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    posted a message on Continue moving after trigger-ability?

    Koala bumpin

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Continue moving after trigger-ability?

    Koala bump

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Continue moving after trigger-ability?

    I've created a combination of data and triggers.

    How it works.

    Events Unit - Any Unit is issued an order to (an ability that doesnt actually do anything, thats just there as a dummy.)

    Local Variables



    Unit - Change (Triggering unit) height to 1.0 over 2.0 seconds

    Trigger - Turn Highest Off

    Trigger - Turn Medium Off

    Trigger - Turn Lowest Off

    General - Wait 2.0 Game Time seconds

    Trigger - Turn Highest On

    Trigger - Turn Medium On

    Trigger - Turn Lowest On

    Basically I'm using the units buttons to trigger my triggers. I have no idea how to actually add a behavior to change unit height.

    My question is, when I click the button/hotkey the button on my unit, it stops the units movement. How do I either create an additional part of the trigger that makes it start moving again without stopping, or prevent the button from causing my unit to stop.

    I was hoping for a -repeat second to last issued order. action... but no luck

    P.S. I'm also hoping someone can tell me how to create a unit that automatically starts moving the direction it is created.


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Creating a non-homing missile

    koala bump

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Creating a non-homing missile

    The goal is to create a flying unit combat map.

    I've already designed a button-style unit height changing system.

    The goal is the fire missiles in straight lines from our flying units, attempting to hit other players.

    It should be noted, that the missiles cannot effect a unit at a different height than the missile.

    How do I create a skill-shot type missile that can only hit a unit at the same height as the missile, and also times out after a set duration.

    I'm completely lost when it comes to making missiles :( please halp!

    Posted in: Data
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