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    posted a message on Starcraft Universe reaches $80,000+ goal!!!
    Quote from Forge_User_90756571: Go

    To be honest, people like him are annoying me alot, and Im not an easy guy to annoy. As it stands now, the Battle.Net 2.0 is a pretty good platform for custom maps - even I can get my extremly niche maps played on a day to day basis without any problem and receive good and usefull feedback. If you go in with the expectation to make money, then the jokes on you. Thats also the reason why its not a waste of time of making maps/mods for SC2. You make mods/maps to have fun with them and to share it with people - not to make money with them. Making money with any kind of mod is a rare thing in itself and yet you and dogmai blame Blizzard for not beeing able to do it with an editor as simple as SC2. If Dogmai wants money so bad, I advise him to get a skillset that goes beyond mapping for SC2 and program his own real game - him and other people on this forum going around here discouraging people from doing cool map projects is just disgusting to watch.

    Can I just say, I disliked him before it became mainstream?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Starcraft Universe reaches $80,000+ goal!!!

    So how much did Blizzard help them directly? I'm glad they made it and all, it would just seem like a bit less of a respectable feat if Blizzard were to have given them special treatment (models, assets, direct contact, etc.) For example, I remember a few hot topics of discussion about legal questions (on the Bnet forums) (obviously not answerable by the community) that were never answered by Blizzard.

    I just really like the idea of a few people making money mapping (80k may not be long term sustainability, but it's not insignificant) without help. Doesn't seem as great if Blizzard were holding their hand the whole time. (I like parentheses.)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on MSG From Blizzard.

    @Zolden: Go

    I don't see how, it's not like one is going to make an account and claim to be a developer. And I also can't see one making a post on the battle.net forums just to say that a thread on an unaffiliated site was acknowledged. There's also the fact that they never asked the public, only their small group of recognized mappers, because, you know, they're the only ones skilled with the editor and have viable ideas.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on This is a Kickstarter
    Quote from Forge_User_23962875: Go

    @SearingChicken: Go Its just my opinion mate. Sorry if I made it look like an attack, or offended you in any way, or hurt your feelings, or made you tell your mom, or sumtin... To each its own. ;]

    People like you...

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Something hit me last night...

    @houndofbaskerville: Go

    We still haven't gotten to know each other, you and I.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Starcraft Universe kickstarter will fail?

    @Fullachain: Go

    The people that pledge money are allowed to cancel their pledge before the end date. So I'd imagine that's not likely.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Starcraft Universe kickstarter will fail?

    So if they get $79,999 or less pledged, they get no money?

    Even though they got 40k, they won't get it just because they asked for 80k? That doesn't sound fair =(

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Public Apology.


    I'd just like to say I claim no responibility for people thinking Obscene is Tainted and I have no submissible evidence that they may be the same person though I was the first to suggest that they were.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Public Apology.
    Quote from ObsceneCereal: Go

    @Gradius12: Go

    Shall I refer to the 30 pages (500 post) of insults between you and EW?.

    Ooo, I remember that, I was even part of it for a while, and so were you, Tainted, err, I mean ObceneCereal.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Public Apology.
    Quote from houndofbaskerville: Go

    pss: i do hope you are a cute 18+ year old hot grill (joke)

    I'm whatever you want me to be, baby.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Public Apology.
    Quote from houndofbaskerville: Go

    Contextual note : i just got permed for being "me" on tl for the 4th time: (message: You have been banned by Plexa. Reason: Please stop making accounts.)

    3 years ago i arrived from tl .. pissed off like a bat out of hell wanting to get justice / revenge and stomp someone.. anyone

    that got me plenty of labels .. such is life, unfair and brutal, the more you give the more they take...

    wisp is (can be.. depending on the point of view) a dork, a tool, a red neck, stupid, racist, bigot ... (i could go on..) .. be that as it may (those words apply-able to wisp ... true or false i care not) .. moderation can do better than banning.. can it not?

    this extra time taken by moderators or admins is (seems) lost for taking time on top of other things, having to "deal" with people who "go too far", ..

    but it only seems.. it is not lost, this time is essential

    (believe me i find wisp uninteresting per say, and like most posts on the internet.. mine is only meant as self serving)

    IT IS PURE LAZINESS on anyone's part to not try to raise the bar, to not go the extra mile.. reforming wisp is something to aspire to.. not something to be mocked or ridiculed

    in closing i just wanted to add a huge and gravel filled f_ck you to all who "proudly" declare that "this is the internet lol and it is "lost" .." if you can't stomach this or that then you are a this or that ..and should know better"

    again f_ck you!!! all you people are the reason the internet is as it is.. you lazy f_cken bunch of pansies who can't stomach the work to be done

    tldr: perms are for old ladies, mapster should never be tl...

    I want to get to know you.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Public Apology.

    After reading the screenshots, I realize that he's not a troll, he's a comedian!

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Public Apology.

    Why not just make another account (named something other than your banned account's name)?

    That's what I would've done.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Trigger Specialist LF Team


    I've been working with the trigger module of the map editor for a long time but after a while I generally lose interest in whatever map I'm making. I've worked in teams before for up to 6 months, so motivation is an issue for me when working with no one else. I'd like to finish a map for once so I'm looking for a team to work with.

    What I'm Looking For

    The only thing I'm hoping for is that I don't have to work on a map alone. Therefore, I'm open to everything in the sense that it's immataterial to me whether the person contacting me is currently working solo, in an already formed team, or also looking for a team. I also don't mind if the project the person contacting me for is being conceived, in development, or undecided (in other words, I don't care what the stage of the project is at).

    About Me

    I started working with triggers at release and have regularly spent time working on (unfinished) projects. I have basic knowledge of the data editor (I only learned enough of it to enhance what I could do with triggers).

    I'm flexible with forms of contact and hours so I'm not going to list any details about that.

    My Experience

    If it's not clear yet, I don't have any finished projects. I do have several neat unfinished maps and projects that demonstrate my capabilities with triggers and I will show those to whoever is interested thus far. I don't have anything that I'd be comfortable posting without demonstration, and I hope that that's not unreasonable.

    If you're interested, please contact me via PM.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Has the Arcade gained momentum?
    Quote from Eimtr: Go

    ... i said it, give it another 4 years then we will talk - Yeah I know the game will never reach the numbers of War3 but WHO CARES?


    I get that Fockewulf can be annoying at times, but saying SC2 being in an overall better place in 4 years is just silly. Waiting to talk about it until it's barren in 4 years is silly.

    I was saying similar things when SC2 was released, that it will improve with time. I seriously doubt it would have been improved near as much had people listened to me and stopped complaining.

    The map system has improved drastically but the community has hardly grown in the last few years.

    Posted in: General Chat
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