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    posted a message on How to decide my dialog dimensions?

    I haven't really needed any additional flexibility which panels provide. So haven't explored them.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on How to decide my dialog dimensions?

    Another tip I found to speed up the process and make things neater is to use sub dialogs. If you create dialog items and stick them directly on the dialog it will be very hard to change things without overlapping/effecting other elements.

    For a real world example I have a menu with 10 checkboxes, an image, 4 sliders, another image and then a button. I created 5 seperate dialogs and attached them to the parent dialog. By grouping the dialog elements like that you can move them around and resize them much easier.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Looking for team members for creating an AI

    I've started a project page to get the ball rolling with some discussions. There are two challenges I threw out there for anyone to tackle if they are looking for a task.


    Stick a post in the welcome thread and introduce yourself or ask some questions.

    The map "ASALT heavy rain" is on NA. It is open source and can be downloaded and looked at/edited in the map editor.

    Thanks, Turtles

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Apparently the Mozared thread!

    I think it's time for a Mozared makeover.

    Before photo:

    After photo:

    For 9 easy payments of $9.99 you two could undergo this amazing transition from being boring and dull to being Mozared!

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on [Library] STARCODE v1.4

    I need a library for compressing integers into a string. Is this still active? Or am I better of just writing my own?

    Posted in: Trigger Libraries & Scripts
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    posted a message on Looking for team members for creating an AI

    Hey SC2mapster,

    I'm looking for a team of people to help me create a tactical AI. At the moment it is only focused on using units it is given to accomplish tasks given to it such as attack, defend and harass. It does not build units it only controls them. However I am writting it in such a way that it can be combined with a macroing AI to create a fully functional AI.

    The AI will split it's forces into divisions depending on a given situation. Each divission has it's own behavioural patterns and is divided into a number of squads of about 10 units each. The divisions being army (attacking force), homeland security (defending force), reinforcements, scouts and special forces (harassing units).

    So far I have already writtin the structure of the AI and the harassing part. If you would like to see how good the AI is at harassment then look for the map "ASALT heavy rain" on the NA server in custom games (NOT arcade). set up 2 - 4 bases and a few production buildings and then type "ai x" where x is the number of squads you want the AI to control.

    You will see that the AI is competent at being able to use guerilla tactics like hit and run, picking off units, utilizing sneaky spells like cloaking, evasive manouvers like blinking and other such abilities. All while following relatively "simple" rules which converge into complex behaviour.

    experience with the trigger editor not required, it's easy to pick up and I don't mind holding your hand through the scary parts. But You would have to have some coding experience and be familiar with variables, arrays, functions, structs/objects, etc.

    I already have one interested party, looking for more members.

    If you have general experience with programming in any language, an interest in artificial intelligences, or a love of strategy then hit the reply button!

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on creating an AI harassment script

    OK, I started working on this project and before I knew it it grew into an all round tactical AI project.

    Note that it is not a fully fledged AI. It does not macro or produce units, it just takes units you give it, follows commands like "attack", "harass" and "defend" and tries to follow through with them.

    The army is broken up into several divisions. There is

    army - moves in a ball and attacks main enemy base/army home land security - defend against any threats to our bases special forces - harrassment. guerilla attacks of mobile and specialized forces scouts - individual units sent to explore parts of the map we have no vission of and other points of interest reenforcements - newly created units sent to bolster the numbers of other divisions

    So far I have written the back bone which could be used by all divissions and I have written the AI for special forces (harassment). So that's probably about 25% done. I would still like help and am looking for a team. If you are interested send me a pm. A divission like reenforcements or scouts should be relatively easy to write an AI for and help you get your head around it.

    I created a map called "ASALT heavy rain" in the custom map section (not arcade) for testing but after a few games on it I realized it's challenging and a hell of a lot of fun on its own. So have a go and tell me what you think.

    To use it just go on the map "ASALT heavy rain". The computer will not attack until you tell it to. You get a bunch of minerals and buildings to skip the early game so just set yourself up for the early/mid game with about 2-4 bases. Don't just surround yourself with bunkers/cannons/spines. Just get yourself into a standard position of play.

    When you are ready type "ai x" into chat, where x is the number of squadrens you let the ai have. so if you type "ai 4" then the AI will harass you with 4 squads of units (each squad containing about 4-8 individual units). As you kill off squads they will be replaced. You can type "ai x" into chat later with a different number if you wish to make it harder/easier.

    The AI will be given random units from all three races and will attempt to harass you with them.

    It follows relatively simple rules but manages to converge into a very good harrassing force. One that knows about and can utilize abilities such as stim, blink, cloaking, medivac drops, etc.

    For the moment I'm just looking at a tactical AI. One where I can plug a build order into and get it to follow a build order that I give it. But I intend to write the project in a way that it could be extended into a complete AI which scouts, macros, decides where/when to attack, etc. Either by me or someone else who wants to take up the project later.

    I'd love to hear any feedback on what you think. If you'd like to chip in and help send me a pm. the map is published as open and the code can be viewed/edited/shared so feel free to take a look around. I just ask that you keep it that way and keep it open source and give credit for authorship where due.


    EDIT: If people have fun playing against the harrassment AI I could make it into an extension mod if there is enough interest.

    Posted in: AI Development
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    posted a message on Final year project AI for starcraft 2

    Sorry to necro-ing this thread a bit.

    But if you are still following this I am going to try and reate an AI capable of harassing an oponent. This library could be incoporated into a larger AI project to create a fully fledged AI.


    If you are capable of contributing or have any ideas I would apreciate any help you could give.

    Thanks, Turtles.

    Posted in: AI Development
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    posted a message on Making the melee/default AI harass

    Sorry to necro-ing this thread a bit.

    But if you are still following this I am going to try and reate an AI capable of doing just this.


    If you are capable of contributing or have any ideas I would apreciate any help you could give.

    Thanks, Turtles.

    Posted in: AI Development
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    posted a message on creating an AI harassment script

    I haven't yet found a good harassment AI for melee or melee like games and am considering writting one myself.


    • find units suitable for harassment and form a group to attack in.
    • detect targets for harassment (expansions with workers or isolated buildings)
    • calculate attack paths for approaching the target from different angles.


    • running away when outnumbered.
    • targetting workers over attacking units
    • simple ability usage like stim and cloak.
    • Time attacks so as to strike simultaniously.


    • get harassment units to avoid or sneak past enemy units
    • use knowledge of terrain (such as cliffs) to determine attack paths
    • realistically simulate a human players harassment

    I think all the basic and intermediate goals are achieveable using trigger systems and can be made in a fashion which is applicable to all melee maps and harassment units. The end result would be a library which could be imported into other maps or adapted for other games. If this tool sounds useful to you, or better yet, if you would be interested in helping to develop such a tool I would greatly appreciate any help you could offer. You would of course get joint credit, I'm looking to form or join a team to tackle this task, not to find people to work for me.

    Thanks, Turtles.

    Posted in: AI Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Load in-game default hotkeys? Among other questions

    @Skyhr: Go

    Hi, this post is from a long time ago but I take it you figured out how to get the players hotkeys? Mind sharing how you solved that one? Thanks.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on SALT version 2

    OP updated to include the new tutorial.

    Currently on these maps yeonsu Bel'shir vestige derelict watchtower guillotine insidious klontas mire Neo planet whirlwind Zerus prime

    Waiting on a few TL map contest finalists so I can port onto those maps and begin uploading to other regions.

    After that will make announcements on TL / reddit

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on How can I ensure player 14 is AI controlled?

    I want there to be a computer player as player 14 in the game.

    I have set player 14 to be computer controlled in the "player properties" section and give this player the name "scribe". When I launch the game it creates a lobby with an AI player already in it but it does not have the name and this player can be removed from the lobby.

    I do not care about the name issue I just need it to always have an AI controlled player 14. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

    This map is currently not an "arcade" map but is listed in "custom games" instead. Does it have to be changed into an arcade map to be able to do this?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Variables: Why doesn't this math equation work?

    First of all I have not encountered a function called "Round" because I have never had the need for using it. So I can only guess at how it opperates.

    "Variable - Modify WMFood: - (Round((WMFood / 100)))"

    This is effectively 2 different operations. A division and a rounding. You say the result does not work but which operation is it that fails?

    The code you typed which returns it in a text message is only a division not a rounding so did you make a typo?

    Please find out what is causing the error. Also it may help if you tell us the variable type of each variable as maybe there is some conversion issues if you are using reals and ints interchangably.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Record Variable References] Breaking on Paste

    I will add that if you have a record within a record then it will also break while copy/pasting

    Posted in: Triggers
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