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    posted a message on Spawning units in groups from buildings

    I used search and couldn't find anything that really solved my problem.

    I am wondering how I can spawn units from buildings in groups, like special forces does. I want to have save a forge spawn 5 zealots every 10 seconds, how can I do this?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Killing units gives money

    I am wondering how you can make it, so that when you kill a unit owned by a enemy player such as "Hostile", you will earn minerals for it, and those minerals are then given to all the players on the friendlies team.

    Similar how to Special Forces does it, where everyone gets the income from killing units.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Units spawning and attacking a point

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    Point A is a building, a planetary fortress. They have to attack everything in there path until they get there.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Units spawning and attacking a point

    @Tekaichi: Go

    I posted in the Data section as I believe it can be done with data. I guess whichever is easier, but I also don't want a bunch of triggers, especially if I decide if I want to do multiple buildings.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Units spawning and attacking a point

    Hey there, I am trying to create something but I can't seem to figure out how to do it.

    Essentially, what I am wanting to do, is have it where, a building will spawn X amount of X units, and then those units will go attack a certain point. Such as, if there is a spawning pool, I want it to spawn 10 zerglings every 10 seconds, and I want them to attack any enemies they encounter until they reach point A. This spawn will need to be continuous until the building is destroyed.

    Something like Special Forces has done, where it spawns units and they attack the fortress. I have looked at SF but found it rather confusing how they did it.

    How can I do something like this? Thanks!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Different Map Sections

    @Oparcus: Go

    I will check that out, thanks!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Simple Healing

    This may be a dumb question, but I can't seem to get it to work.

    I am trying to create a healing effect similar to the Special Forces healing that is on the command center. So that when you get within 8 range of the command center, you get a buff that will regenerate your life/shields by 15, and you can also see the range indicator (the dotted triangles that show range) at all times showing you the range of the healing effect. However I don't want a heal beam going from the command center to the unit.

    How can I achieve this? Thanks!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Different Map Sections

    Please excuse me if this is the wrong board, but I'm pretty sure this can be done with triggers.

    I'd like to do something that is similar to what the famous "Hero Attack" Map has done, but not nearly as complicated. What I'd like to do is have a simple voting system, where you can pick what race you want to play as, then depending on which race got the most votes, it would go to a different area on the map for each race. So what I want to do is have a simple UI Menu pop up at the start, where you can select what race you want to play, and then based on the race that wins the vote, it goes to a different part of the map. Therefor if I pick Terran, it'd go to the bottom right of the map and lock in set dimensions for the view able area, but if I were to pick Zerg, it'd go to the top left and lock in a set of dimensions for the view able area.

    How can I achieve this? Thanks!

    Posted in: Triggers
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