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    posted a message on Import a lot of data to initialize variables

    It works amazingly well.

    Furthermore, access time to elements of the catalog seems really short. Maybe I do not need global arrays anymore, even if I have to do real-time computations with thoses (constant) values. :)

    Thank you again! :D

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on Import a lot of data to initialize variables

    Thanks a lot for your help! I will try to go this way and come back with a quick feedback.

    Thanks again ;)

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on Import a lot of data to initialize variables


    I have some big 3D-arrays of fixed and I'd like to import, in any possible way, values to initialize them. I have close to 100,000 variables and If I copy-paste all the lines "table[i][j][k];" in a script, compilation will fail because of the "script too large"...

    I tried to go with banks but of course the size was to big too...

    I tried by importing .galaxy files instead pasting lines into the editor but it failed too.

    Do you have any idea about the way to go to make it work? Are catalogs a solution? Is there any way for me to store fixed values in the catalog?

    Thank you, Quintoff

    Posted in: Galaxy Scripting
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    posted a message on [Replays] Load replay in editor for data mining.

    Ok, thank you.

    I guess the best I have to do is to use datas given by s2gears to generate scripts that simulate players' actions. And observe what happens.

    Otherwise, does anyone know where to find a good documentation about what is known on the replay file format?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Replays] Load replay in editor for data mining.

    Hi all,

    I hope I posted this thread in the good section...

    I have to gather datas on played games thanks to replay files. Unfortunately, tools like sc2gears don't provide enough information because they can extract datas from replays but of course they can't simulate the whole game engine.

    If I was able to load a replay file in the editor and to use triggers/scripts to filter datas (units, units' coordinates, opponent's units seen, ...), I would have all I need. Unfortunately, I didn't find any way to do that until now...

    So, does anyone know if it is possible and how to do that?

    Thank you very much, Quintoff

    ps : English is not my native language, I did my best ;).

    Posted in: Triggers
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