Contact me here on sc2mapster via PM for more details. Please provide any portfolio items you have done in the past.


    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Enchanting attacks?

    Does it consume that energy when it fires?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Apply buff to a building?

    @Kabelkorven: Go

    Alright, here we go.

    1. Duration of your second behavior is -1.0. If you want it permanent, set it back to its parent of 0.00.
    2. Your Validator on the second behavior is removing it as soon as it is applied.

      Since I don't know what you are trying to accomplish, I can't help further.
    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Ability damage based on Weapon Damage

    @Tommerbob: Go

    It's actually really easy.
    Set Effect:
    Weapon Damage Effect
    Weapon Damage Effect
    Damage Effect (Amount 50)

    Now when your weapons get upgraded, so does this ability. You can also make upgrades to the extra damage as well. It's an equation, but in a round about way lol.

    Posted in: Data
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