Hi everyone,
this is a pretty noob question, I'm sure of it, sorry in advance.
I have followed tutorials on creating a unit, got it to work, but I have a problem when I create a new unit from scratch (without copying from an existing unit)
I create the unit, then an actor and I link it to the unit, then I edit all the stats in the unit tab, edit the actor too, and try my map with my unit on it, but none of the changes I did actually get applied. (I still get a unit with no description, that can not move, has 0 sight radius, no weapon, no description, etc).
where does it come from and how do I fix it?
@DrSuperEvil: Go
yes they are, thanks.
gee, it works, I don't get it. I did add a sight radius for sure, same for the mover! I guess I must have missed one field or something :p thanks!
Hi everyone, this is a pretty noob question, I'm sure of it, sorry in advance.
I have followed tutorials on creating a unit, got it to work, but I have a problem when I create a new unit from scratch (without copying from an existing unit)
I create the unit, then an actor and I link it to the unit, then I edit all the stats in the unit tab, edit the actor too, and try my map with my unit on it, but none of the changes I did actually get applied. (I still get a unit with no description, that can not move, has 0 sight radius, no weapon, no description, etc). where does it come from and how do I fix it?