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    posted a message on Starcraft 2 Races

    ok, but is there any tutorial ? any place that explain each steps to create one ? i have search everywhere but i have never found any :s

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    posted a message on Starcraft 2 Races

    Hi mapster ! i didn't post here for a while, so i thought it would be a good idea to ask a question here that no one ever answer me because they didn't know the answer. But anyway here is my question :

    How to create a complete new race in starcraft 2 ?

    i have tried many, many times, never worked. In the editor itself it was working, but when i was trying to post the mod, an error showed and eraised the entire map. So, does anyone here know how to create a new race that will work when its time to publish ? Thanks for the answers


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    posted a message on First big mod : where is the manual ?

    Sorry for double posting :p but i just learn the number of people that work on Starcraft Universe... They are 7... can someone explain me why they are so few ? its not surprising they did not finish the mod after 1 year of work !

    ps : i have found a bug on this site : sometimes you send the message and then, you are automatically disconected and you message is not even posted...i hate when that happend, 2 time already i write a 100 word text that is instant erase by this bug, and now its the third time

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    posted a message on First big mod : where is the manual ?

    thx for the fast answer but i don't have 5000$ to spend right now...that is why i was asking if someone got it or an another program for model creation, and for the color i already know it exist, but is there a tutorial to chainge only some of the color and not replace them all by, for example, green ?

    i mean by that to chainge the part that will depend of the player color, by an another example, the blade of the Zealot, chainge they color to blue, whatever the color you have choosed.

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    posted a message on First big mod : where is the manual ?

    ah, thank you zeldarules28 :) i will not forget to send you a pm or two . By the way do you know someone...well in one video of Starcraft Universe we can see they change some model, but like, reallly changed, and i want to know, where i can found peapole that have the application to create new model, then export them to the editor ?

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    posted a message on First big mod : where is the manual ?

    ok, first of all : Happy new year ! i hope you all have a nice crismas

    second : im not new with the editor ( well, if we compare with you guys yes im new ) but still i didn't create any "serious" map. So i will create a tower defence. and ps : i already admit i cant do my "big mod". so when my tower defence will be finish i will tell you guys the name and tell me if he is good or not :) but before, tell me, the mapster are US server, or EU server ? or both of them ? because i am EU server.

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    posted a message on First big mod : where is the manual ?

    ps : i tried to edit my last post but it did not work, so add after "completely new", ranged and melee units

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    posted a message on First big mod : where is the manual ?


    i already make completely new, i think i forget to tell, but i didn't just discover the editor exist, i have make already 4-5 map ( unpopular because i did no advertisement of them XD ). The only thing i don't really know how to make is the trigger, the terrain desing and of course i am not able to create new spell ( well i can, if there is already one that exist, well i mean i can create a new spell if there is an example, but if there is no example it is not certain i will be able to do it )

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    posted a message on First big mod : where is the manual ?

    damn i absolutely forget this post T.T shame on me, but anyway, i was working on the mod, and i just need help to continue. So plz if you are a lot of "pro editor man" that have time to loose, then loose it in my mod, with me. I know i don't know everything, but i belive i know enough to build the map, with some help, and also its working faster when you are 100 at the place of 1...

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    posted a message on First big mod : where is the manual ?

    First of all, a bug erase everything i just write, and i bet there was more that 200 word :( so i will not tell a lot, i make already some maps, and im working on one that is not the mod im trying to make with the mapster, but anyway i just can't follow a tutorial if he is not in a video, becose in video i see the exact thing to do, and just write like this, no. we can say that video tutorial type is my way to learn ;) but my only weakness is the trigger, the trigger and of course one or two other things. But we should talk about all that ingame, don't we ? im european server, name Matzerg code 218 . And i did not play warcraft 3.

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    posted a message on First big mod : where is the manual ?

    First, thank you all for answering my post, tho i realize im not at the exact place to open it ' but what is done is done. So i thing i wasn't clear enough in my first post, i actually don't want to make a moba ( what is that ? ) or a dota, its a third person shooter, but in a wow like, exept that there will be no class becose of the model, and also, the 2 species that you will be able to choose a caracter from, will not start a fight if they see one soldier of the another species.

    You will have to fight other change your state ( like pass from psyonic to heroic or something like that ) so the weapon of the other will be able to kill you, and you to kill them. But i don't have the time to really explore the editor becose i have to make my homework, study for my exam, make some ladder in 1v1, and all these things.

    Thats why i request help from the mapster becose i know you guys are a hundred million time better than me, and do this mod with you will teach me more with the editor, and of course i will ask for some trick :) so is that ok now or i have to tell more to make some pro come here and help me ?

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    posted a message on First big mod : where is the manual ?

    Hi all ! im a little new in this forum, but anyway i post here becose i thing thats the best place to find peapole that are really good in the editor, anyway my title isn't the best for what im trying to tell, but thats not important. What i search to do is a map like "Starcraft Universe" .

    Of course even for a pro doing it alone is, i think, really hard. So i want to recruit people to to make the mod with me, and of course teach me some trick to be better, becose compared to the pro, im lame :s, but im good enough to make nice little mod :D but thats not a little mod, thats a really big mod.

    Anyway come post here to "sing up" for the mod, and if i have to put more details to made you interest, tell me here :) To the pleasure of work with you


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