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    posted a message on Azure Lagoon (1v1)

    Thanks for the feedback! First post on sc2mapster so I may have put it in the wrong the forum.

    About the map borders: Originaly I had very nice tall mountain/cliff-like bourders but discovered it was a mess for flying units as they could hide way out of view above the terrain, and since there isn't a No fly-zone tool for large areas, I had to drop all of the border so that flying units could be visible around the bounds of the map. I tried moving the playable map bounds inward but then you can't move the ground units freely throughout the entire main (they get blocked by bounds)

    The ugly border parts that you see in the photos are not visible in-game, as I went off of the game view to design the borders, and stopped design where it was not visible.

    But, what I think I will do is get rid of the current land-mass border style and go full on "in the middle of the ocean", that way flying units are visible and it will feel more immersive to the map style. It's a much simpler and functional solution that I don't know why I didn't think of before. Although I like the waterfalls so it'll be a challenge making them look in place.

    As far as brightness, it's no problem to turn it up a bit. I don't think it's a huge issue as most of the map is on water, allowing a very easy contrast to see units on top of it.

    I agree that the main and natural texture layout does look strange from the pictures, but decent when you're in game, but Iit can use some work. I had some nice rocks/trees in there but decided it was better off open and clear to see since the map is dark. I also wanted to accentuate the different of main and natural (rock to dirt/grass) but it is a little too different. But since I'm brightening it I can adjust it accordingly. The full on rocky main is too drastic.

    As for the central cliffs, each has a walk-able area that I wanted in for some dropping/colossus play; the analyzer shows the spots. I'll spice them up and make a clear different between walk-able and no-access space.

    I'm very pleased with the layout and don't think I'll change anything major.

    Thanks again and I'll get to work!

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Azure Lagoon (1v1)

    Hey guys, looking for some feedback on this map. One of my first SC2 maps but I'm not new to the mapping game in general.

    North American server.

    not sure if I can upload the map to a site for Download on other servers so please enlighten me if this is possible, not too eager to buy an EU or SEA account.

    The fun part about this map is that most of it is in the water, something that to the best of my knowledge hasn't been done before but I could be wrong. I'm happy with the layout and balance thus far.

    I made some interesting spots for Blink play, Colosus, Tanks and/or tank drops. The 4 central land masses each have a walkable section on top of them.


    Had a lot of fun with this baby and hope you like it :)

    http://i1249.photobucket.com/albums/hh518/siracuz/SC2Editor2012-02-1016-23-02-67.jpg http://i1249.photobucket.com/albums/hh518/siracuz/SC2Editor2012-02-1021-35-56-44.jpg http://i1249.photobucket.com/albums/hh518/siracuz/SC2Editor2012-02-1021-35-27-86.jpg http://i1249.photobucket.com/albums/hh518/siracuz/SC2Editor2012-02-1021-34-07-72.jpg http://i1249.photobucket.com/albums/hh518/siracuz/SC2Editor2012-02-1021-33-34-18.jpg http://i1249.photobucket.com/albums/hh518/siracuz/SC2Editor2012-02-1021-33-16-68.jpg


    http://i1249.photobucket.com/albums/hh518/siracuz/AzureLasdfgsdgoon-openness.png http://i1249.photobucket.com/albums/hh518/siracuz/AzureLagoon-influsdfgence-heatmap-7-1.png http://i1249.photobucket.com/albums/hh518/siracuz/AzureLagoon-influesdfgsnce-heatmap-7-5.png

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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