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    posted a message on Cute Little Animated Gifs I made Ages ago.

    I like the first one.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Is there an SC2 map like this?

    Well, if anyone can make this, I guarantee that I can hold out for as long as I can.

    You know the "In Utter Darkness" mission? I held out for two hours.

    The "Lone Wolf" mission in Halo Reach? Three.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Is there an SC2 map like this?

    It's where 20,000 Hydralisks attack a Terran base, and the Terran player has to fight them off. But, if not, I would like to see it done. I love maps like this.

    But, here's exactly what I want in it:

    -1 Protoss, 1 Terran Base.

    -20 Waves, each stronger than the last (Like the first wave would be Zergling, then there would be Speedlings, and then Crackspeedlings)

    -I'll try to post a video of the game... I will fail. even with my BCieged Rush (Battlecruiser/Siege Tank Rush, play on the word besieged.)

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Looking to join a team.
    Quote from DarcZaFire: Go

    I havent checked it out yet, but it all sounds very cool.

    Post that link on our Team Genesis page, and let people admire your work :D

    Would you like to be apart of our team?


    Quote from bravojuliet: Go

    Quote from LongLivetheTalDarim: Go


    -I can make or remake maps vs AI (seeing as how that's all I'm allowed to do. You can thank my parents for that.)

    -I can make maps that include Campaign units.

    What I can't do (But I'd like to learn):

    -Make new units.

    -Make new maps.

    -Triggers (can someone dumb it down?)

    -Other things.

    what do you need help with?

    I just want to make an AI that actually gives me a challenge. I can steamroll over an Insane AI. I want to play an AI that copies the strategies of actual players; like TLO, Whitera, Nestea, Huk, and maybe if I'm feeling lucky... Idra.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Expanding on AI Melee

    I tried to play against the Green Tea Commander AI... and I got stomped.

    My normal 4gate Carrier Rush = Stomped.

    Quick Hydralisk = O...o

    Mass Marine Marauder = D:

    I'm going to try and play it on my map, with MY units.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Looking to join a team.

    They're afraid of the whole Multiplayer thing, it's bullshit, I know...

    I can however, do a few model swapping tutorials, but the ones I have done, the models don't belong to me (for example, the Dragoon and the better Battlecruiser that looks like the Hyperion in the cutscenes.)

    I have even swapped the Zealot model for the Dark Zealot in the Editor ^^

    You can download the map here:


    But the Yamato Cannon frakked up, and so I removed it.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on (Solved) Dragoon and Vulture problem.

    Thanks for the help. Just so there's no more replies, I'm going to go ahead and lock the topic ^^

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Dragoon and Vulture problem.

    Ok, forget the Dragoon. That problem has been fixed :)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on What language would be most useful to learn?

    I think that Latin would be useful.

    Reason: Once you figure out the origin of a word, you can figure out the word itself :)

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on (Solved) Dragoon and Vulture problem.

    Ok, my map has two snags (maybe more if you wanna test it) I'd like information on.

    1) The Dragoon wireframe is a pain. It came with the base Dragoon picture and 3 shield layers. How do I apply those to replace the Immortal wireframe?

    2) The Vultures can only deploy 3 Spider Mines. How do I get it to replenish Spider Mines? I found the ability (it has hidden build next to it) and I'm just trying to get it to work.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on What's your favorite HotS ability (from what you've seen so far)

    Dark Swarm... is that the one where it reduces the range of any unit to one?

    As to the CSI reference...

    Last call at the bar is when a bartender allows a last round of drinks before the bar closes.

    The trip to the bar was the Marines' last trip. Hence the last call.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on What's your favorite HotS ability (from what you've seen so far)

    Mine would definitely have to be the Ultralisk's Burrow Charge.

    A battalion of Marines walk into a bar and ask where's the counter?

    The Ultralisk burrows and goes RIGHT HERE! when he unburrows.

    I guess... *puts on sunglasses* it was their last call at the bar.


    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Ohhhh my.

    I was sitting here, working on my map, and I put the Night Elf static Banshee portrait in, and when I swapped 3D to 2D portraits, I was rather surprised that it popped up. cracked me up to hear "I got my ears on" and seeing a Night Elf. Now, I am working on a static portrait for a Worgen Marine.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Looking to join a team.

    It's battle.net.. Can't play online or talk to people, which sucks because I wanted to play against Husky >.>

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Looking to join a team.

    Well, I can't really do much online, but I have gotten a grasp on changing models and such. Like right now, I am giving my map a full overhaul of the aesthetics.

    Example: Carrier to Selendis' Carrier.

    I also retextured UltiDrgn's Worgen Marine using a DDS editor I have for Halo Combat Evolved, to where it has the Alliance symbol, but I want to give it to him/her, because it doesn't belong to me, and I don't want any credit for it.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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