Sephiroth.m3 didn't have the right texture, it was an icon texture
Weapon.m3 didn't have the right texture, it just doesn't fit on the model
''jml'' reacted strangely to conversion, it seems that the alternate and normal form are overlapping, I don't have time to figure why they aren't hiding like they should do normally...
The effects models (bagua, wings, etc.) aren't all perfect, I think it was a matter of tweaking the material and/or texture.
move the m3 files and the assets folder somewhere, the assets folder must not be changed (it is extremely important).
Then, import, choose the place where you've put the files as the directory. Check the m3 files and the texture files that you want, be sure that the textures files are still in assets/textures.
I was going to try to create a normal map to see if it could help the way the model reflects light. The mesh wasn't the problem, because I've created a simpler one by myself and the problem was still the same.
I did it and it's working for me O.o, it's looking good for any point of of view, and I changed the lightning to try to make it bug, but it seems like it's good
Edit: Nevermind, it was working in the editor ,but in-game it doesn't work, I think I know why it doesn't work, maybe by playing with the specularity
Edit 2 : I've checked your mesh in-depth and the way it is constructed is irregular (by that I mean, it's unusual for a cubic shape like that to have been triangulated this way), that might explain the weird things happening with it. What I'm gonna do is try to create a clean mesh for you and see if that work, if yes the mesh was the problem, if not it's probably the textures.
@jaxter184: Go
Chilling Aura, Ice dragon, Piccilo, Vegeta, VegetaSSJ -> corrupted files or something like that, unimportable into 3ds max via the normal mdx importer
Ice Stomp-> no textures for this model
Ippp, Naruto-> The mdx importer refuses to import animations for those models...
I did what I could...
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@jaxter184: Go
That's the best I could do for now
Sephiroth.m3 didn't have the right texture, it was an icon texture
Weapon.m3 didn't have the right texture, it just doesn't fit on the model
''jml'' reacted strangely to conversion, it seems that the alternate and normal form are overlapping, I don't have time to figure why they aren't hiding like they should do normally...
The effects models (bagua, wings, etc.) aren't all perfect, I think it was a matter of tweaking the material and/or texture.
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@jaxter184: Go
Yes, but I will have to converted them into .dds
@jaxter184: Go
I will also need textures for that, not only the mdx
@jaxter184: Go
It depends, something isn't working right? I can still try to fix small stuff
@jaxter184: Go
hem ,are you sure you are not opening one of your map with the same name (Test)??? Because it works fine for me when I download it o.0'.
There is no unit placed in my map, only imported stuff.
Bump for update!
@jaxter184: Go
Works fine for me o.0'. Have you tried to close and reopen the editor? Anyway, check this map.
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@jaxter184: Go
move the m3 files and the assets folder somewhere, the assets folder must not be changed (it is extremely important).
Then, import, choose the place where you've put the files as the directory. Check the m3 files and the texture files that you want, be sure that the textures files are still in assets/textures.
@JackRCDF: Go
Oops I misread and thought he was using zbrush, my bad ;-p
@Mozared: Go
THAT is art!
@BallsButNoSack: Go
Ok thanks for sharing!
I was going to try to create a normal map to see if it could help the way the model reflects light. The mesh wasn't the problem, because I've created a simpler one by myself and the problem was still the same.
@BallsButNoSack: Go
I did it and it's working for me O.o, it's looking good for any point of of view, and I changed the lightning to try to make it bug, but it seems like it's good
Edit: Nevermind, it was working in the editor ,but in-game it doesn't work, I think I know why it doesn't work, maybe by playing with the specularity
Edit 2 : I've checked your mesh in-depth and the way it is constructed is irregular (by that I mean, it's unusual for a cubic shape like that to have been triangulated this way), that might explain the weird things happening with it. What I'm gonna do is try to create a clean mesh for you and see if that work, if yes the mesh was the problem, if not it's probably the textures.
@BallsButNoSack: Go
try to check the unfogged (and maybe 2-sided also) box for your main model material. Import it and tell me if it works
@BallsButNoSack: Go
can I take a look at your m3 file with texture? It would be easier to identify the problem.
Bump for update! Check the first post!