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    posted a message on Huge Idea (League of Legends type MOBA) Need help

    Welcome to Contestant's Rift!

    Hey mapsters! This is Kosmo aka bubbles. I have a lot of really great ideas for a Moba map done right and I need fellow builders!

    From my experience, the high rated moba maps in SC2 arcade are descent but unpopulated and could use some work. So I thought I'd try my hand at making my own and giving it everything a Moba player loves. I come from league of legends competitive play and have a vast understanding of what it takes to make a competitive type moba game. However, the more I design, the more I begin to realize I have a very long road ahead of me. So hear are some map ideas I have come up with:

    The map terrain: Much like Summoners Rift (5v5 League of Legends map), the map is divided into three lanes with the intention of a 5v5 makeup. In between the lanes are ins and outs to each lane, jungle mob zones with temporary buff rewards, bushes which create line of sight blockers for sneak attacks, and a world boss designed for an end game temporary team buff. The map size is a little smaller than summoners rift (probably 2/3) and though balanced, not completely symmetrical.

    Heroes: I have a great Idea for champion (or as I call in this game "contestant") selection. The idea is the player immediately sees a UI window where he can cycle through several pages, each with a big picture of the contestant looking all badass, a stat breakdown (example: Ability: 7, Health: 8), a small summary of how the contestant is used properly, and a nice stat recommendation for item purchases (example: Stat Recommendation - Vitality, Secondary Recommendation - Minion Strength). Contestants will lane and gain level and extra minerals for last hit kills on minions. They have 1 passive ability that can be upgraded at level 10, three normal abilities that can be leveled two times each, and an ultimate ability gained at level 6 that can be leveled once. This will create a level 12 cap for each contestant. Most contestants use energy to cast their abilities, however some are special. They may have a small amount of energy capacity that can not be upgraded, but the regeneration is very high allowing constant ability usage without going overboard (think Lee Sin or Akali). Many other great ideas are brewing as well.

    Items: I think the most efficient way to offer a wide selection of items while still having an easy time navigating to what you need is to have three core Item buildings in your spawn. One named "Attack", one named "Defense", and one named "Ability". Each building offers 5 starting items from left to right (the first being a boots type item, increasing movement speed). Each item under the top five requires the item directly above and further increases the stat (example- top item: +10 to Vitality [100 Health], item under that: +20 Vitality, +15 Health Regeneration). This allows the player to pick out a few good starting stats if he wanted instead of pouring all his money into one item. A Maximum of four items with an additional 5th item (or trinket) which gives a strong boost in a specific and unique stat (such as "Damage to minions" great for junglers).

    Victory Conditions: Much like any other moba, kill the enemy nexus and win. No other condition for victory. Each lane will be protected with two turrets, the inner turret dealing much more damage. Within the inner turret is an inhibitor, which if destroyed, will cause you to spawn much stronger minions keeping that lane pushed. And a Nexus protected by 2 very strong turrets.

    What I Need: To be honest, the hardest part of this map will be the creation of its contestants and their abilities, all the while keeping everything nice and balanced. The idea isn't to have every single contestant perfectly balanced with each other, but instead, have certain contestants much more efficient at killing say a tank or a caster. Anywho, I need hero designers. I think all the trigger work required for this map I can handle (I think lol). But most of all, I need ideas! Tips, tricks, anything to make this map the best ding dong moba SC2 has ever seen!

    - Bubbles

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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