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    posted a message on Disappointment about the expansion
    Quote from Bommes: Go

    They added a ton of stuff for the Editor prior to (and for) HotS (Cutscene Editor, AI Editor, UI Editor, tons of new Data values) and they constantly added features during WoL in the last couple of years as well. I don't know how it went for Warcraft 3 though, so I don't have a comparison. But I can't really share the disappointment.

    You're right man. Almost all of my time in the editor goes to the data and trigger panel, so this is maybe why I' ve not founded many changes.Maybe my expectations were just too high...

    It's sure that I can say many positive points about the expansion, like the campaign and new units strategies, but I'm still disappointed about the fact that we cannot put HOTS assets in WOL dependencies map. As I said in the other thread, they could put, at least, all the assets about the expansion (I only talk about models, sounds and images), so everybody could use them in their custom map without having problem with Blizzard.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Disappointment about the expansion

    I bought the expansion last november and I hoped that this purchase will largely improve the editor about some lacks (like some suggestions that we add on the official forum, which the link is below), but I was disappointed about the little upgrades that was made just before the release. These upgrades were just only for some adjustement, like the option 'lock tab' in the data editor, which not really work (you cannot move this tab once it is locked, but you can put other tab in front of it?). If I compare with the Warcraft 3 editor, when I installed the expansion of this game, the differences between the 2 editors was like day and night about all the improvements made.

    I must honestly say that I bought the expansion primary for the possible improvements of the editor and I was hit by the reality. So I ask this question : am I the only person who bought HOTS for the editor?

    Here is the link for the suggestions/improvements thread on the official forum : http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/6307501153?page=1.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on HotS: Publishing, Dependencies, and You

    Thanks for posting this. I started to transfer all the HOTS assets in a new MPQ to avoid conflicts and I saw that it was really NOT a good idea. I recently tried to convert my dependencies from WOL to HOTS and the editor tells me that it cannot do that due to some unit errors (like bunker model and other strange things).

    But I'm asking this question (which is purely of opinion) : Is it preferable to use WOL or HOTS dependencies? Some of you have partially answered it, but I saw both advantage and problems about that. I know that Blizzard panic about that because they think that if you copy the HOTS assets into a WOL map/mod (without the dependencies), players who haven't buy the expansion will have access to its content, which is, maybe, a loss of profit. But, honestly, the expansion was not only for the campaign and multiplayer game? Most of us make custom map, so even if some abilities or units are copied from the expansion, I saw it more as an ad for the expansion than as a threat. And between you and me, if you want to have an HOTS ability button in a WOL map, you can create your own image that is 'strangely' ressembling to this HOTS image...

    Even if a player make an exact replica of a HOTS multiplayer game in the WOL dependencies, I don't see any kind of threat about that, it is just a big ad to buy the expansion to play with ranked games and tournaments. I hope that a day all the art and sound assets will be published for custom maps, but I don't think that it will be soon. And do you think of the complexity of that when the protoss expansion will arrive?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Starcraft II Modding

    Thanks guy for answering my question. I never really knew what was the advantage of a mod vs a map and SoulFicher perfectly answer it. Mod were always for me a dark part of the editor and I think that I'll pass more time to discover its advantages :).

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Starcraft II Modding

    I rapidly saw this thread today and I'm asking this question : a mod file is not primary used to be a template for the same type of maps? The great advantage of a mod files is that it copies instantly all of your modified data like libraries, but also data, text and imported files. If you open 2 maps and try to copy and paste things like data or text, it could take many hours to do that. I think that the best example about mod is the liberty and HOTS MPQs. They are only templates that Blizzard use to copy all the necessary data and text information for a fraction of the time that a normal copy-paste task would. And If you tried to open a normal map with a MPQ editor, you can see that it returns as a normal MPQ file (like mods).

    Correct me if I'm in the error, but if you plan to make 1 map of your map-type, mod are totally useless.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Blender] How to create an animated coin model for Starcraft 2 with Blender

    Thanks man, continue your great work!

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on C&C-style Harvester

    You know... I don't understand. In my main map, everything works perfectly, but in this map the return cargo is broken even on the scv gather ability. I transfered my library and it works fine, so I can't really help you.

    Posted in: Trigger Libraries & Scripts
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    posted a message on Tatatataterrain Generator

    I know that my earthquake crack is a little bit square, but as my variable is set for integer in the map (like x=1,y=1 or x=102,y=64), I cannot have decimal coordinates.

    Posted in: Trigger Libraries & Scripts
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    posted a message on Tatatataterrain Generator

    I added something new with my map, an earthquake event! Open my map, start the game and press a when you are ready. You can press multiple time to see how it reacts.

    How can you use it? Easy. You have 4 parameters : the 2 first are for the start X and Y coordinates, the third is for the height of the crack (multiply this number by 2 to have the total height) and the last is the strength of the earthquake (I use the power 2 of a number, so if you put 5, you will get a crack of 50 cases, 25 point in x,y and 25 points in -x,-y).

    Posted in: Trigger Libraries & Scripts
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    posted a message on C&C-style Harvester

    I've take a look and everything works perfectly with me. Do you have a sample or an example map that I could take a look?

    Posted in: Trigger Libraries & Scripts
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    posted a message on [Blender] How to create an animated coin model for Starcraft 2 with Blender

    Amazing tutorial!

    I've practice a little bit on blender. As they are no animation for earthquake in Starcraft 2, I've decided to do something about that and now I'm stuck with my animation (It doesn't works in the cutscene). Do you think you can explain me why?

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Xeno Crisis Combat System

    It's just that I was asking myself about tech tree :)

    Posted in: Trigger Libraries & Scripts
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    posted a message on Xeno Crisis Combat System

    Very nice! I hope that Blizzard will improve the item system, so almost no triggers will be needed for make this weapons works.

    Also with ZypheRZO library's, you can add or substract charge directly on the item in the inventory. It is very useful when you have many units with reloading weapon (Else there could be too many floating numbers).

    One question, Why are you using tech tree at the place of simple requirements? For example, if you have 2 ghosts with the same weapon, the tech tree will work for all the ghosts, but with simple requirements you can easily activate or deactivate a weapon. I mean by requirement a behavior that add a weapon to the unit and that behavior is verified with a requirement (Blizzard haven't add a requirement slot for weapons...).

    Posted in: Trigger Libraries & Scripts
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    posted a message on Footprint Event

    @Zolden: Go

    I'm still working on my RTS, but I wait for (maybe) the updates that Blizzard will make a day. If you have libraries or ideas for this kind of weapon/unit, It is sure that I want to take a look at it!

    Posted in: Trigger Libraries & Scripts
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    posted a message on Footprint Event

    @Ahli634: Go

    That is a simple workaround to make actions that works with footprint, and what could I add to this page to make you test it?

    @Zolden: Go

    This is not a true version of dune, but more a mix of many RTS game under the environment of Arrakis, the sand planet.

    Posted in: Trigger Libraries & Scripts
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