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    posted a message on (Solved) Why canĀ“t damage responses be modified on behaviours anymore?

    look in your data editor near the top and check to see if the "show advanced values" button is clicked (ctrl+shift+h). after the update lots of my settings were reset to default so i had to reset things to where i liked em.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Guys I know..., but again Banks!

    same thing happened to me one time. i looked back through all of my bank triggers just to find that in ONE instance i had accidentally capitalized a letter when it should have been lower case. banks are extremely sensitive to tiny changes in the bank's name. go back and make sure that the bank is referenced EXACTLY the same in all the triggers (capitalization, number of spaces, etc). that's all i can think of on this problem, hope that's what the problem is :/

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Why do you map?

    mostly i map because i get an idea in my head and i think it might be cool to create even if its really stupid or simple. like for instance, i recently felt like making a piano in the editor that you could play by clicking units or using the qwerty keys. due to technical issues im being prevented from getting bagpipes and choir sounds :(

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Actor issues with 1.5

    it seems that whenever i change/add events in an event macro actor and try to save those changes, the editor crashes :( I'd post this issue on that Blizzard forum but it wont let me due to the website detecting parental controls that were never set!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on What makes a unit being attacked?
    Quote from Bilxor: Go

    I've experimented with this as well and it seems that you've listed the same hard-coded attack priority I've found. The game just values attacking units over non-attacking units as targets when left to its own devices. Since spider mines and mining SCVs aren't really "attacking" per se (the spider mine explosion is more of a damaging self-destruct ability) they are valued as low priority targets compared to those that actually have weapons. I think the one exception is banelings, i think they get auto-targeted with equal priority as any other weapon-baring unit, but don't quote me on that, that's just what it seems like from my personal ladder play.

    Quote from Neravarine: Go

    @Kabelkorven: Go

    Unit - Attack Target Priority

    IIRC, unit types with the highest value in this field are attacked first if they are a threat to the attacker.

    combining these two comments it sounds like the Unit - Attack Target Priority seperates units into two groups; units that can attack/are attacking a unit and units that cant attack. after seperating them into those groups then the Target Priority value takes effect favoring units that can attack over units that cant. for example: a unit with a weapon and Target Priority of 3 with be favored and auto-targeted first over a unit with no weapon and a Target Priority of 10.

    In the Units tab, in the Flags+ section, i believe there are check boxes with things like "generates threat" "AI threatens Air" and stuff like that for more threat generating options.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Probably insane request: Shockwave triggering an event.

    the search radius bonus in the search effects does something along the lines of increasing the current radius by the bonus amount every time the search is fired. so, placing a buff on the king unit from the start of the game and setting the effect: effect -final to be a create persistent effect that has a very high period count and low period durations with the periodic effect being your search effect should create the "wave" of infestation that you want. just make the initial search radius of the search effect really low and then make the "radius bonus" 1. then set the persistent's period count to be... about 450 or so (will/should cover the whole map) and the periodic duration to be whatever you want (depending on whether you want the infestation to wash over the map quickly or slower).

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Acquiring Unit with another Unit

    you can still do the normal loading through the data editor to reduce trigger lag if you want.

    from looking at your youtube video... just give the colonists a buff that periodically searches for a unit attribute on a neutral unit (i assume that all the mechs will share a similar unique attribute) and applies a control buff to the mech. that buff then changes the mechs owner to the source of the "apply behavior" effect (using the behavior: player section of the buff) and either using the initial effect or the periodic effect in the buff place an issue order effect that orders the now owned mech to use the load ability at the "load all" index (index 4 i think).

    to make the now owned mech go back to being neutral when a player ejects you go into the mechs load ability and look for the ability: unload transport behavior section. there you put in a duration buff that uses a remove behavior effect in the effect: effect final to remove the control behavior that had changed the ownership of the neutral mech.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Acquiring Unit with another Unit

    you want an actual load where the colonist is loaded and saved in the hellion so that when the hellion dies the colonist unloads? or do you want a pseudo-load where the colonist is simply removed from the game and the hellion changes owner?

    the pseudo-load is easier to do. you could place a buff on the hellion that periodically searches an area and applies a buff onto a unit. place a unit type validator in the apply behavior effect that will only return true if the targeted unit is a colonist. the buff applied to the colonist would have a very small duration and in the effect: effect - final you would place a set effect that contained a damage effect with the effect: death set to "remove", the "kill" box checked in the effect: flags+, and the target: impact location set to source unit. the second effect in the set would be another search that applied a control buff (using a unit type validator in the apply behavior) to the hellion. for this buff, in the behavior: player section, set the effect to be the apply control behavior and the player to be "source".

    this is one way to do the pseudo-load way. hope this is what you want :)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Help!] Capture Neutral Buildings

    well i sorta browsed through the thread and im not sure if someone already said this, but anyway...

    basically you want an ability that, upon right-clicking, changes the owner of a specific unit to the owner of the casting unit? you could do this without the trigger editor.

    create an "effect - target" ability and check the box "smart" in the Stats: Flags. using the effect - target will allow you to set cast times and whatnot.

    for the ability's effect use an "apply buff" to the target and set the behavior: Player+ on the buff to be; Effect: (the apply buff effect) Value: Caster

    then create an enumerate area validator that checks for specific nearby units and change the search: search filters to only include "player" in the validation search

    place the enumerate area validator back into the Behavior: Validators (remove) section of your buff and when the validator detects that there are no valid player SCV, mule, probe, drone, or whatever it will remove the behavior and the controlled unit should revert back to its original owner.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on CraftWars

    Just uploaded CraftWars to Bnet today! Please play a game or two and tell me what you think! If you find any glitches, areas where i may have missed placing tooltips and such, or any problems in general please tell me on this thread so i can fix them post hast!!

    Also a problem of my own. I noticed that my leaderboard and bank wasn't saving variables correctly so i tried to disable the triggers relating to the leaderboard so i could fix this problem without removing the map. when i tried to re-upload the map i was met with multiple errors reading: "Document dependency header file is not available: liberty multi (mod)" and it wouldn't let me re-upload. now i checked the dependencies and they are all there... anyone know how i can fix the problem?

    anyway the game itself is fine its just that there will be a leaderboard that wont keep track of anything lol.

    so, play the game, tell me what you think, report any problems that you have with it (except the leaderboard) and overall i hope you enjoy the map!! :D

    Edit: well after i closed the editor and reopened it the errors went away and allowed me to upload the map without the leaderboard. ill re-upload the leaderboard once i get it all fixed up.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Requirements Challenge!

    ill try that as well, but i think the problem has something to do with the reason most of my buildings are registering as neutral owned despite being owned by a player. rather annoying glitch, checked all buffs that had anything to do with changing owner already. found ways to get around that issue. ill try them after looking at the mothership requirement.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Requirements Challenge!

    got another malfunctioning requirement i'de like to have looked at. im trying to get a train ability to not be useable when there are 3 of a certain unit queued or better and to be useable again when there are less than 3 of those certain units living. i've tried several different ways, even looked at the already made "train nuke" requirement, nothing works so far.

    don't know if it makes a difference, but, due to unfortunate circumstances, i have to do training through indirect means; meaning the building has a "force" train ability that trains a dummy unit and sends a search out to issue an order to the actual training unit to train a unit.

    edit: nevermind. i think i know what the problem is.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Attack actor not working

    for the sounds to play put a sound in the combat: launch assets and/or the Target: impact map

    for the missile firing from the ground. try going into the units tab and setting the height for your missile unit. i sometimes have problems with the missile launching from the ground and not higher and manually setting the missile unit's height works, but otherwise id say that it could be a problem with the attachment: launch attachment query. what i can say about that is check the model in the model previewer of the unit your using. the model previewer has attachment points that exist on that model and what they are referred to as. there may not be a "weapon 00" attach point on the model, i believe there are a couple models like that.

    edit: eh, sorry, missed that you already put a sound in the impact map

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Making the mini map disappear

    in the trigger editor set the event to be map initialization. from there there are lots of show/hide options for use in the actions. show/hide game UI will hide the entire HUD. for the minimap specifically, use "show/hide UI frame" and set it to minimap panel.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Help with upgrade that kills owners units
    Quote from SoulFilcher: Go

    The behavior idea is the same. There's no need to create a new damage effect because "Suicide" is already there to be used.

    lol forgot about the already made suicide effect.

    Posted in: Data
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