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    posted a message on Dungeons and Dragons

    I want to bring the DnD map from SC1 into SC2 but i have very little understanding and/or knowledge of map editing. certainly not enough to bring that map into the realm of SC2. If anyone is willing to create (or help me create) this map in SC2 I have some baseline idea that should help mostly using tools that are already available. The dungeon master(s) (two max) will have a modified cortex spawner to use with fewer commands than the cortex engine itself but still using the same principles. They will have a 'pallet' on the side of the map that shows every unit that can be use for the map so they better understand what they are spawning into the field. I can create the units and heros but for a map on this scale i would need help with the modified cortex engine, all triggers (don't understand the blam things) and some help creating good unique terrain for the map. any good mapmaker that know about the original DnD from SC1 please help.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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