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    posted a message on (Solved) Armor and damage

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    I have been testing the last few days and I think something is just screwy. When I create a new map just for these tests, then everything works as described. :\ Sorry about the confusion guys and thanks a ton for your help. Now that I am a little more proficient with the data editor, I hope to not make mistakes like this in the future.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Armor and damage

    <<reply 426589>

    Is the damage from the Talons also spell damage? He takes full damage from those too.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Armor and damage

    @Kueken531: Go

    Well, I wanted to do a new map to show you what I mean, and apparently on my real map, things are a bit screwy. No big deal. On the new map, these are the things I changed:

    Marine: Max Life - 1000 Life - 1000 Armor - 500

    Kerrigan Tyrador: Invulnerable check removed Psi Blast - 50damage

    Interestingly, the Marine takes the full damage. Shouldn't he take reduced damage due to 500 armor? I am confused.

    I also added an Odin and some zerglings. He attacks and kills them fine. On my real map he attacks them but doesn't kill them. I think I need to take a closer look at the data.

    If you still want to see test map, let me know.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Armor and damage

    @SkeletalHammer: Go

    The psi blast is ranged and the talons are melee. I am currently playing around with the values. It seems to me that when a nuke is launched, the units are completely vulnerable, as well as when they are moving. Is this true?

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    posted a message on (Solved) Armor and damage

    Hi guys,

    I apparently don't fully understand how the relationship between armor and damage work. Here's what I think:

    If a unit is being attacked and has 0 armor, and the attacking unit does 100 damage, the attacked unit takes 100 damage. If a unit is being attacked and has 100 armor, the attacked unit takes 0 damage.

    Is this at all correct? It seems to work like this sometimes, and other times it doesn't.

    Here an example:

    I have a unit that uses upgrades to armor. Level 3 upgrades go up to 98 so in total the unit can have 100 upgrades. At 100 upgrades, the unit has 500 armor. So, with the unit (marine) at 50 armor, and Kerrigan(Tyrador) at 50 damage psi-blast, the marine takes 50 damage every 3 or 4 attacks. At 0 armor, the marine takes 50 damage almost every attack. How is this determined? This makes it very hard to balance.

    On another, more annoying note: How can I get Odin to attack Zerglings? I have looked everywhere in the data module and can't find anything that would keep him from doing so.

    Thanks in advance!!

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Loop problem that I don't understand.

    @SouLCarveRR: Go

    Yes. This statement:

    (Bank Player_Bank[(Picked player)] has Bank Terran Unit Encryption Difficulty and Unit[i][n] in section "cynlre") == True

    Is never true, even though it should be. For example if the current statement is this:

    (Bank Player_Bank[(player 1)] has Bank Terran Unit Encryption Difficulty and Unit[1][1] in section "cynlre") == True

    The Bank Terran Unit Encryption Difficulty and Unit[1][1] would be then (easy difficulty encrypted + marine encrypted) which is definately in the bank file so the statement should return true, but I think it is checking something else like BasharTeg said. I am still anaylizing it when I get time and will post my results when I figure it out, or if I give up and just hardcode it. :-)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Loop problem that I don't understand.

    @BasharTeg: Go

    Very nice! I will definately give this a shot. It may prove to help alot. Thank you so much!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Terran Special Forces (TSF) European Realm
    Quote from Forge_User_26451472: Go

    Okay. I tried it out..

    Roaches do 16 dmg while lings do 105? I get that units have modified stats, but most of them seem to have original damage?

    Ah, I didn't realize that was still the case. Thanks for pointing that out!

    Quote from Forge_User_26451472: Go

    A baneling with 2.5 million armour and a huge amount of HP? Nuking him simply removes him? =O

    It's actually 250k on easy. It was kind of the point to have one Nuke destroy him, because if this is your first time playing, you aren't going to have the cash to Nuke him multiple times. On the hardest difficulty, you need multiple Nukes (6 if I recall correctly).

    Quote from Forge_User_26451472: Go

    Friggin huge ultralisk scared me because I didn't see him almost until I walked into him, but unfortunately my rine had 100 weapon ups and I didn't even get to check his stats because he died in a blink of an eye.

    Omegalisk. It is suppose to scare you. :-) Again, at higher difficulties you will need multiple nukes to kill it. He will one shot you if he gets to you.

    Quote from Forge_User_26451472: Go

    Kerrigan.. I suppose she still has campaign behavior which negates all damage to 1. Probably nuke is the only way to deal with her but I had no cash so.. I also noticed that she did no dmg to me if I stood still.

    This is what we wanted. You pretty much have to Nuke her and the first boss. For the others, you can get away with normal firepower if you are careful. She does some interesting things when she is hit by a Nuke if she doesn't die (which she will after 1 Nuke on easy. Again, necessary because you don't have the money for multiple Nukes playing the first time through).

    I don't quite fully understand how her damage works to be honest. She has 2 attacks. 1 of them will 1 shot you, but the other seems to do no damage whatsoever. I am still researching this and hope to have it fixed soon.

    Quote from Forge_User_26451472: Go

    Why is there both banshee and a turret in starting location if turret attacks both ground and air units? Why are there no air units? I picked marine because tooltip said that he attacks both ground and air, so I thought that since I play alone I needed to have anti air.

    First answer: Because I liked how it looked. No real logic behind it. There are no air units because this is my first map and I wanted to keep it simple because I had no idea how simple or complex it would all become. Looking back, adding air units and the ability to attack air units to all Terran units would not be that difficult. Worth looking into.

    Quote from Forge_User_26451472: Go

    Bad terrain/layout/map space usage. Absolutely no texture work. It seems that you only used 60% of map space. Got impression that terrain was made in 40 minutes. Is that a skull?

    Agreed. You should have seen the first version (or maybe it's better you didn't). Not good! Sadly, it took alot longer to make it than 40 minutes. It will be improved though. Yes, that is a skull.

    Quote from Forge_User_26451472: Go

    Then I took a look at achievments. They all seem to be boring and player would get them eventually by causally playing the game. Aren't achievements supposed to be like a challenges? A stimuli for player to modify his routine optimal play and try out some silly things?

    That was also sort of the point. There are achievements that challenge you (Kill Kerrigan in 10 minutes on Crazy difficulty) and there are hidden achievements which I thought do promote people to just try stuff out. What I was trying to avoid were annoying achievements that have you do mundane tasks that are no fun. There will be more achievements in the future. One I have in mind is killing Kerrigan with only 50/50 upgrades on Crazy. Indeed a challenge.

    Quote from Forge_User_26451472: Go

    In general.. I can feel the lack of effort. It feels like it was done in 5 days, 3 of which were learning/implementing dialogs, 1 for difficulty balancing and 1 for the rest of work. I look at top right which poses a good question - "how good are you?". And i think to myself - "surely, I'm better than this". There are multiple difficulties, but I don't feel like having more of the same. I've had enough in this single playthrough.

    I wish I could say that it was done that quickly and that barely any effort went into it. I have never done a Starcraft map before (and apparently it shows greatly). It took alot longer actually, and I am stil learning how things work. I am hesitant to make the very first playthrough hard because I don't want to discourage people from playing, but if I get more feedback that easy is too easy, I will definately look into it. I am continually improving things as I learn more and hope to make this map enjoyable.

    Quote from Forge_User_26451472: Go

    This needs much more work. Maybe, if I hear that it's being constantly improved and polished I'll play it again in a few months. I suppose it's not that terrible for a first map though..

    Agreed. As I said, still in the Beta Testing phase and being improved daily. Your feedback has helped immensly to see the map from a player perspective. Thanks for giving it a try and I hope the next time you play it, it will be more enjoyable. Now if I can get Odin to kill Zerglings, I would be one step closer. :-)

    Thank you


    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Terran Special Forces (TSF) European Realm

    Hi everyone,

    I am a little nervous about posting my map here, but I would love some feedback if possible. The map is still in Beta Testing, but is very close to being done.

    The story: You have been chosen to join an elite group whose only mission is to stop the Zerg invasion on Omega 9 no matter the cost. The Planet was to be inhabited by Terran, but the Zerg wanted the planet too and have already killed the initial inhabitants. You and the others in your company realize that you must depend on each other to survive. Your armor has been redesigned to allow certain abilities that are as of yet still in development. Be careful using them. If you die, it's all over!

    The map: You start out being able to buy only a Marine, Marauder or Firebat. More units become available as you progress through the difficulty levels. You need to go out and kill the bosses, fighting the zerg all the way. You have a few tools at your disposal to help you on your way, and more are being developed as we speak. You get one shot. If you die, that's it. Hardcore Diablo style.

    Upgrades are available through minerals for both Infantry and Vehicles and you get the minerals from killing zerg. How very practical. Rank and achievements are available.

    Any info, help, feedback, or criticism is welcome.


    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Feedback on European realm?

    @Kueken531: Go

    Thanks guys! I am not sure if I am done enough (still some balancing issues) but I will post it here. :)

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Feedback on European realm?

    Hi guys,

    I have a map on the European realm (Germany) that is almost done with beta testing. If I wanted feedback from the sc2mapster users, would I have to upload the map onto the American realm? If so, is there any way to get feedback on my map for the European realm?

    Thank you in advance!


    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Which unit was created? [Solved]

    @Kueken531: Go

    Wow. How did I not see that! Thanks again!! :-)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Loop problem that I don't understand.

    @Kueken531: Go

    Danke Kueken! I forgot to mention that I am using 3 nested loops in other triggers and it works fine. :-)

    I will try debugging again, adding more text messages. We'll see what I come up with.

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    posted a message on Which unit was created? [Solved]

    Yet another question from me, and this has to do with the last created unit. I have the following:

            Unit - Engineering Bay [4.50, 2.50] creates a unit with ability Any or behavior No Game Link
            Unit - Engineering Bay [8.50, 2.50] creates a unit with ability Any or behavior No Game Link
            Unit - Engineering Bay [12.50, 2.50] creates a unit with ability Any or behavior No Game Link
            Unit - Engineering Bay [16.50, 2.50] creates a unit with ability Any or behavior No Game Link
        Local Variables
                    (Owner of (Created unit)) != 0
                    (Owner of (Created unit)) != Enemy_Player
            Unit Group - Add (Created unit) to Player Unit Group
            Variable - Set Player Unit = (Unit type of (Last created unit))
            General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                    Player Unit == Marine
                    Variable - Modify myintvariable: + 1
            Unit - Move (Created unit) instantly to Point 001 (No Blend)

    The code works fine and the unit (could be a marine, marauder, etc...) is created and moved to the location. I added the if/then statement because I need to know if a Marine was created. The Player Unit variable is of Unit Type and as far as I understand, this should work. But of course it doesn't due to some logic that I am not understanding. The variable myintvariable never gets modified in the debug window. It is always equal to 0 after the Marine is created.

    What am I not getting?

    Thanks again!!

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    posted a message on Loop problem that I don't understand.

    @BasharTeg: Go

    @Stragus: I do that in the map initialize trigger. ;-) And I inserted variables which is how I found out that it isn't going into the loop at all.

    @Bashar: Very possible that it is checking for 2 strings. That would at least explain why it is never true and also why the less efficient version works. You store all of your data in one long string and then use substring? That may be something I could implement. Would you give me a little example of how I can save something into a string that already exists? This is something I have never done, so details would be great!


    Posted in: Triggers
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