This mpq thing is not good, I make some units(following with tutorials) and some of them have example map. and lot of them have copy things (such as Uberlisk) that much easier to copy with in xml data instead doing it in the editor. Mpq editor would great in some bugs, such as the protoss shield upgrade, where if you give two unit to the upgrade list, the last one overwrite the previous, but if you modified with mpq editor it is worked correctly.
I find this:
This mpq thing is not good, I make some units(following with tutorials) and some of them have example map. and lot of them have copy things (such as Uberlisk) that much easier to copy with in xml data instead doing it in the editor. Mpq editor would great in some bugs, such as the protoss shield upgrade, where if you give two unit to the upgrade list, the last one overwrite the previous, but if you modified with mpq editor it is worked correctly.