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    posted a message on Ability assistance: Calling down mercenaries with timed life.

    Hey guys,

    A project I am working on gives the player the opportuity to call down mercenaries using the Merc Compound. There are two main differences though.

    1. The mercenaries will have a set amount of time before tehy die. 2. They can be called down on any revealed terrain.

    I have managed to dupe the MULE calldown ability to this affect, however I would much rather implement this ability as part of a "train" ability.

    Anyone got any ideas? I could use the warpgate train method as a template, but I don't know how to cahnge the pylon requireemnts; and I could use teh train ability but am not sure how to change it to taget anywher eon the map.



    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Building speed.

    I apologise for bringing this old topic back to the front, but my query is closely related to this post.

    I was wondering if there is any way of affecting build speed of a structure as its being built? (i was thinknig of creating a sort of aura which increases build speed for enarby structures)

    Ideally id like to keep this within the data editor, but if it is only possible involving triggers then its better than not working at all.


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    posted a message on I want to, er, well, come and read xD

    @Lonami: Go

    Im no expert but im guessing you will want to take a good look at the infestor "terran "ability and adjusting its costs to include resources.

    and maybe to take a lookat bunkers and see how garrisoning works.

    All i can offer I am afraid.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Naming and working standards in the data editor.

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    Just had another thought. Removing abilities from the command card only: would this be bad standards? For all intents and purposes, taking them off the comamnd card works, but the data link is still there; what are the cons of this?


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    posted a message on Naming and working standards in the data editor.

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    Interesting answers! Myrk, that was my concern for asset duplication, so I guess that confirmation is what I was looking for!

    Does Blizzard ever use the suffix often? I haven’t seen any use of it (off the top of my head), and can think of some uses for it!

    Dr, you make abilities in the same way as me! seems to be the most logical with the way abilities are constructed! =p

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    posted a message on Naming and working standards in the data editor.

    Hey guys, I have been browsing this site for a while now as a resource for my map making, thumbs up all!

    I made this post because I have a question that I have yet to find an answer for. basicaly, do any of you guys have any particular standards you try to follow in your work, to make things easier for editing? For example, I give any new entries in the data editor for my map, a prefix donting it belonging to that map. Another thing I was debating was to create a clone of all exisiting assets that I want to utilise in my map, regardless of whether I change their stats or not (although I can't be sure if this is for the better or worse?)

    So yeah, any of you guys follow any standards to make the general creation process more organised and methodical?


    Posted in: Data
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