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    posted a message on All In One Cinder Fortress OMGBBQ (3v3 Melee)

    As the title says it, this mod allows you to build any unit you want. Its inspired by the fact that Zerg can mind control the opponent's harvestor and build the opponent's buildings that way. So this all in one allows all the players to do the same.

    The tech tree structure is basically the same, there isn't any huge changes to the build times and cost.


    Fundamentally I designed it so each race's base will have their uniqe attributes.

    All harvestors can build any of the three bases. Currently can't built other structures.

    Nexus - Chrono Boost

    Hatchery - Spawn Extra From Queen Larva and Build Queen

    Command Center - PF and Orbital

    All three types of bases will have creep and the basic amount of larva, so if people want to switch tech it is possible immediately or to increase harvestors quickly.


    Supply cost 50 instead of 100 (To allow tech switch faster)

    Bunkers accept biological units

    Can build on creep

    Mule shortcut key - R Canon shortcut key - V

    I am currently debating whether I should allow the harvestors to build all the tech buildings (i.e. probe builds barracks or spawning pool), because it seems easier for the users if they make too much harvestors that are not the same race. Some feedback will be great to see if this is a legitimate idea I should take a stab at.

    Thanks :)

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Publishing Settings

    Hi, I got a 3v3 SC2 game ready to publish. I tried publishing on to Battle.Net. However battle net treats it as a 1v1 map. I think it is because the Player proteries the team placement (advance) shows 1 vs 1 with players as 1 and enemy teams as 3, which makes not sense too because battlenet shows it as a 1v1


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Control Group Setting


    I encountered a problem that's been taking a while. I'm currently trying to merge some units capabilities into one For instance like stalkers and sentries, both stalkers sentries have blink and forcefields. If the player creates their own control group by default currently the sentries' command card is visible with the forcefield and blink. If used only the sentries blink and the stalkers stay at their positions

    I tried changing the AI - Tactical AI to the same unit, but there were no noticable change. Where should I look in the data editor to allow this user controlled merge?


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Remap unit keyboard shortcut key

    @shardfenix: Go

    Great thanks ^_^

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Remap unit keyboard shortcut key


    I am reaching the end of development of a custom melee game project, but encountered a problem.

    How do we change some of the unit's shortcut keys to another value. i.e. SCV - S key, change it to A instead

    Do we change that value in the data editor, if so where? I looked at the wiki here and noticed the UI - Hotkey part I tried changing the SCV UI hotkey it to marine (because its shortcut is A) but no avail.


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Creep Flag (To build on creep non-zerg buildings)

    @nevjmac: Go

    Appreciate the help, thank you very much

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Creep Flag (To build on creep non-zerg buildings)

    Judging from your point am configuring the right place then. I guess I just need some explanation between "Movement - pathing footprint - placement" and "Movement - pathing footprint"

    Is there a correlation between the two? Also what does contour does for the footprint?


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Creep Flag (To build on creep non-zerg buildings)

    @nevjmac: Go

    Just wondering, where is it located? I use the data editor (Data type) -> supply depot , then on the right searched placement

    I wasn't able to find it. I think I am looking at the wrong location ><


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Creep Flag (To build on creep non-zerg buildings)

    Thanks for the tip, I looked into a unit like supply depo, and only see in the following fields

    "Movement - pathing footprint" "Movement - pathing footprint - dead" "Movement - pathing footprint - placement"

    I tried poking around the placement and the first one but to no avail I can get it to build on creep only.

    I looked deeper in the forums but I don't know where to find the "Layers" that most people are talking about.

    Thanks for the pointers ^_^

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Creep Flag (To build on creep non-zerg buildings)

    Hi, Is there a special flag to allow any building to be built on creep? I found the on creep requirement, but setting it to 1 or 0 doesn't work

    I tried looking the unit that builds it (i.e. scv) to build a supply depo and checked the Info-Button-Requirement but there isn't a creep flag


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Adjust Building Requirements

    nvm, thanks for the help, I see what you guys mean by the ability. I thought it was under the unit's ability tab. It is labeled in Ability Commands - Build lol Thanks for the hints

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Adjust Building Requirements

    mm, I see that there is an requirements field in the command card when I click on the unit that builds it (i.e. probe) If I click on the twilight council the requirement field is none, but when I launch the game it still requires the default build order (cybernetics core). Is it because I loaded one of the default melee maps? Thanks,

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Adjust Building Requirements

    Hi, I've been trying to look for the building requirements in the map editor, but I can't seem to be able to find the location where you can change the requirements for a certain building. i.e. cybernetics core requires a gateway. Is it under a certain name or do we have to customize our own building? If so how do we approach this problem?

    Thanks jg262000

    Posted in: Data
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