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    posted a message on How do I change my placement model?

    Can I use just 1 Effect - Instant ability to issue several different orders? I created a new Effect - Instant ability and used Issue Order, but it seems to only allow 1 order. I did find a Switch effect that allows me to do several different effects depending on the case. Seems like this might be helpful. I just don't know how to modify which case is called.

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    posted a message on How do I change my placement model?

    Ok I tested it with just a couple of shapes. I made an ability for each shape. I used the Hide/Show Ability trigger action whenever an ability is used. That way it only shows 1 ability at a time. This makes it look like there is only 1 ability, but each time it is used it has a different effect. Now I need to find how to fit 30 abilities on the command card. And is it possible to have them all in the same square? Since only 1 is available at a time it seems like it might work. But is this even the most efficient way to do this? This will require a lot of triggers and abilities and... well... everthing!

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    posted a message on How do I change my placement model?

    Thanks for the help guys. I was wanting to use one ability, but I don't see how it would be possible. The shapes, or footprints, are all pre-defined, but it needs to switch to a different one after each use. So I would select the place-turret ability, and it would create a footprint of a column of 3 depots to place. Then the next time I select it, it would need to create a different footprint. Lets say a row of three depots. I have something like 30 shapes that it would need to create. I see how to do it with different abilities, but I don't know how I could manage 30 abilities on 1 guy. Especially since I need them all to share the same hotkey.

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    posted a message on How do I change my placement model?

    I like your idea of doing it all with data. Unfortunately that is where I'm least experienced. I know how to make the placement footprint that covers all structures in my shape, but I'm not sure how to change the footprint in game. If I use the Raven's Build Auto-Turret ability to place 1 depot with a custom footprint, how can I change it? I have several shapes that would need built, which would require different footprints for each. But the ability will create a depot that has the same footprint every time. If I could change the unit the ability creates then it would be easy. Is that possible?

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    posted a message on How do I change my placement model?

    Thanks for the reply! I'll give this a try. Not really sure how actors work though, so this could be tough.

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    posted a message on How do I change my placement model?

    I am creating a custom map, but I've hit a wall. In the first phase of my game, it is important to build several supply depots with 1 click. Depots in my game are not built 1 by 1, but are instead placed in groups shaped like tetris blocks. I have a trigger to place them that works fine. It uses the mouse clicked position to create a depot at that point, and then creates other depots using an offset from that point. Now I need to find a way to display the supply depot placement model at my cursor position while selecting a building location. The mouse moved event creates too much lag online. So I found a way to use the Raven Build Auto-Turret ability to create depots. This works great. It shows the placement model of the depot, and the green grid around it, whenever I select the ability. Now I just need to change the model of the 1 supply depot to show more than 1 (depending on the depot shape). Unfortunately there are no models for that. I've seen the ProzaicMuze tutorial for attachments and I think that might be what I need. Maybe I could somehow add another depot using site operations and an offset, but everything related to actors is so confusing. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. I've tried several work arounds but all have failed. If I can't get this working, I'll have to scrap the project :(

    Posted in: Data
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