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    posted a message on Custom Zealot Prisoner death animation won't play

    So how would you go about creating a new unit? I have a cursory understanding of attacks being edited as effects and stats like move speed armor hp and energy seem easy enough to modify, but actors and sounds are giving me a lot of trouble.

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    posted a message on Custom Zealot Prisoner death animation won't play

    On a new map I tried making a new actor copying the Zealot Prisoner (Last time I followed http://www.sc2mapster.com/api-docs/getting-started-with-galaxy-edit/creating-your/ and the comments dealing with differences in editor versions to create Protoss Warrior) with the properties listed in the image below. Now I get "More than one CActorUnit persisting in the same unit scope:" as an error message and my warrior is still actorless

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    posted a message on Custom Zealot Prisoner death animation won't play

    how do i tell what's linked?

    and how do you use the actor of a standard unit without duplicating it?

    are copying and duplicating functionally different?

    this whole editor is very frustrating.

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    posted a message on Custom Zealot Prisoner death animation won't play

    It also looks like there are multiple (unit)_Death actors missing from my actors list. is my list incomplete? or are some units death animations stored under a different name?

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    posted a message on damage bonus ability won't work

    Thanks everyone for the help/advice! putting it to good use ASAP

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    posted a message on Custom Zealot Prisoner death animation won't play

    I've checked the data fields for both prisoner zealot and regular zealot and their death actor models are both UnitDeathModel which i assume is either a null reference or an actor-specific reference, as my Protoss Warrior (prisoner zealot copy) throws an error on death if i use UnitDeathModel. Zealot_Death throws no error but also plays no animation. any ideas on what i'm doing wrong?

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    posted a message on damage bonus ability won't work

    I'm a new map maker (picked it up about a week ago browsing youtube tutorials and what not) and i just tried testing an ability that's riddled with glitches.

    how it should work:

    • It's supposed to be an autocast +dmg to next hit ability on a 5 second cooldown

    what's wrong:

    • -the button won't show up in test mode despite being on the command card
    • -the psi blades play no sound when they connect (it's a zealot ability)
    • -error message: Can only create one CActorAction per effect (psi blades)

    additionally, the Hostile zerglings i tried testing the ability on seem to function as doodads. they don't move and i cannot select them, but the zealot will attack them twice and then they disappear after a few seconds. This is not the case with zerglings added for player 2.

    any clarification as to what i'm doing wrong is greatly appreciated!

    Posted in: Data
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