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    posted a message on Death Sport

    Map Expanded, updated and modified. Better lighting (not as dark). Team placement fixed.

    So yeah.... UPDATED!!!!! :D

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Victory Dialog

    The issue at the mo is the trigger. The dialog is coming up when all the players are defeated instead of when all the players that are not on the killing players team are defeated.


    Unit - Any Unit dies

    Local Variables



    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)


    (Number of players in (Enemies of player (Killing player))) == 0


    Game - End game in Victory for player (Killing player) (Show dialogs, Show score screen)

    Game - End game in Victory for player (Number of players in (Allies of player (Killing player))) (Show dialogs, Show score screen)


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Victory Dialog


    Unit - Any Unit dies

    Local Variables


    (Number of Living units in (Any units in (Entire map) owned by player (Owner of (Triggering unit)) matching Excluded: Structure, Missile, Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount)) == 0


    General - Pick each integer from 1 to 8, and do (Actions)


    Game - End game in Defeat for player (Triggering player) (Show dialogs, Show score screen)

    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)


    (Number of players in (Enemies of player (Killing player))) == 0


    Game - End game in Victory for player (Killing player) (Show dialogs, Show score screen)

    Game - End game in Victory for player (Number of players in (Allies of player (Killing player))) (Show dialogs, Show score screen)


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Victory Dialog

    Hi :)

    When i run my map in the editor, the victory screen comes up when it is meant to, works as it should and ends the game for the player. As soon as i publish the map the victory dialog does not come up at all and the game does not end.

    Does anyone have any ideas to why this is happening or to why it works in the test map but not published? :(

    Any information would be greatly appreciated. :)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Death Sport

    Welcome to Death Sport

    About Death Sport

    On a abandoned space platform in a galaxy far far away. The Xel'naga founds a new way to entertain themselves. Death Sport! They captured people from all across the galaxy and forced them to fight to the death. The winners of Death Sport earn there chance to take part in the next games and so the circle continues.

    • Map Name - Death Sport
    • Players - 2-12
    • Game Type - Zone Occupy Micro Battle
    • Game Mode - 6 v 6
    • Region - EU*

    Use you hero to build, upgrade and lead your army to victory.


    • Awesome hero for each race.
    • Drop, Warp and Spawn your units to the battlefield.
    • Gain resources by holding points.
    • No supply cap.
    • No buildings.
    • No Limits!!!

    Can you survive to fight another day?

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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