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    posted a message on Nerazim Protoss upgrade?

    So i'm trying to make a campaign and i'm using multiple different skins for Protoss, is it possible to change the Dark Protoss upgrade fto make it where the units change into Nerazim models (that I downloaded from here) and if so, how?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on The proper way to use War3 Mod (GA) in you map

    Is there a Melee AI for bots or no?

    Posted in: Warcraft Modding
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    posted a message on Download (4) Lost Temple Sample Map here『re-uploaded, AI Fixed』

    @Renee2islga: Go

    Nevermind (I found it, SC2's editor is unbelievably arbitrary :/ )

    Posted in: Warcraft Modding
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    posted a message on Left 2 Die - Brood War edition

    @SamsaraNoMas: Go

    Yes, that is what he meant.

    I could probably try it if no one else is willing.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Do not buy games from Blizzard


    "Lol this guy love insults..."

    coming from you?


    "Maybe he learned them on the zoo porn he watches."

    What the fuck are you talking about? where is all this "porn" stuff coming from with you?

    "Or you don't buy their games or you buy their games much later after checking multiple reviews/playtrough and at the lowest price possible"

    Reviews think this game is awesome and works well.

    or that blizzard is a decent company.

    Neither of these things are true.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Texture Flickering nonsense

    @herdal8: Go

    Alright, cool.

    I guess I'll continue with my project, then.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Do not buy games from Blizzard


    They were great in the past.

    Warcraft 3 was their last good game and that was 2002/2003

    " but if compared to other companies like Actvision or Electronic Farts, blizzard is still a serious company... "

    They're all trash in my book, I will not follow "the lesser of two evils" here.

    "and still i don't hate EA, "

    A dangerous mistake, I made sure to let EA know how much they ass they suck.

    And I haven't bought an EA game since that shitty C&C4 (which was the straw that broke the camels back)

    ". Piss Off M8, fix your computer and stop porn, or GTFO as you said... Bye"

    fuck off, random asshole, this game is the issue, my comp (which is a piece of shit) still runs my games and programs fine.

    "Neva4get stratostygo bloke"


    "their customer support is among the best in the game industry."

    Pff, their customer support is trash, not once have they been helpful to me, every time I have to find some time consuming jury-rigged way to fix this game.

    "Want to see terrible companies? Try dealing with Riot, EA or Valve when something is broke. It's broke."

    I know quite well that they suck too, Blizzard is among them, and it took me 5 years to realize this. :/

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Do not buy games from Blizzard

    @Mozared: Go

    "Good job replying to everything everyone said with non-answers "

    You don't have real arguments.

    " and antagonizing yourself even further."

    Not my concern.

    "I don't mind the occasional vent,"

    Remains to be seen.

    ", but now you're just being arrogant and pedantic"

    Neither of those words are related to anything I've said, at all.

    that's actually kind of amazing.

    "You might not intend to leave, but you won't last long here with that attitude."

    So be it, but I won't change myself for you nor anyone.

    "But hey, I'm just another guy out to get you"


    " right, so why take anything I say serious?"

    Good question!

    " Fuck the world, fuck Blizzard, you don't need any of this."

    Damn straight, brother! especially that middle part!

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Do not buy games from Blizzard

    @Bounty_98: Go

    If only :(

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Do not buy games from Blizzard

    @MaskedImposter: Go

    " now you're just looking for attention."

    "Personal attacks are against forum rules. You should apologise."

    You first.

    I want you to kneel when you apologize to me.

    "you're not adding anything constructive,"

    Nor was that the intent.

    "Blizzard isn't the devil"

    That's HIGHLY debatable.

    " Most other people aren't having the plethora of issues you seem to be describing, "

    good for them.

    " so chances are good the issue is on your end. "

    Doubtful since it's only this game on every single computer I've tried this POS on.

    " I don't care. Don't let the door hit you on the way out."

    Out? Oh i'm not going anywhere.

    "And yes - play nice."

    That's on him, I gave him the trash he gave me, i'll apologize when he does.

    Blizzard is the Devil, down with them, and watch their company go up in flames!

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Do not buy games from Blizzard

    @MaskedImposter: Go

    Looking for attention?


    this is a rant thread designed solely to relieve my own rage.

    you're the fool that looked at it again.

    you have only yourself to blame, mate. "I get mad sometimes and at this moment some of my mods are just trash cause of the last patch. But I dont think will go that far as not buy Blizz games. Just like we live and swim with SPAM we learn to fix what Blizzards breaks."

    I'm just getting fucking sick of this game (and just this stupid fucking game) breaking, crashing, flickering, not loading and etc. on an ARBITRARY and RANDOM basis.

    I will never buy a game from Blizzard again, I want to be held to that statement as well, for I anyone remembers this shitty rant thread use it against me if I renege on my promise.


    "Well, assholes, it looks like i'm on my own. It's funny... It seems like yesterday Blizzard was the greatest RTS company on Earth. Now they're shit, and i'm pissed. It kills me to know that I helped them achieve their goals of screwing customers over."

    "Damnit! I shouldn't have bought LotV."

    -The Real Jim Raynor

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Texture Flickering nonsense

    @Cacho56: Go

    Your program for some reason doesn't work with the "BW Command Center" model from Herdal8

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Do not buy games from Blizzard

    Nothing but problems with LotV can't get the game to start, had to uninstall can't get the installation to work, has to update CAN'T GET THE UPDATE TO WORK.


    I promise to everyone I will never buy a blizzard game again, HOLD ME TO IT GUYS.


    Now I have to deal with this horseshit.

    FUCK this company.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Protoss Requests For Model makers

    Please to all gods, somebody make this stuff.

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on Yeah, I'm done with blizzard

    @herdal8: Go

    The problem fixed itself.

    for the moment.

    Worry not, however, the endless tide of issues that this game has brought will continue soon. :/

    Posted in: General Chat
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