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    posted a message on Stopping Change in Height after Triggered

    Hey all, I was wondering if it's possible to stop a unit from changing in height after being triggered to? Because I was testing moving a unit in height over time x, and even after I have another trigger tell it to move somewhere else, it continues to be affected by the previous one. It seems they can overlap in some way. Is there anyway to stop the previous change in height and replace it with another?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Randomly Generated Terrain

    This looks like it has a ton of potential. If you edit the terrain mid-game does it create any lag or delay while it's being editted?

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Search area with trigger

    There is a function which allows you to make a unit group of units within a certain radius, then you can determine if you want that unit or not with if statements. It might be under pick units or something other.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [ Murderous ] -- Team Recruitment (Videos Inc.)

    Haha of course Monkeh.
    I think some of these classes came from your ideas in the very beginning too.
    And a video showing the weapons/classes/items in more detail would be lots better.

    I did see a terrain modification that allowed for more than the typical 3-4 terrain levels and allowed you to have more.
    I can't find it again though, but that would definitely allow for arenas like TT to be made. Maybe for later in progress.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on [ Murderous ] -- Team Recruitment (Videos Inc.)

    About: Murderous is a tactical shooter that features realistic collisions, explosions, and projectiles. Players choose from different classes that have an assortment of abilities and their own unique weapon. Each weapon interacts with objects and the terrain differently. The Desecrator has a shrapnel based weapon which arcs into the air, and once it touches the ground bombards its victim with an array of shrapnel.
    The projectiles bounce according to the terrain it collides with. If it hits on a ramp, the shrapnel will fly down the ramp. Thrown grenades can roll down ramps and ledges. Imagine tossing a grenade behind an abandoned vehicle causing it to slide and smash into an enemy. It creates a very dynamic battlefield.
    The game can be a death match, capture the flag, or any other exciting mode.
    The setting is a futuristic war-torn world. Each arena will be different from destroyed cities to desecrated temples. Cars, trucks, destructibles lay in the midst of the ruins, use them as cover but be weary of the possibility of them being used against you.
    So far the first idea is to make a 5v5 or 6v6 team battle, but future endeavors could lead to zombie survivals or other fantastic maps.


    • Physics Engine - Finished
    • Classes - Roughly created. A few more are being conceptualized.
    • Terrain - Only a test arena has been made, but it is fairly good.
    • Dialogue - Only a class selection has been made.
    • Weapons - Created classes have weapons made.
    • Upgrades - Not Yet Implemented
    • Items - Not Yet Implemented
    • Modes - Death Match and CTF not yet implemented. Infection mode is almost finished.

    The Team:

    • Terrainer: An excellent terrainer who can make beautiful terrain, but at the same time create dynamic arenas which maximize the capability of the physics engine. As particles will collide with the terrain and act accordingly the terrain has to be elegent, well thought, and creative.
    • Data Editor: The data editor needs to know the basics and be well equipped for odd challenges that will arise around creating different particles, units, objects, all that will interact with each other.
    • Dialogue: Since each player can choose an assortment of classes and weapons, a custom dialogue has to be made to give a stylish, simple, fast and easy control panel.
    • Artist: The artist will be responsible for anything required in making the game look excellent graphic wise. The artist will also be able to make any sort of design that he wants for the game, and if it looks good, it's in!
    • Other: If you're interested in this game for any other reason just send me a pm, tell me why you should be on the team and I'll definitely consider it!

    Contact: Interested? I hope so. This game has so much potential, being new and innovative.
    Go ahead and send me a pm saying:
    1. Who you are, why you want to join, etc.
    2. What position you want to fill.
    3. Possibly linked examples of your work.
    4. How much time you have. This is very important.
    Skype is necessary to set up team meetings. Video or sound is not necessary, just chat session.

    If you would like to test this map, you should have 1.5 beta. My battle.net id is Juxtapoz.712

    Pre-Alpha Video: Here is a pre-alpha video. I really have no video making skills, so don't laugh. Note on a few things, units have no ability animations, and bad actors/models, etc. (data editor greatly needed!!!)

    I also plan on adding another video of the capabilities of possible future items/weapons.

    This video is a test on zombies for fun.

    Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/5d4wy2oQxqk?fs=1

    Feel free to comment!

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on LF Dialogue and Data editor (Quick and Easy)

    Hey all,
    I'm trying to get a playable version of my map pretty quickly and all I need is a hero selection dialogue and for some missiles to have models/actors.
    (also for units to play animations with the spells I made, lol)
    Sadly I'm awful at the data editor and can't even figure out why my units have no actor/model, and I've never worked with sc2 dialogues so working through the tutorials is taking awhile.
    I'm looking for really simple stuff, as it is just going to be a playable alpha version.
    Trying to get this published by tomorrow so I can do some stress tests.

    If you end up liking the game/idea you're always welcome to continue working with me on this map. (And make a team)
    But for right now I just want something the players can use.

    What it is:
    A 6v6 Capture the flag game with some really interesting abilities. (All triggered, because I don't like the data editor)
    So far I only have 5 heroes, so a simple selection for the heroes would be nice. It will be like CoD where you can choose your class at any time and the next time you respawn you'll be that class.

    Pm or write here if you're interested. All welcome as it should be an easy task, and if you decide not to continue with me, credit will still be given:)

    I've worked on some of the triggering off and on for almost a year and for countless hours since 1.5 beta was released and i'm really excited to see what people think even in alpha stages. c:

    Let me know guys, if you want to test this map with me in a version where you can test all the heroes against zombies before i'm always down.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Newbie Wednesday- Ask Questions!

    Is it possible to make a launched missile ignore terrain height?
    I'm trying to launch a unit in a straight line, even if it goes through terrain. Then continue in that line.
    Much appreciated!

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Tutorial&Demo]1.5 alpha - "Launch Missile" effect to create more perfect "Hook" or "Jump" abilities

    Would it be possible to have the battlecruiser choose keep going past its target in the same direction? And for it to ignore the terrain height? (I'm guessing I can just hit the ignore terrain height flag) So that it flies in the straight direction you choose and continue on for awhile

    edit: I set the flags to the battlecruiser to ignore terrain height, but it appears that when it is launched it doesn't ignore the height. Any fix to this as well?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Snipers need help (projectiles)

    There is a way with triggers!
    I think the best way is to combine data/trigger editor, but the pure trigger way:
    Create a loop (every 0 seconds) that moves your projectile unit a velocity x and velocity y. You can store these in globals or unit custom data.
    Basically you could have a dummy ability that triggers a trigger to create a projectile infront of the unit and gives it an appropriate x and y velocity.
    (Vx = Speed*Cos(angle), Vy = Speed*Sin(angle), you know basic trig) Speed is just the constant speed you want them to travel.
    Just have the loop move the unit to Point(X + vx, Y + vy); Then you need the loop to check if any units are within range! and have a collision action.
    Make sure you set the flags for the projectile unit to ignore collision height, and then have the loop check the height of the projectile to make sure it isn't < 0 (or less than that point's world height, i forget which one works for this situation) or else that means it's inside the terrain.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Unit unable to move after using ability only after 1.5

    Hey all, so after I updated to 1.5 beta whenever 1 of my heroes use an ability (it's a blank ability that targets the a point), they can no longer move.
    They can cast any abilities or attack after that but can't move.
    I'm very puzzled. I saw a bug thread for 1.5 but I can't find it again.
    Any clues? Thanks all

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on A Way to Set Data Editor variables through Triggers?

    Hey all,
    I'm not sure if there are actually any variables that can be set outside of the data editor, but if so is there anyway to have triggers decide portions of the data? Like an effect that is told how long to last by triggers? Things like that, but not specifically time only.
    All help is much appreciated on this one

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Does a Wall's Model/Pattern Change Anything?

    Hey all, as title says
    Does a wall's model/pattern change anything beside how it looks?
    Maybe the pathing/mapping of the wall or height map?

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Using Weapons and Triggers for Projectiles

    Thanks. lol

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Using Weapons and Triggers for Projectiles

    Is it possible for this unit to be made by the effect and then grabbed by triggers?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Using Weapons and Triggers for Projectiles

    I suppose it's like the broodlord attack.
    But more so I'm just wondering if a weapon can create a unit projectile which I can then reference with triggers?
    I'm not good with the data editor, is the weapon itself the projectile?

    Posted in: Data
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