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    posted a message on Framerate depends on camera rotation?

    Hi all, I'm sorry to post this thread on Triggers, but I have no clue about where is the proper section.

    Nowadays I'm making an arcade supports free camera rotation(I've activated 'Camera Set Mouse Rotates' action). What makes me annoying is the framerate depends on camera rotation. There're angles that makes a high framerate, but that angle's inverse drops a number of framerate. Please check those screenshots.

    high frame 1 low frame 1 Almost dropped by 20...

    high frame 2 low frame 2 just 7, but that's annoying enough.

    high frame 3 low frame 3 meh.

    I've checked the trigger debugger assuming the overhead was problem, but that wasn't. I've tried to set Far clip as less as possible.None of these worked. Does anyone have the solution about this, or experienced this situation? Thanks.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Rock the Cabinet 2015 will be announce soon!

    @TyaArcade: Go

    Ah, you're the creater of Lordaeron Strike right? Many Koreans who played your map liked it. I'm especially stunned by neat UI!

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Rock the Cabinet 2015 will be announce soon!



    You can check the original source in .

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Bank save problem?

    @TheUltragon: Go

    Hmm. I've just modified the saving time and it works nearly fine. My game has two fade-out situations, so I can save all players' info in that time. Thanks for advicing me :)

    @finiteturtles: Go

    I treated Starcode like a Limited Dynamic Array, that is retain its own area even though it doesn't use its space. Thanks for correcting me, but I can't find a way to reduce the amount of saving variables... Everything is needed in a right place.

    ps. If my game just saves 1172 variables instead of 1.8M, then why Starcode freezes when I change the maximum Credits from 99999 to 999999? By your opinion, latter's amount is same with former. Of course, I changed the saving/loading bank name.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Bank save problem?

    @TheUltragon: Go

    How can I describe my systems? Do you mean my bank system? Or is it a whole game mechanism?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Bank save problem?

    @TheUltragon: Go

    Well, Even though I unchecked 'Create thread' options for all save macros, ACH and HPF comes for nothing. And I thought that Galaxy Editor supports controlling the critical section(someday I experimented)... so there might not have race conditions.

    This is the hardest problem I've experienced in mapping... Why Blizzard's bank signatures can be cracked.. LOL

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Bank save problem?


    I separated Load macro into 4 threaded macros(Player Statistics, Item, Achievement, Hero Pick Frequency). Lag reduced, but some of Starcodes didn't saved.

    keys that are not saved

    As you can see in this picture, HPF(Hero Pick Frequency) and ACH(Achievement) didn't saved. watwatwat...

    Here is the source :

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Bank save problem?

    Thanks for your kind reply, but I have one question.

    Quote from TheUltragon: Go

    Try merging all those variables into a String and compress it using the StarCode Function "Compress String", then save that string into your bank.

    I didn't understand that, isn't there already compress that variables? Or did you mean create 'another' threaded macros that stores another Starcode string containing those variables, and put it in player leave trigger?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Bank save problem?

    Main map uses above 100mb mod file, and it takes too long for upload, so I separate the bank triggers. There can be 2 players, and you can see the freezing when your opponent player leaves.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Bank save problem?

    Smallized my bank to save just 360000 integers. Lag is reduced but not much I wanted. Can't it be threaded? Although I made a threaded action for save and put in on player leave trigger, result was same. All players stopped.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Bank save problem?

    @TheUltragon: Go

    3000 for Minimum amount of Exp, 60000 for Maximum amount of Exp, 50 for Maximum level

    + 999999 for Maximum Credits, 99999 for Maximum Play Count, 50000 for Maximum Amount of Player Win

    + 28(Maximum amount of heroes) * 30000 for Play Count for each Heroes, 840 for Items available, 300 for Achievemets available.

    -> 3000 + 60000 + 50 + 999999 + 99999 + 50000 + 28*30000 + 840 + 300 = about 1.8 million LOL

    How should I reduce? Should I remove Playcount for each heroes? but it's still about 1 million though OMG

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Bank save problem?

    Hi. I'm currently working on banks that save players' info by using Starcode. Everything works fine w/o just one problem. When player leaves, the game saves his info, and ALL PLAYER'S GAME IS STOPPED FOR A WHILE. Nobody can't interact with game before the saving procedure is complete. Does anyone got clue about this?? Thanks.

    p.s. Currently my game saves about 2 million integers(maybe). Was the size problem?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Show 'Debug Message' when just Local play mode

    So you said that the only way is using the if-then-else? I think I should create a macro contains if-then-else and debug message. Thanks guys!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Show 'Debug Message' when just Local play mode


    I'm trying to show debug message using 'Debug Message' action when the game mode is local. I thought messages wrote by 'Debug Message' action hides itself when the mode is Online, but that was incorrect. Messages appeared continuously, and I'm just fully annoyed lol. Is there any way to show specific messages in Debug message area only in Local mode? Thanks.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on WC3 Models Hype!

    @egodbout: Go

    Did you checked the .m3 files? Find with keyword 'War3'.

    Posted in: Warcraft Modding
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