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    posted a message on Water

    @Kanitala: Go

    "Why are you so hung up on the get a new PC suggestion? "

    Because it's annoying as shit and in no way useful.

    "You ask for a better way to place water, but don't tell us anything about what would be 'better' for you, then follow up that question with information about Editor lag which you later claim is unrelated to your question despite being the only qualifiers we have to go on to figure out what would make it 'better' for you personally."

    K, I already answered the relevant part, the "get a new PC" shit was in no way useful and wouldn't be in any context.

    "You got several replies from people suggesting tweaking settings/not having other programs running so you can optimise the available resources for the Editor and you just ignore them and rant about the get a new PC suggestion."

    That's fine, but that had nothing to do with what I asked, at least they tired to be helpful unlike (Get a new PC)

    So yeah I'm going to continue to rant about it EVERY TIME IT IS BROUGHT UP.

    "but as others have said you didn't give us a lot to go on,"

    My query was already answered (no there isn't another way)

    My question did not require a flippant pointless response that was given.

    "so being so ungrateful to those who still tried to help regardless is a real jerk move."

    Who the fuck am I being ungrateful to?

    Mozared? the guy that's been an asshole pot stirrer?

    I wasn't a jerk to none of the others that asked questions, all I said was that it was not relevant and that my question was already answered as a "no"

    if that's what you call "being a jerk" than you really need to go outside and meet some real people.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Water

    @Mozared: Go

    "Oh damn, I am shaking in my fucking boots. Holy shit, the sheer power of your arguments blew me away there and made me see how you right you actually are!"


    Glad you agree :D

    "But wait: there weren't actually any arguments, you just wrote another wall of the same pointless drivel you wrote before!"

    Right back at ya.

    "I'd reply in detail, but I don't think what you wrote warrants the effort anymore. "

    Typical dismissal response, remember kids don't actually argue anything just say the other side "isn't worth the effort" and you've won.

    I know you think i'm stupid, but I can assure you, I am not.

    I've heard your pathetic form of argumentation before, from creationists to conspiracy theorists and it's all the same in cheapness.

    " you're simply trying to shout at your loudest "

    How would you know? you didn't even read the post, lol.

    " I could quote my entire previous post in a reply to what you just posted,"

    and I could do the very same thing.

    you know the lyrics "anything you can do, I can do better"

    "as all the points I made there still stand."

    As do mine.

    looks like we're at an impasse, huh?

    "Pretty much every single line of your text is a response to me saying "X is wrong, because Y" along the lines of "You're wrong, because X". You straight up don't address most of my arguments."

    That's incorrect I addressed them all and told you why you were wrong, simply saying "no you didn't" doesn't make my arguments "poof" out of existence.

    " You're literally replying to me saying "telling someone to buy a new PC has some value because X" by saying "telling somone to buy a new PC has no value". Good job. Even aside from the part where you basically admitted that you made a shit post, you've reached the point where instead of grasping at straws, you're eagerly staring at them from another dimension."

    What? no I'm not? where the hell are you even getting that?

    I'm telling you that "telling me to buy a new PC has NO value" YOU'RE THE ONE saying the opposite.

    I mean how in the world did you get the EXACT opposite of my position from that?

    oh right.

    you didn't actually read the posts :(

    "You haven't changed a bit,"

    Why exactly would I?

    especially when you're being an asshole.

    keep on using stock phrases that make no sense in context.

    "You still think I am the one 'giving you shit'

    Uh.. you are? surely you don't think you're being kind? you do live in THIS universe right?

    "when you are dead pan wrong, not providing any logical arguments to back up anything to the contrary,"

    Completely incorrect and you would know this if you actually read the posts.

    " most of your reply consists of "lol but it didn't answer my question""

    Some of it does, most is disengenous.

    and it's CORRECT.

    "Buy a new PC" does not answer my question.

    maybe it does in your dimension, but here on Earth it is useless information.

    "and are acting like some wrongfully accosted zealot over it. "

    Because that shit is annoying as hell, than you had to jump in and make it worse.

    " Congratulations, you've managed to alienate yet another person who would've liked to help you!"

    What help was given? why should I care when I wasn't even helped in the first place?

    " Now you can go be all edgy"

    Oh fuck off with that memeter shit.

    "and post about how little you care and continue your life thinking everybody is out to get you"

    When did I say this?

    Pull up the quotations, right now.

    "hen in reality "if it smells like shit everywhere...""

    No, just you and the person that made the ridiculous buy a new PC comment.

    Keep up the hyperbole though, it really helps your argument.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Water

    @houndofbaskerville: Go

    "I have a mac too,"

    I don't have a mac, I never use apple products (they suck even worse than this editor does)

    "But admit please, you did want to fix your problem too, the frustration that clouded this thread is understandable, no one will bury you or make fun, .. but it is still ALL up to you."

    I wanted assistance for placing water, nothing more.

    if I wanted help with other stuff I'd ask for it.

    I don't come here for PC advice.

    "so much anger over feeling alone on mapster.. while i relate with how it can feel.. moz is nowhere near the person to harass about the situation!"

    When he's gonna sit there and give me shit, I won't sit there and take it.

    Mod, admin, President, god.

    doesn't matter.

    "we were trying to help and you just seem to need to vent?! fine, vent some more if you need/must."

    The only people that I gave shit too where the ones that provided either:

    Stupid pointless comments like "Get a new PC"

    or gave me shit and snarky ass comments

    Re-read all of my comments and you'll see what I mean.

    anyone who was trying to be helpful without being a dick were treated fairly.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Water

    @ArcaneDurandel: Go


    It crashes with just ONE instance.

    any more than that and the space time continuum will likely collapse.

    "You also don't seem the kind of person who is capable of introspection. I was going to ignore your post until I saw that beautiful display of arrogance up there. You want to do this? Let's do this. I've got all the time in the world at the moment, and you caught me at a bad moment."

    That's untrue, and second nothing about what I said is "arrogant" go look up that word in the dictionary.

    Oh and by the way, if you thought YOU were caught in a bad moment, you don't even want to know how pissed i've been all week.

    so you want to play this shit with me.


    you will regret this decision.

    "Have you ever heard of the word 'context'? Are you really going to sit there and claim that when you ask "Is there an easier way to place water?" in a post directly followed by two lines stating that "the editor is pissing you the fuck off" and "getting tired of the editor pausing every 6 seconds", that all you are expecting in a reply is a 'yes' or 'no'? If so, you are at worst stupid and at best incredibly naive. Literally the majority of your post revolved around you complaining about the editor being slow. Like... fucking LITERALLY. If you count the words, you'll probably come to the conclusion that more than 60% of your post was decisively not your question. So yeah: "what you asked" loses its value in the big scheme of things if you surround it by other stuff."

    If you think "LOL GET A NEW PC" makes sense to the context of my question, you've failed at logic and reason.

    sorry, it isn't, get a new PC is not an answer to my question.


    neither implictly nor explictly.

    "If you complain about the editor speed in the same fucking post you're writing a question, then it is goddamn fucking natural for people to assume that "the editor being slow" is an important part of your issue, and you can't even remotely fault them for that. And shit, even if you do: you're failing to realize that these people are making these assumptions solely because you did not provide them with any information to the contrary, and because their aim is to give you an answer that may help you further - how unlikely it may be to do so. It's sad that I am having to explain this to you, but fuck it. "

    The logical conclusion is answer my fucking quesiton, not tell me to get a new computer.

    It's like I had a preceding question or something! :D

    "The way I see it, the only reason you're going to be even remotely right in this aspect is if your only aim with this thread was genuinely to get a 'yes' or 'no' response on finding a different way to place water, and the mentions about editor lag were completely unrelated. In which case I'm going to come out and say that your thread was a terrible thread posted from a useless position, and that it should've been a 1-line brainfart in the IRC rather than a full blown post on a place meant for discussion."

    That was my intent, the rest was a one of my usual rants about the shittiness of this editor

    The fact you still think "get a new PC" is a logical and useful response to my question is utterly astounding.

    "In your own words: "Untrue". Let me lay it out for you."

    Nah, my response their was 100% correct (see you can call THIS statement arrogant, not that other shit)

    "Are you going to disagree with this? Are you going to claim random people on the internet should know who you are, or should per definition assume you're not someone with little PC know-how? Yeah, didn't think so."

    They don't need to know who I am not to assume a random stupid thing like "DURR I WANT TO KNOW IF I SHOULD BUY A NEW PC DURR"

    That's a baseless random assumption that in no way answers my question.

    Knowing who I am is 100% irrelevant to that FACT.

    "So what logically follows is this: if someone is working on the perfectly valid assumption that you are clueless about PC's, and they themselves are knowledgeable about the editor, then they may also assume that someone who spends literally the majority of their post complaining about the editor being slow (as we established earlier) suffers from this problem precisely because he is trying to run the editor on an older PC, a broken PC, or on settings his PC is not capable running it at."

    No it is not a logical assumption they have nothing to work with other than "he's having problems with a map editor"

    it's a baseless generic and pointless assumption that is in no way useful with the response of "get a new PC"

    How does that help in any way?


    "I mean, sure: it's not THE single most helpful answer - not even close. You'd be better served if someone told you "I've had this problem before with laggy water, it's a bug that Blizzard has confirmed, and if you do X and Y in menu Z it should be fixed". Sure! But the thing is: if that's not the answer you have and you still want to try and help in some way, you may want to post something that indicates the person's PC specs may be the issue, at least."

    IT's not helpful, AT ALL.

    not even in a "kind of" way.

    it's useless "advice"

    If people wanted to do that, how about.. I don't know? ASK SPECIFICS about my computer? it's still not very useful but it's a fuckton better than "buy a new PC" which is 0% helpful.

    "Do you really, legitimately, fail to see the irony in this? I am literally telling you "this attitude isn't going to get you very far", and you reply by saying "yeah people never help me anyway so changing my attitude won't help". REALLY? This is the equivalent of me calling everyone I meet a faggot and then saying "nobody ever seems to like me, so I might as well keep calling everyone a faggot!"."

    Huh? you act like I started off being an asshole, I'm an asshole because of the fact that I rarely get assistance when I ask for it (or useless quips)

    Like on steam when my account got hacked, I got called I kinds of names and shit, as if it was my fault (it wasn't)

    So no, it is not the way you describe.

    if i'm a dick it's because I'm being tired as shit of being treated as such.

    "You did not ask a specific question. "

    Yes I did.

    "Your question literally was 'is there an easier way to place water?' Imagine I rephrase that slightly to say 'is there an easier way to place units?'"

    Yes rephrase so you can turn this into an entirely different subject entirely.

    that makes sense!

    "nstead. Would you be able to answer that question yourself? No, because you would have no idea what the fuck I meant with 'an easier way'? An easier way from what? Normally you just select them in the layer and click on the map? How can there even be a way that is even less complicated?! Oh, but wait - the poster spends the next two lines complaining that placing units normally is slow, so that must be where his issue is!"

    How about you ask? if you think my shit is vague ask specifics?


    There is no universe where "Get a new PC" is useful in the least.

    "You got exactly what you deserved in the replies you got. Now... contrary to how it may seem, I'm not out to get you. You're not completely wrong in everything you have said; "buy a new PC" is a pretty meagre response. The thing is, both Houndofbaskerville and Hockleberry tried to bring the point across that WarGirl should have made: "placing water should not be this slow; if it is, there may be a hardware/graphic issue going on - please consider this in trying to fix the issue."."

    Here's what's baffling.

    You're giving ME SHIT for having a vague response and allegedly making people assume (really stupid conclusions) but than you want me to assume something of those very people, what they might be thinking and such.

    What the actual fuck?

    "The reason the replies you got were so meagre is, as I've said before, because your OP had absolutely no information about what your issue was beyond "placing water takes a long time". I tried to drive that point home in a relatively gentle manner, and then even sought to try and help you by asking some follow up questions about your PC and your editor. Lag issues aren't my forte, but I figured that if you were willing to give some more information, maybe I'd be able to help you out and solve the 6 second lag issue. That's when you replied effectively saying "You are wrong, the replies I have received were unwarranted and bad, I'm also ignoring your attempt to help me, now close this thread". Me saying "you made your bed, now lie in it" means that you kicked off this discussion of "sarcasm and semantic wars" by, in nicer words, telling everyone trying to help you to shove it. And now by attempting to wall-of-text me to get your right. So no, I'm not closing this thread for that reason. Either this discussion dies down and the thread disappears by itself, or the whole thing goes off the rails in a direction you did not take it to begin with"

    I didn't "kick off the discussion of sarcasm and semantic wars" I asked a question and got stupid ass unrelated, useless answers.

    "GET A NEW PC" is not "help" it's like throwing a band-aid at someone who's dying of Cancer, it's fucking useless entirely.

    "And now by attempting to wall-of-text me to get your right."

    What the fuck does that even mean? is this some sort of conspiracy theory?

    "This thread might as well be closed, since clearly there isn't an easier way to do this."

    Read that and understand what it means, you're only stirring this worthless pot by keeping it up, but you do what want.

    Drama is fun for you I guess.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Water

    @ImperialGood: Go


    I've used this editor on multiple PCs (at least 3/4) over the last 6 years.

    it crashed frequently on them all.

    So, no it is not my "computer"

    it's the editor, most of things but blizzard's crap works fine

    Or I'm cursed.

    either way it's not PC.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Water

    @willuwontu: Go

    Well, I made sure to cover my grounds and launch both to test, and they were equally garbage.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Water

    @willuwontu: Go

    Doesn't matter at this point

    I was already told there is no easier way to put down water, so my question was finally answered.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Water

    @Mozared: Go

    ", has everything to do with your PC specs."

    No it doesn't.

    because it's not what I asked.

    ". But you came here asking for help without giving anyone any details about your issue, and then tell everyone you "really despise it when people tell you this as if it's feasible or even remotely helpful". Because the truth is: it might have been. Folks here have no idea who you are: you could be a 15-year old bloke with no PC know-how who is trying to run the editor on his brothers' 12-year old PC on highest specs."


    That has nothing to do with what I asked.

    assumptions shouldn't be greenlit. if my stuff was unclear, than ask, don't tell me to buy another PC.

    "is there an easier way to place water? " was the question, no where in there was "Hey guys I need PC advice" asked.

    "You ask a very widely interpretable question "

    Not really?

    it's quite straightforward.

    " insinuate the people who try to give you a possibly helpful answer are stupid for doing so"

    How in the world is "buy a new PC" remotely useful?

    it isn't.

    it's worthless at best, annoying as all hell at worst.

    " but that attitude isn't going to get you very far."

    I don't really care frankly, I rarely get help anyway (with most things not just here, especially garbage steam and blizzard services) I don't expect it, and I'm not going to change myself so that people's feelings aren't hurt when they say pointless things like "buy a new PC :D"

    half of my topics never get replies as it is, so what real difference would it make?

    "You might have noticed people have stopped replying altogether"

    Nope, because this happens to 90% of my topics anyway, it's something I expect.

    " I would hazard a guess that this is because folks don't particularly feel like trying to be helpful to you if you have no interest in working with them."

    What? by buying a new PC? what are you even talking about? I asked a specific question and got a snarky comment that does not help my situation in the least, how the hell is that on me?

    "As for closing the thread: you made your bed, you lie in it."

    What does that even mean in this context? what is the implication here? my point here is that nobody is actually answering my question and is either:

    1. being snarky and pointless

    2. Arguing with me over semantics

    3. Pretending they have some profound revelation of my character as if I don't already know who I am and how I act

    4. Some combination of the 4

    "I doubt there is another way to create water than w/ the water tool in the terrain editor."

    Thank you.

    THIS is the kind of answer I was looking for, if there isn't an easier way, just say "no"

    no need for the sarcasm and semantic wars

    "Don't sweat the sort of technophile who would look down on someone for lack of computer science know-how. (Anyway, isn't that one of the unique advantages/points to using these sorts of editors (in lieu of software engineering)?) Still I expect better from a SC2Mapster mod. Or maybe not so much from Mozared who can be rude sometimes /fart"

    Thank you for actually trying to help.

    and Yeah, that's kind of annoying, i'm not the kind of person that let's that nonsense slide and if that escalates things than so be it.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Favorite Caster?

    Arbiters, the greatest unit ever created in any RTS game (IMO)

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    posted a message on Water

    @Mozared: Go

    I have no reason to give you my PC specs, it has nothing to do with what I asked.

    I don't want advice for my PC, I wanted an answer to an extremely simple question: "is there an easier way to place water? (faster too)"

    Nothing else is necessary.

    This thread might as well be closed, since clearly there isn't an easier way to do this. : /

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Water
    Quote from Anteep: Go

    @stratostygo: Go

    She's in Azerbaijan mate I doubt she has a single dollar to hand over lol.

    Anyway this thread took a funny turn.

    Not sure what's "funny" about it, but if she's an azerbaijani than you'd think she know more than me how hard it is to afford new tech just for a stupid poorly made editor by a garbage company. :/

    "Are you just running the editor? Maybe other applications are affecting the performance."

    Yes, I experimented with a lot of things, graphic settings, only having the editor up, turning it off an on again, making sure only one map is loaded and no other editor windows etc.

    Doubt it's my computer since this editor sucks on every other computer I used it on over the last 6 years.

    maybe I'm cursed?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Water

    @wargirlwargirl: Go

    Do you have hundreds upon hundreds of dollars to get the highest end PC on the market to hand over to me?


    Don't want to be rude, but if it comes off that way? so be it.

    please don't suggest that, I really despise when people tell me this as if it's feasible or even remotely helpful as if :

    1. I didn't already think of an obvious thing like that

    2. Have such a disposable income where I can just waltz over to the store and buy a high end PC without issue

    I just fucking bought this PC like a month ago (expensive as fuck and won't be buying another for years), and it still can't handle this fucking editor?


    "set your editor to lower editor display settings?"

    If you mean "graphics" I've already tried setting it to the lowest settings.

    now get this.

    It ran EVEN WORSE!


    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Water

    is there an easier way to place water? (faster too) because the editor is pissing me the fuck off with it's crashing bullshit.

    getting tired of the editor pausing for a full 6 goddamn seconds every time I try to place water.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on How do I use these "Temp" files?

    @DudkiSC2: Go

    I'll keep it, but I'm losing faith in the idea that this can be fixed :(

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on How do I use these "Temp" files?

    @DudkiSC2: Go

    I'm cursed with technology that's what :/

    Well, I guess i'm just going to have to scrap the idea and the map itself, because that took way too long for me to make and I don't have any interest in re-doing it.

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