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    posted a message on 10 Things A Gamer Must Have/Do - Not Literally

    1 - A ridiculously expensive mouse... "I bought this $250 one last year... It broke..."

    2 - A game engine before year 2005... "Dreamcast is my oldest"

    3 - Exactly 169 Hours of playing a week.... "I am beyond time and space"

    4 - Condoms... "We all need them"

    5 - Must have at least one torrented game... "Bioshock 2... I am ashamed... Well actually it was from LUE links, which doesn't exist"

    6 - Attempted Modding/Mapping at least once... "I failed several times... THANK YOU OBLIVION, MOVING ON TO SKYRIM"

    7 - Five People that hate you... "Make that... one.. two... thre-... Alot... Just alot..."

    8 - Have millions of spelling mistakes stashed in your belt... "Stop giving me grammar links."

    9 - A Dog... "Idk why"

    10 - Must take this Literally... "Oh I have..."

    Posted in: Off-Topic
  • 0

    posted a message on Does it work? Integers = Points

    Actually, I just found a way around it, by checking that picked variable *still random integer* using a point if the picked integer number is true, and I can't put them in an array, because i need not all of them randomed, I need all of them in order (Weird right?)

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Does it work? Integers = Points

    If I had a point, and it's name was 1, or any other integer... Could I get a unit to spawn using "pick random integer" And through the points? If so how?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on asdfasdf

    I never realized people were still posting here...

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Trigger Problem - Units Death Check - Unit Groups

    Thanks crazy, it all works now, and i'll make a larger version of that image for you :),

    EDIT: Unit still doesn't die ):.

    Variable - Set CurrentPlayer = (Owner of (Killing unit)) Variable - Modify PlayerScore[CurrentPlayer]: + 1 Unit - Kill (Killing unit) Unit Group - Remove (Killing unit) from NukeWarsGroup Leaderboard - Set ScoreBoard item text at column 2 and row CurrentPlayer to (Text(PlayerScore[CurrentPlayer]))

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Undead Logo

    Im amazed, lol.

    Posted in: Requests
  • 0

    posted a message on Trigger Problem - Units Death Check - Unit Groups

    Well first of all, thanks to you [THANKYOUUU], I updated it to this,

            Unit - Any Unit dies
        Local Variables
            (Unit type of (Triggering unit)) == Nova
            General - If (Conditions) then do multiple (Actions)
                If Then Else
                    General - Else if (Conditions) then do (Actions)
                        Else If
                            (Abs(NukeWarsNovasDead)) <= 3
                            Variable - Modify NukeWarsNovasDead: + 1
                            Unit Group - Remove (Triggering unit) from NukeWarsGroup
                    General - Else if (Conditions) then do (Actions)
                        Else If
                            (Abs(NukeWarsNovasDead)) == 4
                            Unit Group - Pick each unit in (Last created units) and do (Actions)
                                    Variable - Set CurrentPlayer = (Owner of (Triggering unit))
                                    Variable - Modify PlayerScore[CurrentPlayer]: + 1
                                    Unit - Kill (Picked unit)
                                    Unit Group - Remove (Picked unit) from NukeWarsGroup
                                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 2 and row CurrentPlayer to (Text(PlayerScore[CurrentPlayer]))
                            Variable - Set NukeWarsNovasDead = 0
                            Cinematics - Turn cinematic mode On for (All players) over Default seconds
                            UI - Display cinematic text for (All players) with text "The Winner Is...", sound Silent (Unnamed), and allow 0.1 seconds between characters (max duration 20.0 seconds)
                            General - Wait 6.0 Game Time seconds
                            UI - Display cinematic text for (All players) with text (Name of player (Owner of (Random Living unit from NukeWarsGroup))), sound Silent (Unnamed), and allow 0.1 seconds between characters (max duration 20.0 seconds)
                            General - Wait 4.0 Game Time seconds
                            Dialog - Show DialogBegginingHost for (All players)
                            UI - Hide cinematic text for (All players)
                            Cinematics - Turn cinematic mode Off for (All players) over Default seconds

    But the problem is, the unit does not die, neither does the leader board score add up.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Undead Logo

    This is the most gruesome thing I can pull off... I'm actually... Not the gruesome... This is the grossest thing I can do, lol... I tried.

    I'm too innocent to do horrible things... Sadly...

    Posted in: Requests
  • 0

    posted a message on Trigger Problem - Units Death Check - Unit Groups

    So what i basically wanted to do here, when a unit dies, it checks if all others are dead, if they all are, then it selects the remaining unit, the game says its owner is the winner, then resets the death count, removes the units from the unit group, updates the leader board, and kills the remaining unit... [Ignore the dialog part]

    Here's what i thought of, but it's a bit problematic... If you can find out what's wrong, or if you know a better solution, please tell me... And if he reads this, I thought of this map instantly when I read one of your posts Mozared, :P. It's.. very long... Kinda reminds me of trigger stairs.

            Unit - Any Unit dies
        Local Variables
            (Unit type of (Triggering unit)) == Nova
            General - If (Conditions) then do multiple (Actions)
                If Then Else
                    General - Else if (Conditions) then do (Actions)
                        Else If
                            (Abs(NukeWarsNovasDead)) <= 3
                            Variable - Modify NukeWarsNovasDead: + 1
                            Unit Group - Remove (Triggering unit) from NukeWarsGroup
                    General - Else if (Conditions) then do (Actions)
                        Else If
                            (Abs(NukeWarsNovasDead)) == 4
                            Variable - Set NukeWarsNovasDead = 0
                            Cinematics - Turn cinematic mode On for (All players) over Default seconds
                            UI - Display cinematic text for (All players) with text "The Winner Is...", sound Silent (Unnamed), and allow 0.1 seconds between characters (max duration 20.0 seconds)
                            General - Wait 6.0 Real Time seconds
                            UI - Display cinematic text for (All players) with text (Name of player (Owner of (Random Living unit from NukeWarsGroup))), sound Silent (Unnamed), and allow 0.1 seconds between characters (max duration 20.0 seconds)
                            Unit Group - Pick each unit in NukeWarsGroup and do (Actions)
                                    General - If (Conditions) then do multiple (Actions)
                                        If Then Else
                                            General - Else if (Conditions) then do (Actions)
                                                Else If
                                                    (Owner of (Triggering unit)) == 1
                                                    Variable - Modify PlayerScore: + 1
                                                    Unit - Kill (Picked unit)
                                                    Unit Group - Remove (Picked unit) from NukeWarsGroup
                                                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 2 and row 1 to (Text(PlayerScore))
                                            General - Else if (Conditions) then do (Actions)
                                                Else If
                                                    (Owner of (Picked unit)) == 2
                                                    Variable - Modify PlayerScore 2: + 1
                                                    Unit - Kill (Picked unit)
                                                    Unit Group - Remove (Picked unit) from NukeWarsGroup
                                                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 2 and row 2 to (Text(PlayerScore 2))
                                            General - Else if (Conditions) then do (Actions)
                                                Else If
                                                    (Owner of (Picked unit)) == 3
                                                    Variable - Modify PlayerScore 3: + 1
                                                    Unit - Kill (Picked unit)
                                                    Unit Group - Remove (Picked unit) from NukeWarsGroup
                                                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 2 and row 3 to (Text(PlayerScore 3))
                                            General - Else if (Conditions) then do (Actions)
                                                Else If
                                                    (Owner of (Picked unit)) == 4
                                                    Variable - Modify PlayerScore 4: + 1
                                                    Unit - Kill (Picked unit)
                                                    Unit Group - Remove (Picked unit) from NukeWarsGroup
                                                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 2 and row 4 to (Text(PlayerScore 4))
                                            General - Else if (Conditions) then do (Actions)
                                                Else If
                                                    (Owner of (Picked unit)) == 5
                                                    Variable - Modify PlayerScore 5: + 1
                                                    Unit - Kill (Picked unit)
                                                    Unit Group - Remove (Picked unit) from NukeWarsGroup
                                                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 2 and row 5 to (Text(PlayerScore 5))
                                            General - Else if (Conditions) then do (Actions)
                                                Else If
                                                    (Owner of (Picked unit)) == 6
                                                    Variable - Modify PlayerScore 6: + 1
                                                    Unit - Kill (Picked unit)
                                                    Unit Group - Remove (Picked unit) from NukeWarsGroup
                                                    Leaderboard - Set (Last created leaderboard) item text at column 2 and row 6 to (Text(PlayerScore 6))
                            General - Wait 4.0 Real Time seconds
                            Dialog - Show DialogBegginingHost for (All players)
                            UI - Hide cinematic text for (All players)
                            Cinematics - Turn cinematic mode Off for (All players) over Default seconds
    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Other SC2 mapping sites?
    Quote from Kueken531: Go

    And you can try the custom map section at the Battle.net forums

    What? Really? Now i'm happy... You made my day... Thank you...


    Quote from hobbidude: Go

    Team liquid has a mapping forum that is one of my two main sites; although most of the mapping is melee there are some ums off and on.


    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Show us your cool custom UI-s!

    @Enexy: Go

    Enexy... Are those.. Hexagons...?

    Quote from Siretu: Go

    @HorusTheFalcon: Go

    Yeah, seeing this makes me think I have to up my game.

    I wish I didn't have to agree...

    Posted in: UI Development
  • 0

    posted a message on What program do you all write Galaxy in?
    Quote from Zolden: Go

    sc2 editor :)

    The only right answer.

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
  • 0

    posted a message on Solar Reduction - RPG - Progress Videos -
    Quote from Zanryu1337: Go

    You have a long way to go.

    That's exactly what i wanted to prove here :).

    Posted in: Project Workplace
  • 0

    posted a message on Solar Reduction - RPG - Progress Videos -

    Check out the page!

    Ah I finally get to show my map... Which has the least progress, the most... NOT, ready for showing... But I felt this is what I should show.. So eh...


    Sorry for the horrible commentary, I need to get used to my voice being heard :).

    Yes I know I talked about things I would need to know in the future... But it's because not much is done, and something told me to show it to the world now... And that something was NOT a bet.. I SWEAR IT.... Ok yeah it was.

    The reason why we [Most of my team is not in mapster... ):] are going to keep this in RTS View, is because we can make it like WoW anytime... But it's hard to make other things into an RTS :), so we keep it that way, and make use of the rare.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
  • 0

    posted a message on Castle Wars
    Quote from ScorpSCII: Go

    Allow PvP and you will have a fun game going.

    Scrop you made me sit 5mins waiting for your avatar to load... Little did I know.... But Pvp Is a good idea.. Might ruin the whole levels thing though, or maybe they should be considered rounds? :)

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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