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    posted a message on (Solved) Flamethrower: Animation not shown

    I checked them, they were not altered, but while checking them I found out, that the model asset was somehow changed... I changed it to the right one, and... everything works!

    Sorry for the stupid question and thanks again

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Flamethrower: Animation not shown

    Hi there,

    I'm fairly new to the galaxy editor but managed to play around a bit. The situation is as followed: I mad a custom unit (Inquisitor) which worked well, looks like marine, upgrades work, ability to cast Psi-Storm works, stats and everything else works perfectly. I gave him the Flamethrower from Swann's Flaming Betty as a weapon, the sounds are ok, it deals damage, but somehow there's no visible firebeam... I tried to search the forum and found some ideas, but nothing that really helped me.

    So anyone got an idea or solution for this problem?

    Thank's in advance (and if this should be a total easy thing, I apologize for being a noob) :)

    Posted in: Data
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