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    posted a message on Deck Wars
    Quote from Deckwars: Go

    @Clord: Go

    Yeahhhhhh right. Please explain that. I think your map is fun (played it quite a while), but I can't say that "The Card game" has something to do with card related games. If you think otherwise, tell me one .

    Easy there. He's doing a fine job with his map and it has quite something to do with card related games. I think what he wanted to say was, that his map is closer to a real trading card game, since the cards have rarity levels.

    Quote from Deckwars: Go

    @Keyeszx: Go

    Try it out. I can assure you that this has nothing to do with Nexus Wars. I don't know yugioh but this map is extremely similar to MTG. Biggest difference is that its not round based. We could made it that way but we thought that the games would be to slow.

    I have to correct this one a bit: It is "round based", meaning that you'll get your Ressources every 10 seconds and you can also only spawn one worker every round. The rest is pretty dynamically and doesn't really care about the rounds. About Yugioh: I've never played it, but I've watched some videos .. and I didn't really understand how it works :P (seems like I would have to play it to understand it)

    Also I have to admit that I was a bit afraid of making a purely round based map (so that it would really play itself like magic online) since then you'll always have to wait for the other player (or team) to finish their turn (which can get really ugly when someone is a sore loser ..). And of course to do a full fledged MTG map, would be incredibly hard. Too hard for me, since it's my first map done with the new map-editor.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Deck Wars

    @Clord: Go

    Hey Clord, First I have to say: It was your map which ispired me to make this map.

    And then, also no offense, but saying the only thing needed is to build a good deck, seems a bit narrow-minded to me. (Especially when you didn't already spent hours of playing the map, like I did with yours)

    I'm a "Magic the Gathering" fan, and found it always arousing have Rares (and now even MythicRares). But since there are only a few commons which are useful (well, some are a must have, like "Counterspell" for blue), I came to the conclusion that rarity may be fun for the collecting part, but for the actual game part it's more like a hindrance.

    And what I also always disliked was the limitation or even restriction (which makes sense in terms of MTG, where you're still allowed to play with outdated cards, which sometimes are just too powerful) of the number of cards you're allowed to put in your Deck.

    It would indeed be a bad idea in your map to have such a DeckEditor, since everyone just would use MineralFields, GasFields and some powerful rare Creatures.

    Even though my map also requires some luck to draw the right cards, I wouldn't compare it to yours. Especially since there will never be something like Co-Powers in my map.

    (Sorry for my english, it's not my native language)

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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