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    posted a message on Button Problems

    1.) This issue has been resolved. I figured out why it wasn't working.

    2.) This is the exact issue I am having: http://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/development/data/24605-command-card-submenu-bug/

    But the only solution they had is "reset the entire command card". I'm not entirely sure what they mean by that or how to do that.

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    posted a message on Button Problems

    I am having 2 issues and I can not seem to figure out how to solve them. Both of them revolve around buttons.

    My first issue is with the Loki Battlecruiser. I have added the Defensive Matrix and Missiles Pods to it, I have added both abilities, but when in game, the buttons for it simply don't show up for either the Defensive Matrix or Missile Pods. I have tried everything I can think of to make the appear, but I can't figure it out. I don't know why the buttons won't show up. Why won't they show up?

    The second problem I am having is on Command Card 1, I have 2 buttons. 1 button to sub-menu 2, and the other to sub-menu 3. For some reaon, the one leading to sub-menu 3 will not work. If I set it to go to sub-menu 3, it says that, but if I launch the game and come back, the sub-menu it is supposed to go to, the drop down arrow, is blank. I reset it to menu 3, but it will reset to blank no matter what. I do have items in sub menu 3, I have several researches. The button shows up on the 1st Command Card, but for some reason it won't go to the 3 command card. When you click on it nothing happens. Why does it keep doing this and how can I fix it?

    If you guys could help, it would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

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    posted a message on Command Card SubMenu's

    Sorry for the late response, had a few computer issues. Thanks for the responses guys, I will definitely try that out!

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    posted a message on Command Card SubMenu's

    So, I did use search, and I found the exact thing, but unfortunately, the user the posted a fix, his link was bad to the fix. I looked at the rest of the search, and couldn't really find anything.

    How can I have a unit that has more then 4 command card sub menus? Is it even possible?


    Posted in: Data
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