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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    PM me the instructions and I will get some non-ladder maps uploaded.

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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    I finally got HoTS, so I will update my maps with some help from Soul when I get a chance.

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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    @nolanstar: Go


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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    ShadowGuard can't launch nukes.

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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    I will propose a proper Umojan Marine concept.

    -Cost: 60 Minerals 1 supply

    -HP: 50/0 armor

    -Damage: 6/0.86 firerate(some type of energy rifle)

    -Upgrades: Rather than Stim, they gain Overcharge, which increases doubles fire-rate and increases damage by 2. Their suits take 10 damage due to system damage. It doesnt increase movement speed however.

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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    I imagined the Zerus Needler serving as a crappy spawned defense, seeing as how it cant turn.

    And I didnt mean produced from the starport, i meant requiring the starport to be built.

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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    Just a random idea, maybe give Slivan the ability to summon Zerus Needlers? Spawning them and choosing which direction they face?

    EDIT: Drop-Pods need a nerf for sure, it is too easy to rush to factory and drop 6 widow mines with 2 droppods. I propose that they require a tech-lab and a Starport

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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    Soul, I did some playing with some friends.

    It is seeming more and more unfair that the Terrans have Drop-Pods and the Protoss have the Replicant and Shuttle. The Zerg are starting to become underdogs here.

    The Replicant is fully capable of becoming workers, and has no range cap on it's scan ability. I used an Observer to spot a Drone, and got a drone, and began building a Zerg Base, which I could then choose units and faction for.

    So my friend ragequit because I was both Hybrid Adepts Protoss, and Primal Zerg. I won a battle with Reavers/Primal Ultras.

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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    Soul, it might just be me but, I believe I saw a player who chose Vultures, but using Hellbats aswell, later getting the upgrade and having Hellions aswell. I believe this should be addressed ASAP.

    Also, Warhound and Hellbat have the same hotkey.

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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    Well, seeing as how the Baneling's role is ambush, deathball clearing, and defense breaker...

    Maybe give the Ravasaur Burrow-charge, and an ability similar to the Noxious Ultra? or like the Castanaar Hybrid?

    I'm thinking of some sort of ability that applies knockback/stun + some damage as the Ravasaur bursts out of the ground.

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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    Wouldn't that role for the Ravasaur conflict with the Ultralisk?

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    posted a message on A-RPG CastleUlrezaj [Released]

    Is it just me, or are alot of the attacks from the bosses unavoidable?

    When I was up against the Elite Viking, once he broke all the platforms I couldn't dodge all his attacks.

    And it's impossible to avoid the energy beams while fighting Dustin Marauder

    Posted in: Map Review
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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    The Drop-Pods dont work quite right, if you select lets say, 4, and shift-click the deployment ability to 4 different areas, only one drop-pod will launch, and it will jump around to the 4 points until stopping at the last one.

    It's REALLY annoying when using more than one drop-pod.

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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    Hey, Soul, I played a match on Star Station with FreezingAcidrain, bug-wise, I found that the Hellion/Hellbat don't need their proper upgrade to transform.

    Balance-wise, the drop-pod is seeming less and less balanced, loading them with hellions, then transforming said hellions into hellbats seems very unbalanced, especially since due to the lack of requiring an armory to do the research. This is really damaging the balance and giving Terrans the ability to wreck bases with ease.

    The only thing holding them back is that the drop-pod is buggy when it comes to deploying.

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    posted a message on SC Expanded: melee mod

    Im impressed, there is round after round of SC Expanded: Big Game Hunters, been going on for about two hours now...

    It's not updated, please don't update it yet though..... I still want to be able to play SC Expanded q.q

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