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    posted a message on Create unit makes two of them?

    @SouLCarveRR: Go

    @Zolstice: Go

    Thanks a lot guys, that makes too much sense.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Create unit makes two of them?

    Whenever I use the 'Create unit' or 'replace unit' or anything of the sort, it always makes 2 of them. I checked everything for redundancy and it is set to make 1. What gives?

    PS: These are triggered by units using abilities (no the ability is not to make another thing), I believe it worked when I had it triggered by a button.

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    posted a message on Player moves twice?? I've been stuck on this for days!

    @jcraigk: Go

    Oh! thanks, i was having an external function to reset the values but i put them into the move fxn and it is working nicely. Thanks dude.

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    posted a message on Player moves twice?? I've been stuck on this for days!

    I'm making a monopoly-like tower defense game. I have most everything worked out, but here's my problem: All players move fine the first time, but the second time they move, it rolls twice and moves twice as far and so on... If there's only one player it works. Here's my triggers:

    Roll 2 (the function that says to which place on the board they will move)
            Variable - Set Current Turn Unit Placement = 0

                    P2 Pawn != No Unit
                    Variable - Set Current Turn Unit = P2 Pawn
                    UI - Display ((Name of player (Owner of Current Turn Unit)) + "'s turn") for (All players) to Subtitle area
                    Variable - Set Move Distance = (Random integer between 1 and 12)
                    Variable - Set P2 Pawn Placement = (P2 Pawn Placement + Move Distance)
                            P2 Pawn Placement >= 40
                            Variable - Modify P2 Pawn Placement: - 40
                    Variable - Set Current Turn Unit Placement = P2 Pawn Placement
                    UI - Display (Combine ("Player 2 has rolled a ", (Text(Move Distance)))) for (All players) to Subtitle area
                    Variable - Set Current Turn Player = (Owner of Current Turn Unit)
                    Trigger - Run Move  (Ignore Conditions, Don't Wait until it finishes)
                    Trigger - Run Roll 3  (Check Conditions, Don't Wait until it finishes)

    Here's some code from the move function:

                    Current Turn Unit Placement == 17
                    Unit - Order Current Turn Unit to ( Move targeting [Point]17) (Replace Existing Orders)
    (this is repeated fro all 40 spaces)

                    Current Turn Player == 2
                    Unit - Wait until Current Turn Unit Becomes idle
                    General - Wait 5.0 Game Time seconds
                    Trigger - Run Roll 3  (Check Conditions, Don't Wait until it finishes)
    (repeated for all four players)

    Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Unit is selected by unit owner does not work

    OK thanks guys. I guess i'll just have to deal with the lag. I've had to do that a few other places. I hope it wont make my map too slow.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Unit is selected by unit owner does not work

    Hi! This is the first time i need help from someone about the galaxy editor. Anyway, heres my problem:

    I have a map where you can buy a building and once you own it you can do more stuff with it. I wan the options to do more stuff to pop up when the person who bought the building (the now-owner) selects it. I used the 'unit is selected' event, with my building as the unit and the 'by player' part as 'owner of [building]' , which never works. It triggers fine if i set the 'by player' to player 1, but why doesn't it work if it say the selecting player has to be the owner of builing/triggering unit? Thanks!

    I know how to do a workaround of this with conditions, but that would increase lag.

    Posted in: Triggers
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